
In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!

author:The Premier League and the Bundesliga are crazy

In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!

In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!
In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!
In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!
In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!
In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!
In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!

In the second game of the knockout round, Germany defeated Denmark without danger.

After the game, Toni Rudiger was voted Man of the Match.

In the whole game, Rudiger made 9 long passes, 1 key pass, 2 interceptions, 4 clearances, 2 tackles, 2 duels, and all 2 duels, with a pass completion rate of 87.3%.

In the 22nd minute of the game, Denmark made a long pass, and Eriksen's shot was blocked by Rudiger after stopping the ball!

The commentators exclaimed, this is a world-class stop and a world-class block in the European Cup!

Rudiger has just returned from injury, and the full-body shirt has become a muddy version of the field, and the shirt does not need to be cleaned, and it will be hung up for auction online.

Germany must mobilize the whole country to treat Rudiger's injuries quickly, this is an indispensable spiritual leader, able to fight, and most importantly, a self-congratulatory celebration after a successful defence! This can bring infinite mental encouragement and morale boost to your teammates!

Anger can be blown up but not vented!

The German team must maintain this mental attribute that must be possessed in order to win the trophy in the competition!

There is no shortage of other favorable time, place and people, and those techniques and tactics are also secondary in the face of spiritual attributes.

Especially when Nordic Denmark began to fight with bayonets, the Germans also withstood the blow of the new army!

Strike resistance, this is another indispensable mental attribute!

When the opponent is pressing high with all his might, you can still defend with aerobic and celebrate after a successful defense, which is a double blow! Not only did they waste their attacking opportunities, but they were also crushed in temperament!

Rudiger no longer raises his legs high to celebrate, but it is always not an exaggeration to raise his arms and roar, and his team-mates like this temperament, which is similar to the temperament that Erwa Muller brought to the German team.

Other German players need to work hard to learn and cultivate such mental attributes, to be able to run around the field, and even more to be able to roar and celebrate all over the field!

Temperament, temperament, temperament! Playing football is mainly about temperament!

When the sky above the field is full of cheers, it will feel like the joy of playing football today is doubled!

On the field, you can also find the joy of sports, not only to celebrate the goal, but also to raise your arms and shout to celebrate after successful defense!

Anger can be blown up but not vented! Much of the Art of War talks about this key element.

Morale is an important factor in victory, and military strategists of all dynasties have incisively discussed this, and countless ancient and modern war examples have proved this.

Regarding "morale", "Sun Tzu" has a famous theory of "three qis": "The three armies can win the spirit, and the general can win the heart, so the vigor is sharp, the day is lazy, and the twilight returns; Therefore, those who make good use of soldiers, avoid their sharp energy, and attack their laziness, and those who control their qi are also. "The morale of the three armies is low, and the army is vulnerable; The generals have no master, and the team is chaotic and scattered. Therefore, it is necessary to dampen the enemy's fighting spirit and shake the enemy's confidence in victory. At the beginning of the first battle, the morale will be unstoppable, and after a long time, the morale will be slack and lazy, and in the later stage, the morale will be exhausted and homesick. Therefore, being good at using the generals of the army, avoiding the enemy when the fighting spirit is high, and launching an attack when the enemy is slacking off and thinking of returning, is called controlling the morale of the army.

"Vigorous" is a metaphor for the momentum in the morning, high-spirited; "Daytime" is a metaphor for the momentum around noon, slackness; "Twilight" is a metaphor for the momentum of dusk, thinking of returning. Momentum is very important, morale is divided into vigor, day, and twilight, and it is at different stages, and its combat effectiveness is very different. To lead troops to fight, it is necessary to launch an attack when the morale is at its best, and to retreat when the momentum is greatly reduced. "Cao Di's Polemics" said: "Husband war, courage also, one blow, then decline, three and exhaustion." "One, again, and three" correspond to the "morning, day, and twilight" of "The Art of War". Note that "morning, day, and dusk" are not necessarily early, noon, or evening in the concept of time; After the "three drums", the enemy will not necessarily be exhausted. Therefore, it is necessary to pay close attention to the actual situation of the enemy.

form, that is, a big stone; potential, that is, to carry a stone to the top of a mountain; Victory, when the enemy walks past the foot of the mountain, pushes the stone down and hits it. "Morale" is like that stone, placed on the top of a mountain, the potential energy is the greatest and the most lethal; Roll to the mountainside, the potential energy is halved, and the lethality is halved; Stopped at the bottom of the mountain, the potential energy is zero, and there is no lethality.

Life is the same, young people are vibrant, middle-aged people are rich, and old age is dull.

Li Jing of the Tang Dynasty had a wonderful exposition on "morale": "The attacker not only attacks its city and its formation, but also has the skill to attack its heart; The defenders will not only finish their walls and strengthen their positions, but will also guard their own spirit and wait for them. "Attacking is not only attacking the enemy's castle and breaking the enemy's position, but also psychological tactics and attacking the heart; Defense, not only the city walls are complete and the position is strong, but also the morale must be high and ready for battle. "Those who attack their hearts, the so-called ones who know the other; Those who guard my anger are also the so-called confidants. "To attack the enemy psychologically, you must know the enemy; To maintain the morale of the team, you must know yourself. He also put forward three potentials: "momentum, topography, and cause", momentum, which is related to morale; topography, which is related to geography; Due to the situation, it is related to the environment.

"Wei Xuanzi" said: "The people who will fight are also the people; The reason why the people are fighting is that they are angry. If you are angry, you will fight, and if you are angry, you will leave. "Generals rely on soldiers for war; Soldiers fight on morale. If the morale is full, you will fight, and if the morale is lost, you will flee. "He who makes good use of soldiers can take people and not others." A general who is good at using soldiers can win the morale of the enemy without being demoralized.

Throughout ancient and modern wars, "morale" is very important. Maintaining the morale of our troops and striking at the enemy's morale is the key to victory.

In 269 BC, under the command of the general Zhao Hao, the state of Zhao defeated the state of Qin and won the battle of Yanhe, annihilating 80,000 Qin troops and killing the main general Hu Sheng. At that time, the military strength of Zhao was comparable to that of Qin, and the abilities of King Zhao Xiaocheng and King Zhaoxiang of Qin were comparable. Seven years later, in the Battle of Changping, Zhao was under the command of Zhao Hao's son, the general Zhao Kuo, but suffered a miserable defeat and almost completely wiped out its army. The success or failure of Zhao Guo depends on their father and son, which makes people feel emotional.

There were many reasons for the defeat of Zhao: command errors, insufficient troops, etc. But the most important thing is a decline in morale. Three years of stalemate, food and grass are not supported, affecting morale. Without the support of other countries, he could not recover the lost territory for a long time, and he could not drive the Qin army out of the country, so that the king of Zhao became impatient, and after three years of no fighting, the Zhao army began to slacken. Although the Qin army faced difficulties in expedition and transportation, because of the possession of the Bashu granary, the logistics were supported, and the morale could be superior, and it could "attack the enemy's laziness with its own sharpness". Zhao Guo changed generals in battle, removed Lian Po, and replaced Zhao Kuo, the morale of the Zhao army was not high, and as soon as the veteran left, the morale was even lower. As soon as Zhao Kuo went up, he violated the precept of "Sun Tzu" "bait soldiers do not eat", led the army to attack, and directly fell into the encirclement set by the general Bai Qi of Qin, forty-six days, the ammunition was exhausted, Zhao Kuo was killed, and his morale declined to the extreme, how could he not be defeated? can only surrender and be killed in the pit in the end. In the whole battle, Zhao lost 450,000 troops.

However, three years later, in the Battle of Handan, the elite troops were lost, and the Zhao State, which was almost destroyed, defeated the menacing Qin army, in addition to the successful union of the Zhao State and the Wei State, there was another important reason: Bai Qi killed more than 200,000 officers and soldiers who surrendered in the Battle of Changping, and the whole country of Zhao was sad and indignant, and the morale reached its peak. The Qin army suffered 200,000 casualties and returned most of the occupied territory east of Hangu Pass. The victory of the Battle of Handan, the morale of Zhao played a fundamental role.

The state of Chu has experienced several "deaths" and "restorations" in eight hundred years, also because of morale. As long as the morale of the people remains, the will and action to resist will remain. At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, King Wu Lu broke through the capital of Chu, the general of Chu Shen Yinxu resisted desperately, martyred himself, Shen Baoxu cried Qin Ting, borrowed Qin soldiers, Wu Zixu whipped the corpse to arouse public anger, and Chu finally restored the country. The Qin State flooded Yan and Ying, slaughtering hundreds of thousands of Chu soldiers and civilians. "Although Chu has three households, the death of Qin will be Chu." aroused the fighting spirit of the people of Chu State, and finally Xiang Liang responded to the uprising of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang and recovered the Chu State.

Fans say that we have heard too much of these chicken soups, and it is not new, so let's have some technical comments and discard.

Today's world-class stop of Eriksen has given the Germans too much inspiration, Raum's cross can not only create penalties, but also create more offensive outflanking points before and after, although the Germans have not yet regained the shadow of the strongest era, but now the left and right diagonal diagonal slash transfer is also showing signs in the knockout round.

A thunderstorm and hail made the Germans who were handy toddlers playing ground control instantly remember that we were originally in the style of holding high and fighting. The ground was slippery, but it gave the Germans objective conditions to return to their traditions.

Let the two wingbacks cross wildly, the air superiority is vividly reflected, even the Danes are not afraid of the Germans' tallness, and still smash into the Germans' penalty area to create chaos!

The Germans have not created enough chaos for others! The intensity is not strong enough!

All generations of German goalkeepers have had classic cases of assists! A long pass finds its own striker, then quickly unloads the ball and shoots to score!

Just like Eriksen's stop-and-shoot today, as long as your teammates dare to pass the ball, don't be afraid to unload! It's your business to get it in place! Others can't unload it, that's his business! If you have gains and losses, you can't pass well, and you don't have such a performance opportunity to unload the ball.

Although the goal was not scored, world-class stoppage and world-class defense have been written into the textbook.

The Germans are engaged in airplanes, which is the normal way to play football! Brother Rough, Peasant League, England Fifty Steps and Laughing Hundred Steps!

It's the same rough brother (in the same room), why the hurry! Hahaha, the homophonic stalk that pressed the rhyme was scolded to the ceiling.

At present, England and Germany have entered the final, which is favored by the market, and has always been favored, Spain, Portugal, and France all want to stop Germany, and England has Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Austria, which is more important?

Honestly admitting that he is a rough brother, Havertz used a stop-and-go way to play two Danes who were defending behind closed doors!

Musiala also likes to show off his dribbling style, and it's okay to do more in the penalty area, and usually pass the ball more.

There will always be a few people in a team who like to show off their fists and legs, which is difficult to complete.

A long pass from Kroos can bring Musiala a goal assist, which is a real superstar.

Kroos was also turned on his back, and the assist in a hurry was also a painful lesson to the Danes, don't go to Teacher Akuan, which will provoke Teacher Tony to make a trick.

Rudiger may be bent on scoring a header for a corner kick opportunity, or Kroos has taken him to practice, in key games, it is often the header opportunity created by set-pieces to win, Carvajal has given Rudiger too many demonstrations, Rudiger has long been suffocated!

In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!
In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!
In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!
In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!
In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!
In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!
In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!
In the knockout round of the European Cup, Germany's Rudiger had the best turn! Definitely a reward for the captain's armband!

The captain's armband, which can be considered as a reward for Rudiger, should be given the opportunity to wear the captain's armband even if it is fourth after Gundogan, Kimmich and Muller.

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