
In the eyes of girls, the three major "licking dog" behaviors of boys, brothers must avoid!

author:Fishing evening breeze

In modern society, many boys tend to fall into a passive and unfavorable situation when pursuing girls, and are treated and toyed with by girls as "licking dogs". The following are three typical "licking dogs" behaviors, I hope that the brothers can take warning after reading it and no longer embark on the road of "licking dogs".

In the eyes of girls, the three major "licking dog" behaviors of boys, brothers must avoid!

1. Chat with girls every day

Many guys, after falling in love with a girl, always can't wait to keep in touch with her and can't wait to chat 24 hours a day. If you don't chat for a second, you feel uncomfortable, and you keep asking what the girl is doing. If the girl doesn't reply in time, the boy will anxiously ask "what are you doing", "have you eaten", etc. This kind of behavior can actually make the girl feel pressured and won't like you because she chats every day. The essence of chat is an interaction, with positive and negative feedback. If you will only talk awkwardly and will not provide emotional value, the girl may reply to you on the surface, but in fact she has already subtracted points for you in her heart.

To increase the success rate of your chat, keep the following three things in mind:

  1. Don't force you to talk about it: Trying to find a topic will only make your atmosphere unnatural.
  2. Build a good relationship and gradually warm up the relationship: Chat is to build a good feeling, and then gradually warm up the relationship until an invitation to meet. If you can't achieve this effect, you're just consuming the girl's patience with you.
  3. Provide emotional value: Make the girl feel happy and satisfied in the chat, not just a sense of presence.
In the eyes of girls, the three major "licking dog" behaviors of boys, brothers must avoid!

2. The live-action version of Siri

Many guys are as available as Siri when courting girls, answering all questions. Whenever a girl is in need, they will respond immediately, whether they are going to the toilet, driving or eating, and they will respond with zero delay. Although this behavior shows good to the girl, it will actually make the girl feel that you are cheap, and even get used to your existence, once you want to quit, she will give you a little sweetness and let you continue to "lick" her.

To avoid this, you need to treat girls as if they were ordinary people. If you regard the person you like as a goddess, her emotions will affect you, you will become sensitive and suspicious, causing great psychological pressure on yourself. You must know that chasing girls and chatting are both a game between men and women, and only by winning this game can you gain the real favor of girls.

3. Spend money and give gifts to girls

Many boys choose to spend money and give gifts to express their hearts when courting girls. But in fact, if a girl has a crush on you, she won't care too much about you spending money on her, because she is afraid of affecting her image in your mind. Once you give a gift, the girl may feel that you are not worthy of her. Some girls will refuse your gifts, while others will accept them but not because they like you, but because they like your gifts. In the end, you may spend a lot of money and the girl is with another boy.

The solution to this problem is also very simple, keep the following three points in mind:

  1. Never spend money if you haven't met: Don't spend money on girls until you don't meet.
  2. Money can be spent on a date after a meeting: The cost of a date after meeting can be afforded, but don't give gifts, order takeout, transfer money, or send red envelopes.
  3. Two-way running: When your relationship is confirmed, you can spend a small amount of money, but also ask the girl to send you gifts to maintain a two-way relationship.
In the eyes of girls, the three major "licking dog" behaviors of boys, brothers must avoid!

Brothers, I hope you can avoid the above three "licking dogs" behaviors, maintain your self-esteem, pursue girls with confidence, and win their respect and affection. Remember, true love is based on equality and mutual respect, not through one-sided giving and please.