
27 years old as a doctoral supervisor! She went from postdoc to chief scientist in just four years

author:View Weihai


In 2008, she graduated with a PhD from the University of Oxford. In 2009, at the age of 27, she served as a doctoral supervisor. In 2012, she was promoted to Chief Scientist.

27 years old as a doctoral supervisor! She went from postdoc to chief scientist in just four years

It takes more than ten years to go from postdoc to chief scientist, and it only took her four years. She is Zhang Shuyan, the first Chinese chief spectrometer scientist in the 30-year history of the British Spallation Neutron Source, the first female Chinese chief scientist in the Rutherford Laboratory in the past 100 years, and the dean of the Dongguan Institute of Advanced Science and Technology of Materials Genetics.

27 years old as a doctoral supervisor! She went from postdoc to chief scientist in just four years

In 2016, at the age of 34, she resolutely returned to China and founded a research institute in Songshan Lake, Dongguan, Guangdong, engaged in scientific research. On June 27, in an interview with reporters, as the vice president of the Songshan Lake Women Science and Technology Workers Alliance, she sent a message to female scientific research workers that as long as they persist, they will be able to do it.

27 years old as a doctoral supervisor! She went from postdoc to chief scientist in just four years

Netizens commented on this:

@vrhxsfbxr: It's beautiful!!! Looks like a star!! It also has the strongest brain!!

@尧诺phoenix: An amazing polytechnic!

@说真话启民智: Life is a journey, why be in such a hurry?

@YY-crooked-YY: Another outstanding woman!

Source: China Women's Daily

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