
The experience value is full! The "My Daily I Customize" event was held

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The experience value is full! The "My Daily I Customize" event was held

Within an hour, I felt the mystery of two of the four ancient inventions in the mainland, and made a "customized version" of my own "Zhengzhou Daily" - on June 29, the "My Daily I Customize" event jointly organized by Zhengzhou Daily and Zhengzhou Science and Technology Museum was held in Zhengzhou Science and Technology Museum. The event is one of the series of activities for the establishment of Zhengzhou Daily and the 75th anniversary of the founding of Zhengzhou Daily.

On this day, we traveled through the millennium together, met with ancient wisdom, and experienced the birth of paper, the charm of movable type printing, and the joy of newspaper typesetting at the experiential scene (pictured......

The experience value is full! The "My Daily I Customize" event was held

The ink rhyme is ever-changing, and the paper has a thousand years of life

"From tortoise shells to bamboo slips to the emergence of paper, the carrier of recorded words has been constantly upgraded and evolved, which is a gift from nature and a value symbol of human wisdom." Yesterday, Shui Shui, a science teacher at the Science and Technology Museum, was leading the children to understand the "past and present life" of paper. The children have a strong interest in the ancient method of papermaking, and can't wait to experience it and witness the birth process of a piece of paper.

Then, Mr. Shui Shui led everyone to feel the unique charm of this invention on the spot, and everyone became "papermakers". Making the screen frame, mixing the pulp, filtering the fibers, drying the paper...... Through these steps, the cellulose in each person's pulp will gradually come together to form a tough and beautiful piece of paper.

They use tools and water to stir to make the pulp thick and soft. "Mom, look, they're so beautiful in the water." Watching the delicate fibers in the water intertwine with each other as they stir, the children couldn't help but marvel at the magic of papermaking. Finally, the children carefully selected petals and leaves of various colors and laid them on the paper to create beautiful and unique flower and grass paper.

"I am the Flower Fairy, this is my Hundred Flowers Kingdom." 10-year-old Xue Bowen looked at the paper he made with his own hands, surprised and delighted.

The experience value is full! The "My Daily I Customize" event was held

Between square inches, the ancient and the modern are imprinted

"Printing books, the Tang people have not yet flourished. Since King Feng Ying first printed the Five Classics, the later classics are all plates. In the celebration calendar, there is cloth cloth Bi Sheng, and for the trapboard ......" Mr. Shui Shui told the students about the origin and evolution of movable type printing, so that the students understand that the emergence of words is the premise of the development of printing, engraving, screen printing, etc. are still in use today, and at the same time tell everyone that printing, as one of the "four great inventions" in ancient China, is the pride of the Chinese nation and has contributed to the development of world civilization.

After understanding the historical background, it is time for the hands-on part. "With paper paste, each rhyme is a post, and the wooden grid is stored." First, we find a wooden block engraved with the corresponding newspaper text, combine them into words and sentences, and apply ink to the raised word print. Then neatly typeset column by column on paper; Finally, the stamp of the character is covered on the printing paper, and the wooden block is gently pressed, and the handwriting is left on the paper.

The experience value is full! The "My Daily I Customize" event was held

Handmade for a permanent treasure

I felt the process of papermaking, learned about the history of movable type printing, and then made my own "Zhengzhou Daily".

After a while, the children excitedly displayed on the stage holding up their own printed "newspapers" with the words "Blessings to the prosperity of the motherland and the happiness of the people."

They used pulp to create unique art paper, and movable type printing to produce a unique "exclusive special issue", and each child's face was filled with pride and joy.

"I want to take home the paper I made and the 'newspaper' I printed, and cherish it for the rest of my life." The 8-year-old Jumeno is very satisfied with her "Hundred Flowers Competing for Beauty". Six-year-old Zhang Mingshuo completed the production of a "newspaper" independently, and when he happily held the freshly baked "newspaper" with ink in his hands, he couldn't help but sigh: "It turns out that the uncles and aunts who make newspapers usually work so hard." Duan Guangxuan, who is in the fourth grade of primary school this year, said: "I like history and culture, I like to visit museums, I have experienced papermaking in museums before, and this time I mainly want to experience printing." Zhang Hanwen is a "little craftsman" who has been bowing his head and silently making paper, and his father told reporters: "This activity has exercised the child's hands-on ability, and shortened the distance between him and traditional Chinese culture." ”

"On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the birth of the Communist Party of China, it is very meaningful for us to jointly hold this popular science activity with Zhengzhou Daily, which has a history of 75 years." The relevant person in charge of Zhengzhou Science and Technology Museum said that in the future, a new pattern of science popularization will be built with a higher position and a wider vision, so that more people can understand and feel the charm of science and technology, and at the same time enhance the sense of belonging and identity of our city.

The experience value is full! The "My Daily I Customize" event was held

(Zhengzhou Daily reporter Li Na, Tao Ran, Li Yuhang/text, Huang Yuyang/photo)

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