
Songhu made a comeback, the tax police corps became famous in a battle, and Song Ziwen smiled

author:Guanhe Fifty Prefectures
Songhu made a comeback, the tax police corps became famous in a battle, and Song Ziwen smiled

In the First Battle of Songhu, the Japanese army launched a second attack under the command of Ueda after the failure of the first attack on Miaohang in Shanghai. Ueda knew that only by being rapid, sudden, and powerful could it be effective, but it backfired, and under the unexpected resistance and counterattack of the defenders, "rapidity" and "suddenness" or "force" could not be talked about at all.

In this operation, the Zhang Yan Brigade of the 19th Route Army and the independent brigade (Tax Police Corps) that can be attributed to the Central Army system performed the most prominently. Zhang Yan's hard-fought fight and the blockbuster of the Tax Police Corps made all the elaborate designs and wonderful ideas of the previous Japanese army become a joke.

There are so many unexpected factors on the battlefield that even a "military elder" like Ueda can only look up to the sky and sigh. He once told himself to learn to be patient, he once told himself that all he needed was a lightning strike to solve all his problems, and reality slapped him hard again.

It hurts, what a pain.

But he didn't have to be too sad either, for he soon received a gift as if in a dream.

This great gift is called Jiangwan.

The giver was his opponent, the Chinese commander Cai Tingkai.

Songhu made a comeback, the tax police corps became famous in a battle, and Song Ziwen smiled

For Cai Tingkai, this decision is also helpless.

After the Second Battle of Miaohang, the 19th Route Army suffered heavy casualties and was overstaffed, and Cai Tingkai felt that Jiangwan was difficult to hold, so he withdrew from there.

Yu Cai Tingkai, this is a last resort, but the overall situation of the battle of Yu Songhu cannot but be said to be a big defeat.

As a strategic place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, Jiangwan has always been a headache for Ueda, and he really can't handle it, so he finally ran to the temple to try his luck. Therefore, he refused to believe the news of the 19th Route Army's withdrawal from Jiangwan easily, thinking that it must be a trick and a trap set by Cai Tingkai. It wasn't until after a day of reconnaissance that he was convinced that the defenders of Jiangwan had retreated, that he realized that he had won a jackpot in a daze.

If you can't win, you have to rely on luck, so it's still useful to chant sutras from time to time. At least this time, the fairy sister still took the initiative and pulled Ueda at the most unlucky time.

Songhu made a comeback, the tax police corps became famous in a battle, and Song Ziwen smiled

In this round, everyone saw the energy of the Tax Police Corps. Gu Dinghua's performance in one regiment is no worse than that of Zhang Yan's three regiments, which is really very good for their boss Song Ziwen.

Song Ziwen was happy. But in addition to the excitement, he should remember another sentence.

This sentence is called: Misfortune is not a single line, but blessing is incomparable.

Someone is going to get him into trouble.

On the third day of the 19th Route Army's abandonment of Jiangwan, a major event occurred in the Tax Police Corps. As for what exactly is going on, don't worry, and wait for the following to break it down.