
"In ambush, August is hot; Ambush at the end, August is cold", what time is the ambush this year

author:Warm the three farmers with the text

In the traditional Chinese lunar solar term, the ambush is an important turning point in the summer, marking the beginning of the hot phase of the weather. And the folk proverb about the time of ambush "Ambush in the head, August is hot; "August is cold" reflects a naïve observation and prediction of summer climate change. So, when is the incubation time this year? How will it affect our upcoming August weather? Is it cold or hot in the summer?

"In ambush, August is hot; Ambush at the end, August is cold", what time is the ambush this year

1. This year's dog days are 40 days extended?

First of all, we need to be clear about what ambush is. Ambush means to enter the meaning of "three dogs". The dog days are divided into the first, middle and last volts, and are the hottest, humid and muggy times of the year. The date is determined by the date of the solar terms of the Ganzhi calendar and the date of the Ganzhi period. According to the almanac, the third Geng day after the summer solstice is the first day of the first volcane, the fourth Geng day is the first day of the middle volcanic day, the first Geng day after the beginning of autumn is the first day of the last volcanic day, and the last ten days after the ambush is the first day of the volcanic period. Generally speaking, the number of days in the middle is fixed, and the number of days in the middle is not fixed, when there are 4 Geng days between the summer solstice and the beginning of autumn, the middle volt is 10 days, the occurrence of 5 Geng days is 20 days, and the last volt is fixed for 10 days.

"In ambush, August is hot; Ambush at the end, August is cold", what time is the ambush this year

2. "Ambush in the head, August is hot"?

The old proverb "In the head, the heat of August" is like a wise man who reveals the mystery of the summer climate. We can get a glimpse of this year's August, which may be a month scorched by the scorching sun, as hot and lasting as a furnace.

The advent of this solar term, like the prelude to summer, indicates that the prelude to high temperature is about to begin. When the time of ambush is advanced, it is as if the messenger of summer has beaten the drum of the heat wave early, so that the scorching sun falls on the earth in advance, scorching every inch of land mercilessly.

As time goes on, this wave of heat is like a tireless dancer, unleashing his enthusiasm on the summer stage. And August, as the finale of summer, is often profoundly affected by the time of ambush. It is like the climax of this passionate dance, pushing the enthusiasm of summer to its peak.

We can imagine the sun pouring down like a golden waterfall under the August sky, roasting the earth to the brim. The air was filled with the smell of a heat wave, as if even the wind had become heavy and stuffy. In such weather, people feel as if they are in a huge steamer, and the sweat flows like a stream, which makes people sigh at the power of summer.

"In ambush, August is hot; Ambush at the end, August is cold", what time is the ambush this year

3. "Ambush at the end, August is cold"?

Of course, this is only a speculation based on a folk proverb and cannot be used as a basis for scientific predictions. Advances in modern meteorology have made it possible to predict and analyze climate changes more accurately. However, these folk proverbs contain rich cultural connotations and folk wisdom, which are not only the crystallization of people's long-term experience in observing and summarizing climate change, but also an important part of traditional Chinese culture.

In the coming August, we may have hot weather. Therefore, we need to make preparations for heat stroke prevention and cooling, pay attention to maintaining indoor ventilation, avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight, and replenish water in time. At the same time, we can also draw wisdom from these folk proverbs to better adapt and respond to changes in the natural environment.

In addition to the climatic influences, Ambush and August are also closely linked to traditional Chinese culture and festivals. For example, in the seventh lunar month, we celebrate the traditional midyear festival (also known as the Ghost Festival), where a series of rituals are performed to commemorate deceased loved ones. In August, there is the Mid-Autumn Festival, an important traditional festival, where people admire the moon, eat mooncakes, and reunite for reunions. These festivals not only enrich people's cultural life, but also embody the traditional virtues and cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.

"In ambush, August is hot; Ambush at the end, August is cold", what time is the ambush this year

Fourth, is this year's ambush at the beginning of the month or at the end of the month?

This year's ambush, as if the magician of time waved his wand, and marked that special date on the calendar - July 15. This is no ordinary day, it represents the hottest time of summer and the most yang time of the year.

In the middle of the month, when the sun's rays become hotter and hotter, and when the temperature of the earth gradually rises, we usher in the node of ambush. The day came like a warm symphony playing the most exciting chapters, and every note was full of enthusiasm and energy.

The word itself is full of poetry and rhyme. It's not just a simple date, it's a symbol of the warmth of summer. It represents the scorching sun, the sweat, and the vigor and prosperity of life in this season.

When we talk about ambush, it is as if we can feel the touch of the blazing sun on our skin, and we can feel the heat and humidity in the air. It's all so vivid and real, as if we're already in that season of enthusiasm.

Therefore, this year's ambush date, July 15, is not just a simple date, but a moment full of meaning and symbolism. It reminds us that summer is here and we need to prepare for this season of challenges and opportunities. At the same time, it also allows us to cherish every moment more and feel the beauty and prosperity of life in this season, which is in the middle of the month.

"In ambush, August is hot; Ambush at the end, August is cold", what time is the ambush this year

5. Should it be hot and cold evenly in August this year?

This year's ambush date is accurately and distinctly fixed on July 15, which is a typical day in the middle of the month, neither the hazy of the beginning of the month, nor the depth of the end of the month, it is like a pearl of midsummer, embedded in the river of time.

At this moment in summer, the sun is no longer an understatement of gentleness, but warm and blazing. However, since this year's ambush falls in the middle of the month, this sets the stage for the upcoming August weather. Traditionally, the weather gets warmer after the sunset, but this year things seem to be a little different.

When the time quietly enters August, people may expect a test of scorching heat, but this year's August is different. It seems to draw on the peace and balance of the middle of the month, skillfully intertwining heat and coolness to form a unique weather rhythm. During the day, the sun is still hot, but not so suffocating; At night, the breeze takes away the heat of the day and brings a hint of coolness.

This kind of August is neither as hot as midsummer nor as cool as early autumn, it has its own unique charm. It is like a carefully painted picture, skillfully blending the enthusiasm of summer with the gentleness of early autumn, so that people can enjoy summer while feeling a touch of early autumn coolness.

Therefore, it can be said that August this year is a month of hot and cold evenness, and it uses its own unique way to make people feel the charm of summer and the warmth of early autumn. Ambush at the end, August cold"

"In ambush, August is hot; Ambush at the end, August is cold", what time is the ambush this year

To sum up, this year's incubation time is in the beginning of July, which is a situation of "ambush on the head". According to folk proverbs, August this year is likely to be a relatively hot month. However, we also need to face and predict climate change with a scientific attitude, while drawing wisdom and strength from traditional cultures. In this hot summer, let's prepare for heatstroke prevention and cooling down together and enjoy a good time in life. #头条创作挑战赛 ##长文创作激励计划#