
King: The most worthy of hard training, he is not afraid of Angela, ignores the sea and the moon, and learns to become the king easily

author:Yun Mo chats about games

After the Glory of Kings enters the new season, many players complain that it is difficult to score, in fact, as long as you use some versions of strong heroes, it is not difficult to get the mark of the king, as players know more and more about the version, the status of mage heroes in the team has really improved a lot, and the S36 season has four middle lane soldiers, which directly shortens the development cycle of mages, so many players want to use mages to score, this issue will say that a mage who is most worth practicing hard, is not afraid of Angela, ignores Haiyue, and learns to easily ascend to the king.

King: The most worthy of hard training, he is not afraid of Angela, ignores the sea and the moon, and learns to become the king easily

Angela,This mage can be said to ignore any version.,The appearance rate of each season is very high.,The hero skill hits the enemy can increase the movement speed for himself.,And get spell damage.,At the same time, a skill can also play AOE damage.,The second skill can play deceleration and control.,During the ultimate, you will get the hegemon and damage reduction effect.,Because of the passive reason,Angela can easily play a set of skills seconds of damage.,The most important thing is that the hero's difficulty is not high.,With a little practice, you can easily get started.。

King: The most worthy of hard training, he is not afraid of Angela, ignores the sea and the moon, and learns to become the king easily

Haiyue,It's hard to see her in the low-end game.,But in the high-end bureau or even the professional arena.,Haiyue's usage rate is still okay.,The hero's first skill can hit real damage.,The consumption ability is very strong.,The second skill can not only get a shield.,And it will cause short-term control to the enemy.,The ultimate is Haiyue's core skill.,You can pull a single enemy into the environment.,Reduce your own CD time during the period.,As long as you're hit by Haiyue's ultimate move in the later stage.,Crispy has no chance to escape at all.,The strength is still not to be underestimated.。

King: The most worthy of hard training, he is not afraid of Angela, ignores the sea and the moon, and learns to become the king easily

The most worthy mage

I don't know that the fire dance has been planned to be strengthened,,The win rate is also steadily improving,As an assassin-type mage,Fire dance not only has high burst damage,And the control ability is extremely strong,At the same time, it can also play multi-stage displacement,Fire dance is not afraid of Angela at all,Although Angela's damage should not be underestimated,But Fire Dance can quickly get rid of Angela's second skill and ultimate damage through flexible displacement,And Angela has no way at all。

King: The most worthy of hard training, he is not afraid of Angela, ignores the sea and the moon, and learns to become the king easily

And the fire dance can also directly ignore the sea moon, because the sea moon's ultimate move is limited by distance, and the fire dance itself can play up to seven displacements, and can easily break free from the sea moon's ultimate, players who can play fire dance, not only can squat in the grass yin people, but also can play the first move, after the second skill slows down the enemy, then you can use the first or third skills to hit the explosion damage, and then you can also use the passive to easily get out of the battlefield, a very strong magic thorn, in fact, as long as you can learn not to know the fire dance, the king will be much easier.

King: The most worthy of hard training, he is not afraid of Angela, ignores the sea and the moon, and learns to become the king easily

That's all for this issue, what do you think of the intensity of Fire Dance? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, so that your comments can be seen by more friends, let's discuss together, remember to pay attention!

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