
Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

author:Virgo old urchin


With the advent of the short video era, basketball communication has also entered another era. In the past, we could only see official games, but now we can see a lot of non-professional games, even the fun game in the community yard, and many people have started to teach basketball. These contents are beneficial to basketball, and with the advent of the small ball era and the double blessing of the short video era, "walking" has actually become the mainstream of contemporary basketball.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

When we were children, the definition of walking was very simple, the ball holder dribbled and caught the basketball, and then continued to dribble to be considered walking, of course, at that time it was called "second", or two dribbles, but in the basketball rules are actually called walking. To put it simply, you can't shoot again after you finish shooting.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

There are also clear regulations on the footsteps after the ball is combined, because the basketball allows one foot to move, but the other foot must not leave the ground, can rotate 360 degrees, this foot is called the "pivot foot", the pivot foot can not be moved and lifted horizontally, otherwise it is walking.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

The exception to this is the three-step basket, which felt like walking when I was a kid, but since the rules allow it, it's legal. But the so-called three-step basket is actually a "two-step basket", that is, you can only take two steps after combining the ball, and you must dispose of the ball before the third step, either shooting, or passing, otherwise it is walking.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

That's all our generation knows about basketball, the rules are simple, but rigorous enough. But nowadays children don't seem to know how to play without walking, all kinds of fancy steps are dazzling, children don't seem to study how to play well, specializing in exploiting loopholes, which has to be said to be a kind of regression in basketball.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

When we were children, there was not much controversy about the blowing penalty for walking, because the three-step basket was only allowed to take two steps, and only one foot could be moved after the ball was closed, and the rest were counted as walking, unless some people did not have solid feet and the central axis foot moved, otherwise few people would walk, unless he could not play.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

As a result, such a common-sense problem has become a universal problem in contemporary times, so we have to talk about it. First of all, the post-80s and even earlier friends are very strict about the rules of walking, if walking is not illegal, then everyone can run with a basketball, what kind of basketball do you play?

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

Our basketball style of play is polished under the rule that it is strictly forbidden to walk, so it is difficult to see middle-aged people playing with steps, because there are not so many flamboyant steps since childhood, and the rules are simple and clear. Unless there are some middle-aged people who move their pivot feet back and forth, this is a minority, and they are also people who can't play.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

For this reason, very few middle-aged people use the step back, because it would have been considered a step in our time, and of course, in that era it would have been a step. The change in the rules of basketball has made the understanding of basketball completely different for two generations, and now is the era of encouraging offense, so the new "012 rule" has been introduced, which clearly stipulates that the step of moving before the ball is not the first step, it is counted as the zero step, so it is also disguised to allow players to take one more step, or even more.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

Some people say that the "012 rule" existed as early as 1984, but from the history of the NBA and FIBA, no players at that time used this step at all, and the first to use the step back was NBA star James Harden. Harden's step-back is perfect, but no matter how you look at it, it's a step, and in the NBA before Harden, it's rare to see anyone using the step-back technique, is it that these players don't know?

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

In fact, Kobe Bryant also often uses step-backs, and he retired as early as 2014, so the step-back technique has always existed, but a closer look shows that the step-back steps of the older generation of players such as Kobe Bryant are completely different from the modern step-backs of Harden and others. The old generation of step back is actually a step back when the ball is closed, and there is no "zero step" at all, while the new generation step back is to take the previous first step as the "zero step", so you can continue to take two more steps.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

Kobe Bryant is a master of basketball skills, and the tricks he doesn't use are likely to be illegal, or not used at all. But obviously the step-back step is a very practical step technique, so it is entirely possible to speculate that there was no "012" at all in the step-back step before Harden, and before this rule, the step-back step of Harden and others was actually a step.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

Of course, basketball has entered the era of small ball, and the range is getting farther and farther, so the more and more steps are used, and traditional basketball emphasizes the closer to the basket, the better, so most players tend to prefer to get close to the basket rather than away from the basket. Of course, this is part of the reason, but even the older generation of NBA players has never lacked range, not to mention that for them, a vacant position outside the three-point line counts as an opportunity, so the reason why the older generation of players don't have to step back is not because they don't have enough range, but simply because they walk.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

Since FIBA allows "012", then let's just think that players can call "stealing a step", but even so, many of Harden's steps are still walking, because he steals a lot of steps, and Curry, the all-time leading three-point shooter, also likes to use step-back steps, because he has a longer range and a higher shooting percentage, but Curry also walks a lot, which seems to have become a common problem for NBA players.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

The so-called "move your feet before closing the ball" has become the biggest point of controversy, as dribbles tend to use pocket dribbling and stay the basketball in the air for longer, giving them more time to move. Therefore, some people say that as long as you don't fit the ball, you can take as many steps as you want, which is completely nonsense. If you can't go casually with the ball, then people with a good sense of the ball can completely realize the "Dragon Babu", so the final point of controversy is not how many steps you can take, but what exactly is "the ball"?

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

Traditionally, the ball is held with both hands, or the ball is held with one hand, or the wrist is turned, which is called a ball. The rules of the ball combination means that as long as the control of the ball is completed, it is considered to be the ball, that is to say, even if the ball has been levitating, in fact, it has quickly become a ball after the action, and it is not that the ball is not considered to be a ball if it is not completely controlled. Therefore, the real combination can only steal one step, which is the so-called zero step, and other than that, it is considered a step.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

Of course, today's people have studied the "double retreat", and some people think that this is a strengthened version of the step, but it is not. In fact, there is a double step back technique, but instead of completing a few foot movements before closing the ball, it is not to touch the basketball with the hand after the ball, and the foot takes two steps backward first, because it does not touch the basketball at all, so it is okay to take 10,000 steps. Then take two steps and then touch the ball, which is the so-called "before closing the ball", and then complete a "012" action, which is the "double retreat", which is completely in line with the current rules, in other words, it is okay to have a "three retreat step" without touching the ball, but the legs and feet cannot reach this speed.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

A "012" makes the rules of basketball completely confusing, and many children will not know the basic pocket dribble and suspension dribble at all, and will only hold the ball awkwardly to achieve "012", which is pure walking. The retreat seems simple, but it actually requires a certain amount of energy investment, otherwise the body will be seriously uncoordinated and will not be able to do it at all.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

And whether to walk or not, in the end, it depends on the coherent action and visual senses, and some short videos often play slow motion to let netizens judge whether to walk, which is a very ignorant behavior. Whether you walk or not is a coherent action, not a slow motion, and the referee will not judge whether to walk or not through slow-motion replay. To put it bluntly, some actions are in line with "012" several times, but if they are too far-fetched, they will be blown away, and some even if they walk, they may escape because the movements are too silky.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

The biggest mistake is the catch-ball "012", the receiver can take two steps to go to the basket after receiving the basketball, which is a standard catch-and-shoot three-step basket. But someone will take three steps directly after receiving the ball, which is called "012", which is very ridiculous. The "012" rule only applies to dribbling, not to receiving the ball and attacking directly, if you don't dribble after receiving the ball and take three steps directly, it is a walk. To put it simply, the premise of "012" must be to dribble, and there is no "012" without dribbling.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

Not only teenagers, but even many Internet celebrity basketball players often take various steps, although their movements are very cool, but if you take it apart carefully, it is all walking. Walking is a serious intolerable violation, because it seriously affects the judgment of the defender, normally the three-step basket must be shot when it reaches the third step, but the attacker takes another step, which makes the player who has already jumped and is ready to block directly into the air, which is pure cheating.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

Therefore, half of the so-called "012" steps taught online are walking, but teenagers do not have a deep understanding of basketball, and they still use it as a "martial arts cheats" to learn. Aside from the 012 rule of walking, there are also a lot of steps to move the pivot foot. Many people do not blatantly move the pivot foot, but take a quick step after the three threats, which is not a solid foundation for young people who are not solid at the moment, and have become a trend of walking, but for those who have played for many years, they can see the steps at a glance.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

Or the problem of the pivot foot, if the left foot is the pivot foot, then you can't move the left foot before putting the ball, otherwise it is walking, the correct way is to release the ball with the right foot off the ground, and then move the pivot foot, and many people are directly moving the pivot foot first, which is called walking.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

Sadly, half of the basketball videos on the Internet are all walking, and they still think they are handsome, which is actually illegal profit. And the star in the NBA who is questioned about walking a lot is Kobe Bryant, because he has too many hard shots with the ball, which will cause his feet to shift sometimes. But it must be James who uses his steps to the extreme, because other players will not be questioned when they play, and James' walking is commonplace, and no one is surprised.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

James has walked so many times that he can produce all kinds of walking highlights, and it is not Kobe's unclear steps, it is completely clear that he takes one more step to three steps. Therefore, it can also be seen that today's NBA can sacrifice everything for the sake of spectacle, including rules and beliefs. As we all know, James's technique is not top-notch, but his body is definitely the peak, so if the walking rules are not strict, the beneficiary must be James. Imagine this group of NBA players playing football together, everyone running with the ball, who can beat James?

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

Of course, I have to say a word for James, sometimes there is a reason why James's walk is not blown off, because many times it is a fast break opportunity that is empty in front of him, so whether James walks or not, this ball is a fast break opportunity, this kind of ball is often the referee will open the net, after all, it is a must-score. Of course, if strictly speaking, a step is a step, and a penalty must be blown.

Let's talk more about walking violations on the basketball court

But James doesn't walk or eat, he has extraordinary physical fitness and quasi-first-class skills, and our teenagers don't seem to know anything but opportunism. Contemporary teenagers play ball with three treasures - wave throwing, not passing, and running with the ball. So even though our mass basketball foundation seems to be very good, few kids can actually play basketball, so our basketball is a false prosperity, everyone is just playing around, that's all.

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