
Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

author:Virgo old urchin


With Bronny joining the Lakers, James's businessman face has been completely exposed, and the essence of the NBA has become clearer, it is a business league in itself, and the partnership with the team and players is the best business, and the best business in this is James.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

In the 21st century, there are only a few people who have had the greatest impact on the NBA, and James has undoubtedly had the greatest impact on the NBA, with four championship rings and four MVP trophies in his hands, becoming the league's top man. But his greater impact on the NBA is to completely turn the NBA into a sophisticated business league.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

There are many kinds of fans, some people are very extreme, black and white, either stepping on or plucking, but more fans are rational, and the fan base of the stars can completely intersect, such as Messi and Ronaldo fans There is no need to be tense at all, because the two stars have achieved the ultimate, they are both benchmarks in the industry, impeccable. But it seems that James and Kobe Bryant fans can never coexist, and this is no accident, but inevitable.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

Now the two fan groups have reached the point where anyone who denigrates Kobe Bryant will inevitably be labeled "Jammy", and vice versa. And the overall trend has become that James fans are their own faction, and the rest of the fan base is fighting in its own right. Because James' existence is unique, there has never been a player in the top ten of NBA history who has won so many championships simply by holding together, so if there were two kinds of players in the past, that is, Jordan and other players, then it can be divided into three now, Jordan and other players, plus Jade.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

Even many rational fans find it difficult to like two people at the same time, because the difference between the two is too big, except for their outstanding ability, they are very different in other aspects. Of course, fans must have tendencies, which is understandable, so it doesn't matter who is good and who is bad, because James and Kobe Bryant are two sides of the same coin, and they will never intersect, and they will never be the same.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

They are the extremes of two different directions. If Kobe Bryant had a son, he would never have placed his son with the Lakers before he retired, which is completely inconsistent with his character. He would tell his son to play hard, train hard, and get into the NBA on his own, or else he would play in other leagues, in short, everything has to be fought by himself, and if he can succeed through the back door, then it is not worth showing off, but it is a shame.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

This is actually part of the Mamba spirit, he is cold and cold-blooded. Just like when O'Neal complained that Kobe Bryant didn't pass the ball, Kobe always gave O'Neal the same word "Work"! It is intended to be ironic that O'Neill did not work hard enough to treat the first person in the alliance at that time, let alone treat himself and others?

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

And James is just a different kind of person, and the only reason he stays with the Lakers is actually to pave the way for his son Bronny. It is understandable and great to devote all to the future development of his son, but everything must be done in moderation, and it is shameless to cross this red line. James' move is a serious violation of the sportsmanship of fair play and brings the NBA to another storm.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

It's not the first time James has done something similar, he has relied on the group to profit in the league many times, and finally made a lot of money, we recognize James's ability, and even believe that James's comprehensive strength is slightly stronger than Kobe, but with a series of despicable ways to win honors, Kobe Bryant will never be able to do it.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

That's exactly why a lot of Corney doesn't like James, and it explains why the two fan groups can't coexist. Kobe Bryant pays attention to stumbling to the end, hitting his teeth and swallowing it in his stomach, even if he is crushed to pieces, while James chooses to take shortcuts, the process is not important, the result is the most important, this is the attribute of a businessman.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

James is said to have told all teams before the 2024 draft that if anyone drafts Bronny in the 55th round, he will take his son to the Australian league, and this kind of back-box operation has turned into a blatant manipulation of the league. Of course, as netizens said, no one from other teams is interested in Bronny, because his ability is simply not enough to enter the NBA, and he has a history of heart disease. But brownie's commercial value may be limitless, after all, people have a good father.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

In the words of Gao Xiumin in the sketch "New Year's Greetings": "You said that you have been the head of the township for so many years, and you will understand the arrangement of your brother-in-law before you get off the stage!" This was confirmed in 1998 by James 26 years later. In order to arrange his son to work under his own hands, James did everything he could, and even gave up face, perhaps, he never cared about face, otherwise he would not have done so many shameful things, after all, he is a businessman, and he can't do things with face these days.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

We have said that there are a lot of shrewd businessmen, you scold him and he doesn't care, but if you give him a penny less, he will definitely turn his face, this is the nature of a businessman, and it is also the essence of James. James is willing to cut his salary by tens of millions of dollars in order to let Bronny join the Lakers, which ostensibly reflects his father's love, but is actually brewing a bigger chess game. From a businessman's point of view, James is an absolute genius, but from a player's point of view, aside from ability and only talking about professionalism, James is really speechless.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

We like Kobe Bryant because he's a player in the purest form of everything, and he's going to focus on basketball and not make it so utilitarian. Some people say that Kobe Bryant is as stubborn as Jordan, and Jordan will have the upper hand in all areas, even if it is an area that he is not good at, he must be better than others. And Kobe Bryant only competes with others in basketball, and is indifferent in other aspects.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

And James never competes with others, he will hold a group if he can't fight, the means are not important, the result is the most important. He knows how to run a team, and if he retires, he is unlikely to be a good coach, but he will definitely become a good manager. And Kobe Bryant chose to train more teenagers to play basketball after retiring, and he is willing to pass on his experience, just like Jordan did to him back then. Olajuwon teaches that there is a high tuition fee for playing, and the Mamba disciples don't have to spend a penny, this is the pattern.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

Kobe Bryant is a pure basketball player, while James is half player, half businessman. The difference in attributes leads to the two people's choices on the field to go to two extremes. Kobe Bryant is notoriously disliked to pass, he is the player who likes to make a reluctant shot the most, those who like him think he has a tough style and is good at tackling tough problems, and those who don't like him think he is completely wasting opportunities and has no team spirit.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

And James is known for his love of passing, maybe he grew up playing like that. So the players who work with James are better pitchers and blue-collar workers, because James will pass the ball to everyone when he has played enough. Kobe Bryant needs teammates who are good at all kinds of skills, because Kobe is not a team organizer, and he will not get tired of playing with the ball and then pass it. Therefore, Gasol, who has been by Kobe's side for many years, has gained too much, and has directly changed from a second-rate NBA star to a Hall of Fame player. Even though Gasol is already the No. 1 player in Europe, he has learned a lot from the world's No. 1 player, Kobe.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

Kobe Bryant is the type of guy who can't score and he has to step up. It is said that Kobe Bryant doesn't pass the ball, but if you take a closer look at what kind of players the Lakers were in those years, you can understand it, of course, the trolls don't watch the ball at all. And James, despite his outstanding ability, likes to pass the ball out at critical moments, which is unacceptable to the older generation of fans. In the final analysis, the star still depends on the ability, otherwise it is called a blue-collar worker, what kind of star does the blue-collar talk about?

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

Basketball is still the most difficult to score at the end, and passing is far easier than scoring. Scoring requires throwing the ball into the basket under the opponent's bag, and the slightest mistake will not be missed, while passing often does not need to be so precise, and teammates can fine-tune according to the position of the incoming ball, these two skills are not at the same level of difficulty and importance at all.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

Although they are both all-time stars, Kobe Bryant and James have completely different ways of winning. Kobe Bryant is the closest person to Jordan because the two have so many similarities. Of course, the older generation of stars is often the character of Kobe and Jordan, just like Reggie Miller, he also dared to show his sword when facing Jordan and complete the stunner. Iverson also teased Jordan to complete the shot when he was a fledgling, O'Neal also blew up the Bulls during the Magic playoffs, and the Utah twins were never afraid of Jordan.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

Kobe Bryant once said that he liked old-fashioned basketball, the kind of tough basketball, rather than soft-egg basketball that shouts fouls at the slightest touch. And now young people are playing this kind of soft egg basketball. And although James is not a soft egg, his huddle behavior has exposed the weakness of his heart. If the first huddle was a desire for a championship, the second time was to help his hometown win a championship, then the third time there is no room for whitewashing, and since then, all our doubts about James have been proven.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

That's right, James is such a person, and we're not denigrating him. When seeing the James 1.0 period, many netizens said that "James in this period is still a good person", in fact, the eyes of fans are bright, everyone did not hate James from the beginning, but looked at what he did. People recognized his ability, and thought that he should have struggled for 7 years to win the championship like Jordan, but James chose to huddle after also experiencing the "seven-year itch".

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

Therefore, no matter how many accolades James wins, he can't compare to Jordan, and in that sense, he can't compare to Kobe, Duncan, O'Neal, or even Nowitzki and Iverson. People are surprised that James was born poor, why there is such a pattern, in fact, it is because he is poor and afraid that he desperately runs his own business territory after entering the league.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

And people who like James often don't care so much, and we can't say that there is anything wrong, after all, everyone has their own aspirations, and everyone has values that cannot be passed. Some people think that the process is not important, the result is the most important, no matter who is hurt, it does not matter whether it is questioned or not, the important thing is to get the result you want. Kobe Bryant and James are completely opposite in terms of the way they play and run the team, and the two extreme personalities are reflected in all aspects.

Kobe Bryant and James, heads and tails of the same coin

If the two played games together when they were children, then Kobe Bryant must be the one who broke through "Contra" with one life, even if he experienced many failures, he would never tire of trying. And James must be a person who comes to "up and down, left and right, left and right", and directly chooses 30 lives to pile up and clear the level, because he only cares about the result. Then the fans of the two will naturally take their seats.