
The rejuvenation of the country has my "Sing the Song in My Heart" art party class

author:Nanping News
The rejuvenation of the country has my "Sing the Song in My Heart" art party class

On the evening of June 28, in order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, consolidate and expand the educational achievements of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, and promote the practice of "learning from Liao Junbo and setting an example of 'three contentions'". More than 600 party members and cadres in the urban area listened to the art party class.

The rejuvenation of the country has my "Sing the Song in My Heart" art party class
The rejuvenation of the country has my "Sing the Song in My Heart" art party class
The rejuvenation of the country has my "Sing the Song in My Heart" art party class
The rejuvenation of the country has my "Sing the Song in My Heart" art party class
The rejuvenation of the country has my "Sing the Song in My Heart" art party class

The art party class was presented in the form of a special vocal concert, and singers from the Central Opera House were specially invited, who presented the classic vocal works of the four chapters of gorgeous folk songs, the present dynasty, the praise of heroes and the original intention through solo singing and duet singing. Each song carries rich emotions and profound cultural connotations, allowing the audience to feel the breadth and profundity of Chinese red culture while appreciating the music.

The rejuvenation of the country has my "Sing the Song in My Heart" art party class

The wonderful performance of the singers won the thunderous applause of the audience, and at the climax, the audience couldn't help waving their hands and singing with the singers on stage. The party members and comrades who participated in the art party class said that this art party class is not only an audio-visual feast, but also a baptism of the soul. We will better strengthen everyone's ideals and beliefs, enhance the consciousness of party spirit, cultivate moral integrity, encourage courage and responsibility, draw momentum from singing, always maintain love and loyalty to the party and the motherland, and strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The rejuvenation of the country has my "Sing the Song in My Heart" art party class

Since its establishment in 1952, the China National Opera House, as one of the top national opera houses in China, has won a number of national awards for its outstanding artistic level and exquisite performance skills. In this performance, the artists actively interacted with the audience, and the applause and singing were intertwined, creating a strong artistic atmosphere. (Contributed by: Party Building of Nanping Organs)


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