
【Red Scarf Preaching】Youth is strong, China is strong

author:The style of western Anhui

——The Experimental School of Maotanchang Middle School in Lu'an City carried out the red scarf propaganda activity of "striving to be a good team member in the new era".

This year marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. In order to conscientiously implement the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Strengthening the Work of the Young Pioneers in the New Era", implement the requirements of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League on carrying out the theme education of "learning the history of the Party, strengthening beliefs, and following the Party" among young people, encourage and lead the majority of Young Pioneers to love the motherland, the people, and the Communist Party of China, and aspire to "be pioneers from elementary school and grow up to be pioneers". The Young Workers Committee of the Experimental School of Maotanchang Middle School in Lu'an City held a red scarf propaganda activity of "Youth is strong, China is strong - striving to be a good team member in the new era".


The preaching team preached

【Red Scarf Preaching】Youth is strong, China is strong

Watch the famous teacher's lecture carefully

Through interactive learning, they had an in-depth understanding of the "six knowledges" of the Young Pioneers: history, nature, tasks, team flags, team emblems, team songs, and how to standardize the salute, and led the team members to review the eventful years experienced by the Communist Party of China. This journey not only allowed the children to encounter the history of the Young Pioneers, but also deepened their love for the country and the people in their hearts. The students listened attentively and felt very proud to be a Chinese son!

【Red Scarf Preaching】Youth is strong, China is strong
【Red Scarf Preaching】Youth is strong, China is strong
【Red Scarf Preaching】Youth is strong, China is strong
【Red Scarf Preaching】Youth is strong, China is strong
【Red Scarf Preaching】Youth is strong, China is strong
【Red Scarf Preaching】Youth is strong, China is strong

This propaganda activity strengthened the political enlightenment and value shaping of children and teenagers, so that the team members can understand, remember, and learn, enhance the sense of responsibility and mission of the young pioneers, and strive to grow into socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty, and labor and make unremitting efforts!


Please rest assured that the party will strengthen the country with me

When the youth is strong, the country is strong

Contemporary teenagers are born at the right time

Let's hear what they have to say

Six (1) Squadron Deng Yihang: I am a Chinese and a Young Pioneer. I am very proud and proud, I am proud that I have such a strong motherland, and I am proud that I can contribute to the Communist Party of China when I grow up. I love my motherland and the Communist Party of China!" Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the sons and daughters of China drove out the Japanese invaders, overthrew the three mountains that pressed on the people of Chinese, established New China, and opened a new era in Chinese history. Great and lovely motherland! Do you know how many Chinese sons and daughters have been touched by your founding? In 1949, when the founding of New China was announced, how many people were shocked! In the future, I will use my achievements to repay the motherland for cultivating me! A generation has a generation's mission, a generation has a generation's responsibility, the youth of struggle is the most beautiful, and the life of struggle is the most glorious. Please rest assured that the party has me!

Six (1) Squadron Zhang Yiming: Liang Qichao's "Juvenile China Says" wrote: "The wisdom of the youth is the wisdom of the country, the wealth of the youth is the wealth of the country, the strength of the youth is the strength of the country, the independence of the youth is the independence of the country, the freedom of the youth is the freedom of the country, the progress of the youth is the progress of the country, the youth is better than Europe, the country is better than Europe, and the youth is stronger than the earth." This passage was deeply imprinted in my mind. Liang Qichao said very well, the future of the country depends on the younger generation, and young people will always be the sunniest and bravest. This is just as Mr. Lu Xun said: "Young people should be energetic and dare to act." "Our motherland is becoming more and more prosperous, and patriotism should become the strong voice of this era! Let's do it! For the honor of the motherland, for the strength of the motherland, for the heavy responsibility on our shoulders, and for the take-off of the Chinese nation, let us study hard, work hard, and find a sky of our own.

Six (2) Squadron Pan Jiajia: Everything is difficult at the beginning, just like hesitating to challenge, take the first step of your patriotism. As a Chinese teenager and a member of the Young Pioneers, we should study hard and make progress every day, which belongs to our patriotism. The video tells us classic inspirational stories for many years. What we need to do now is to study hard and make progress every day. Contribute our strength to the development of the motherland in the future.

Six (2) Squadron Zhang Kaiqi: If you want to ask, what can I do for the motherland from now on? The answer is simple: start with me, start with small things, start with what you should do. Is it that simple? Yes, it's as simple as that. Our generation of young people is happy, the times are developing, the motherland is prosperous, the nation is prosperous, and the Communist Party is strong. Liang Qichao's words "A strong youth is a strong country" Liang Qichao's words have clarified our life mission and established a correct outlook on life and values. To this end, we must start from ordinary small things and put the ideal of rejuvenating China into concrete actions every day!

Six (3) Squadron Wang Bangjuan: There is an ancient country in the east of the world, she is beautiful and broad; In the east of the world there is a great people, she is industrious and strong. The surging Yellow River is her bloodline, the majestic Mount Tai is her backbone, and she is my motherland - China. I love my motherland, because it has a glorious history of 5,000 years, because it has countless Chinese talents, because it has more than 9.6 million square kilometers of fertile soil, because it contains a lot of mineral treasures, for thousands of years my motherland has been weathered, through wind and rain, she is no longer a weak country to be slaughtered, and today's China has created achievements that have impressed the whole world.

Six (3) Squadron Pan Tong: Now, the burden of the new era has fallen on us, and are we still discouraged by unsatisfactory exams? Giving up easily for the sake of a little difficulty? What the motherland needs is a group of young people full of innovation and vitality, not decadents who only feel sorry for themselves. We stand on the edge of the waves, we will hold up the blood of the country, endlessly, and this road will be passed down from generation to generation, and the red flag will fly. Live up to the prosperity, live up to yourself, a hundred years of China, please rest assured that the motherland has me. May the youth of our generation protect the prosperous China!

Text: Zhang Yin

Photo: Zhou Changjuan

Re-examination: But Qiaoling

Lifetime: Zhang Yi

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