
This year's "out of the plum" and the summer is the same day, this year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, what is the sign of rain?

author:Warm the three farmers with the text

This year's summer seems to be different from previous years, especially in terms of meteorological changes. When we talk about this year's "Izume" on the same day as the Koken Festival, we can't help but get a lot of interest in the upcoming weather changes. In traditional Chinese culture, the rainy season and the summer solar term carry rich meteorological and cultural connotations, which are closely related to people's lives and have a profound impact on agricultural production, daily life and even cultural inheritance.

This year's "out of the plum" and the summer is the same day, this year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, what is the sign of rain?

1. When will the "plum blossom" be in 2024?

The rainy season is a season that the residents of Jiangnan water towns love and hate. From June to July every year, the warm and humid air flow is like a thin stream of water, and the cold air from the north lingers in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, weaving a picture of smoke and rain. This continuous rain, like the poet's ink pen, smeared the earth wet and green, but it also made people's clothes difficult to dry and their mood difficult to clear.

However, after the hands of time quietly slipped to the summer heat, the first sunny end finally arrived, and it was like a messenger, announcing the official end of the rainy season. At this moment, it seems that the earth is also excited, freed from the shackles of rain, and shows vitality. The weather is gradually clearing, the sun is shining all over the land, and the temperature is gradually rising, bringing the warmth and passion of midsummer. People are stepping out of their homes to enjoy the long-lost sunshine and warmth, as if the whole world has been renewed.

This year's "out of the plum" and the summer is the same day, this year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, what is the sign of rain?

2. This year's "Out of the Plum" is on the same day as the Little Summer Festival?

This year's "Out of the Plum" and the Little Summer Festival are like two bright stars, which will complement each other on July 6, 2024, and jointly kick off the summer. On this day, it seems to be a meteorological feast carefully arranged by nature, which makes people have a strong interest and curiosity about the weather changes this year.

In the traditional meteorological picture, the quiet departure of the rainy season is always like a gentle Jiangnan woman, gently waving her sleeves, taking away the wet rainy season and the faint sorrow. After the plum blossoms, the warmth and unrestrainedness of summer are in full swing, and the earth seems to be ignited and full of vitality.

It symbolizes that the weather has begun to enter the hottest stage, and the sun is like a golden torrent, pouring on every inch of land, making people feel the heat and enthusiasm. And Xiao Xia and Izumei met on the same day, as if it was a coincidence of fate, and it also seemed to be a careful arrangement of nature.

On this day, two important meteorological phenomena converged, not only adding a bit of mystery and unusualness to this summer's summer, but also telling an ancient story of change and eternity. On this special day, we seem to be able to feel the magical power of nature, and it also makes us look forward to the exciting chapter of the following summer.

This year's "out of the plum" and the summer is the same day, this year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, what is the sign of rain?

Third, a small summer snow, pour yellow plums

What you mean by this is that if it still snows during the summer season, then there will still be the weather of the yellow plum, and the yellow plum will be like not the spring cold, that is, there will be a perfect weather, rainy and rainy.

It was a hot summer day and the sun was blazing, but when the sky fell on the white and flawless snowflakes, people couldn't help but be amazed. The little summer snow is like a white poem sprinkled by Tiangong in summer, which is thrilling and unforgettable.

The small summer snow and the poured yellow plum are intertwined, as if it is a wonderful picture carefully painted by nature for us. In this picture, the white snowflakes and the yellow plums reflect each other, like the elves of heaven and earth playing and playing, bringing a sense of tranquility and beauty.

This year's "out of the plum" and the summer is the same day, this year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, what is the sign of rain?

Fourth, the rain hit the head of the small department, and it rained for forty days

The enthusiasm of summer is like fire, but when the raindrops as thin as silk threads gently hit Xiao Xia's forehead, it seems to bring a touch of coolness to this hot summer day. This rain is not a torrential rain, nor is it a continuous drizzle, but the kind of drizzle that is just right, as if the heavens are gently wiping away the sweat of the earth.

"The rain hits the head of the summer", this is not only a proverb, but also the skillful hand of nature is painting a vivid picture for us. Imagine the raindrops falling gently on the green leaves, making a rustling sound, as if whispering, telling the secrets of summer. The raindrops then fell down the tips of the leaves, dripping into the soil, moistening everything and setting the prelude to the coming forty days of the rainy season.

The 40-day rainy season is not only a feast of rain, but also a gift of nature. It brings fresh air, washes away the dust of the city, and allows people to find a moment of peace in the hot summer days. The rain is like nectar, moistening the earth, allowing all things to grow and life to continue.

Forty days of rain is not only a natural phenomenon, but also an attitude towards life. It tells us that in the hot summer, we should also keep a cool heart and face the challenges of life with a positive attitude. At the same time, we should also cherish the gift of nature, protect our environment, and make this land always full of life and vitality.

This year's "out of the plum" and the summer is the same day, this year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, what is the sign of rain?

In the summer heat, we can not only feel the power and charm of nature, but also learn a lot about life and nature. For example, in the process of preventing heat stroke and cooling down, we can learn how to regulate the temperature and humidity of the body to keep the body healthy and comfortable.

In agricultural production, we can also learn how to adjust the way of planting and breeding according to the changing weather to improve yield and quality. This knowledge and experience will not only help us better cope with the challenges of summer, but also allow us to understand and appreciate the mysteries and beauty of nature more deeply.

This year's "out of the plum" and the summer is the same day, this year's "out of the plum" is not ordinary, what is the sign of rain?

Finally, let's look forward to the changes and challenges that this summer will bring. Whether it's hot weather or frequent precipitation, it's a gift and a test given to us by nature. Let's meet them with a positive attitude and actions, learn and grow from them, and be fully prepared for future life and work.

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