
The 58th pick in the second round! Yang Hansen, panic! The Chinese men's basketball team can't look down on the first center

author:Basketball Practice

After watching this year's NBA Draft, I can only say that it is good to have a background and a relationship.

And there is nothing, and the strength of the yellow players is not as outstanding as Yao Ming UAE, so they are destined to only run with them.

Yang Hansen is confirmed to participate in the draft next year, and he is still the most promising Chinese player to challenge the NBA.

But as mentioned above, it's good to be selected, and it doesn't matter how many picks there are, and it's better to mention less first-round picks.

The 58th pick in the second round! Yang Hansen, panic! The Chinese men's basketball team can't look down on the first center

Recently, the well-known American media ESPN updated the 2025 mock draft rankings, and Yang Hansen ranked 58th in the second round.

The 58th pick in the second round! Yang Hansen, panic! The Chinese men's basketball team can't look down on the first center

Some time ago, many websites listed Yang Hansen as the first round of the show in 2024, but as he did not participate, the market naturally plummeted.

The 58th pick in the second round! Yang Hansen, panic! The Chinese men's basketball team can't look down on the first center

Next, after the Chinese men's basketball team plays a warm-up game with Australia, it will compete in the NBA Summer League.

It's a great opportunity to show your face, and there will be a lot of NBA related people watching the game.

If the performance is good enough, it will obviously add a lot of confidence to Yang Hansen's draft next year, but the problem is that he is afraid that Guo Shiqiang will not give him a chance.

The 58th pick in the second round! Yang Hansen, panic! The Chinese men's basketball team can't look down on the first center

In the Chinese men's basketball team and the Macau Black Bears Open two days ago, Yang Hansen was only the third center, behind Yu Jiahao and Jiao Boqiao.

This arrangement is obviously unacceptable, considering that Yang Hansen was the best rookie, DPOY, All-Star starter and best team member of the local team last season.

Compared with Yu Jiahao, he is only the second team of the best team, and Jiao Boqiao is even more scoreless.

Guo Shiqiang, who also coaches in the CBA, cannot fail to understand who is the strongest inside line of the current Chinese men's basketball team.

The 58th pick in the second round! Yang Hansen, panic! The Chinese men's basketball team can't look down on the first center

To say that the predecessor Qiao Shuai was just outrageous in employing people, but now it looks like Guo Shiqiang, who was Qiao Shuai's assistant coach, "is better than the blue", and the employment and selection of people are not convincing to the public.

The 58th pick in the second round! Yang Hansen, panic! The Chinese men's basketball team can't look down on the first center

But no matter what, Yang Hansen can at least stay in the Chinese men's basketball team, and he still has the opportunity to show his face in the NBA.

On the other hand, Lin Wei, who should also hit the NBA next year, averaged 20 points per game in the CBA last season, and was elected MVP in both games against the Black Bears in May, no one can see it.

The 58th pick in the second round! Yang Hansen, panic! The Chinese men's basketball team can't look down on the first center

Although the Chinese men's basketball team knew that one stone would stir up a thousand waves, it did not announce the list of players who were not selected for overseas training.

But the fact that Lin Wei had a conflict with Guo Shiqiang and was DNP has long been spread, and more and more evidence shows that it is true.

Lin Wei did quit the Chinese men's basketball team, and the current IP address is in Jiangsu, not Australia.

Lin Wei was given up by the Chinese men's basketball team when he was not injured or sick, and there was only one reason, that is, he offended people, or was used by others to stand up.

The 58th pick in the second round! Yang Hansen, panic! The Chinese men's basketball team can't look down on the first center

It's really a pity that Lin Wei, as one of the most powerful new stars in the Chinese men's basketball team, didn't have the opportunity to learn and compete with the world team Australia, and especially missed the opportunity to show his face in the NBA, which made his already uncertain NBA prospects for next year even worse.

The 58th pick in the second round! Yang Hansen, panic! The Chinese men's basketball team can't look down on the first center

However, some people don't add fuel to the fire, it is possible that Lin Wei will not be able to participate in the national team in the next year, where can I get the conclusion that he will be sent to the second team by the Tongxi team?

Lin Wei may really be a chess piece that can be discarded at will in today's Chinese men's basketball team, but in the eyes of the Tongxi team, he is a treasure who desperately wants to protect.

The 58th pick in the second round! Yang Hansen, panic! The Chinese men's basketball team can't look down on the first center

Maxima often has, Bole does not often have.

I believe that this trip to the national team will make Lin Wei and Yang Hansen deeply realize that not every coach is Bole.

No matter how unwilling you are, you have to look forward, and then strive to make yourself irreplaceable in the future, and then someone will naturally take the initiative to invite you back!

The 58th pick in the second round! Yang Hansen, panic! The Chinese men's basketball team can't look down on the first center

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