
The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression established Su Yu's status as a general, and the War of Liberation allowed Su Yu to achieve marshal exploits

author:Historical reincarnation

Many netizens feel that General Su Yu only advanced by leaps and bounds during the Liberation War. When most people mention Su Yu, they must think of the first merit of the Huaihai Campaign; Some netizens feel that if it weren't for the "courage and straightforwardness" of the Huaihai Campaign, based on Su Yu's previous performance alone, Su Yu doesn't seem to be even rated as a general, at most he is only a general.

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression established Su Yu's status as a general, and the War of Liberation allowed Su Yu to achieve marshal exploits

In fact, this view is completely wrong, Su Yu's performance during the Liberation War was very dazzling, even surpassing Mr. Lin, and he should be the first person to perform prominently in the Liberation War. Because of the three major battles, although Siye fought two, the Liaoshen Battle was the advantage of me, and it was bound to win; The Battle of Pingjin was the overwhelm of the city, and the general trend was inevitable; Only the Huaihai Battle was Su Yu's impromptu decision, seeking victory in danger.

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression established Su Yu's status as a general, and the War of Liberation allowed Su Yu to achieve marshal exploits

In general, Su Yu's Sanye carried the main force of the Nationalist Army in the core ruling area of the Kuomintang, and encircled more than 70% of the elite heavy army groups of the Nationalist Army, and its operational command had the highest gold content. As Liu Huaqing and Zhang Zhen, vice chairmen of the Central Military Commission, said in the article "Reminiscence of Comrade Su Yu":

The period of the War of Liberation was a glorious period for Comrade Su Yu as a military strategist. The Central Military Commission, Chairman Mao Zedong, and Chen Yi, commander and political commissar of the East China Field Army, had high trust and respect for Su Yu, and put him in the position of commander-in-chief of the East China Theater in the early days of the war........ The glorious achievements of the East China Field Army and the Third Field Army played a decisive role in the command of the campaign. He was a strategic vision,........ Timely make recommendations of strategic significance to the Central Military Commission.

Therefore, the Liberation War allowed Su Yu to achieve marshal exploits, which many generals could not compare.

However, because of Su Yu's glory in the War of Liberation, we cannot ignore Su Yu's great contribution during the War of Resistance Against Japan. Perhaps, it is precisely because Su Yu was so dazzling in the War of Liberation that we don't mention the glorious history of General Su Yu's resistance against Japan. In fact, with his performance during the War of Resistance Against Japan, Su Yu was enough to be rated as a general.

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression established Su Yu's status as a general, and the War of Liberation allowed Su Yu to achieve marshal exploits

In the War of Resistance Against Japan, Su Yu was already the commander of the main division of the New Fourth Army. Among the seven division commanders of the New Fourth Army, Zhang Yunyi is a general; Huang Kecheng is a general; Tan Zhenlin and Li Xiannian are vice premiers, equivalent to generals in rank; If Peng Xuefeng is alive, the general will definitely be indispensable; Zhang Dingcheng is a member of the Central Committee, and he is not awarded the title because he works in the locality, and he is also equivalent to a general in his position. According to this logic, Su Yu's rank of general can't run.

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression established Su Yu's status as a general, and the War of Liberation allowed Su Yu to achieve marshal exploits

In addition, in the War of Resistance Against Japan, Su Yu was also very good. The first battle of Weigang he fought, which was the first battle of the New Fourth Army against Japan, fought beautifully, inspired the morale of the army and the people, and was rewarded by Lao Jiang's telegram; He served as the deputy commander of the Jiangnan Command and participated in the creation of the Maoshan Anti-Japanese Base Area; In the Battle of Huangqiao, he annihilated 30,000 enemy troops with 7,000 men, laid the foundation of the New Fourth Army's base area in northern Jiangsu, and opened a new situation in the War of Resistance in Central China; The three anti-stubborn self-defense battles in Tianmu Mountain consolidated and developed the anti-Japanese base areas in southern Jiangsu and eastern Zhejiang, and took the lead in realizing the transformation from guerrilla warfare to mobile warfare within the whole army.

The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression established Su Yu's status as a general, and the War of Liberation allowed Su Yu to achieve marshal exploits

These feats were difficult for several other division commanders of the New Fourth Army to achieve, so Liu Shaoqi said: Su Yu's achievements in the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression are the first in the whole army.

Based on the contribution of the War of Resistance Against Japan, it was enough to establish Su Yu's status as a general, and the credit of the Liberation War only made General Su Yu's general star shine more brightly, making Su Yu a well-deserved first general.