
What the poor are best at is stranglehold their own money



What the poor are best at is stranglehold their own money

Take advantage of a small advantage and suffer a big loss,

Nothing can be achieved by being clever.

Author: Insight yebo

Someone once consulted business consultant Li Mingqi:

Why are some people very capable, have a high IQ, and have good opportunities, but they just can't get rich?

Li Mingqi thought about it seriously and replied:

It is normal that in reality, there are many people who use their abilities in the wrong place, and use their intelligence to play smart, and they don't know how to cherish the opportunity.

No matter how good the conditions of such a person are, no matter how many resources he has, he can only be poor for a lifetime?

In fact, whether a person is rich or poor essentially depends on his own choice.

In this world, the best thing for the rich is to do everything possible to find opportunities and constantly open up channels for wealth.

And what the poor are best at is strangling their own money.


Those who are poor do not see long-term gains

At the beginning of the 20th century, a young man in the United States asked the rich Rockefeller for advice on the secret of making a fortune.

Rockefeller did not answer directly.

He brought a watermelon and cut it into three pieces of different sizes.

Then he asked: If these watermelons represent wealth, how do you choose?

Without hesitation, the young man picked up the largest piece and devoured it.

Rockefeller picked the smallest piece.

While the young man was still nibbling on the piece of watermelon in his hand, Rockefeller had already finished eating it and picked up another piece.

The young man was dumbfounded, and Rockefeller said, "If you want to succeed, you must first learn to give up the small profits in the near future and focus on the long-term big profits." ”

If a person only cares about the interests of the present and pursues the benefits of the moment, it is inevitable that he will ignore the longer-term returns.

Guo Degang once said: "If you are not afraid of poor ability, you are afraid of poor eyes." ”

People who are poor can only see what they are looking for, and they often bury their "money" in the pursuit of petty profits.

Douban blogger Chen Yu once talked about his most regretful experience.

Chen Yu is engaged in painting training, and his skills are good, and he is very important in the company.

Last year, there were two paid training places in the company: spend 20,000 yuan to study at the art academy of a famous school for three months.

At that time, he and another colleague were selected at the same time, but after Chen Yu learned about the situation, he took the initiative to choose to give up.

He thinks that further study does not make money, but costs money, which is not cost-effective, and it is better to take a few more jobs.

A few months later, the colleague who had studied came back, and the other party's painting skills had made a qualitative leap, far behind him.

It didn't take long for colleagues to become teachers for customers to choose from.

Under the outstanding performance, later colleagues were promoted to supervisors by leaders, and their salaries increased several times.

And Chen Yu still holds the original dead salary.

It is said in "Zengguang Xianwen": The rich think about the coming year, and the poor think about the present.

Short-sighted people are always easily attracted by short-term interests, and prefer those choices that can bring immediate benefits, and ignore long-term planning and personal growth.

Over time, in the process of chasing small profits, it is getting farther and farther away from greater gains.

In fact, many times, your vision determines the ceiling of your income.

Learning to broaden one's horizons and think long-term is the most effective way to open the wealth code.

What the poor are best at is stranglehold their own money


People who are poor cannot change the status quo of hardship

Writer Zhang Xiaoheng once said that in the world of complaining, we are both the plaintiff and the defendant.

People with poor mouths always complain about things, which not only does not help solve the problem, but also drags themselves down.

The so-called complainers are poor, and those who love to complain usually inadvertently strangle their way to prosperity.

I once read a story in SynTao magazine.

There are two young graduates, Jack and Tom, who are also applying for the Hilton Hotel.

Both of them want to make a big splash here and take a leap in their lives.

But they soon found out that the hotel not only didn't pay attention to them, but also sent them to clean the corridors.

The salary is small, the work is still tiring, and Jack can't stand it at once:

"There is a special person to clean it, why do you want me to do it?"

"It's overkill for me to do this kind of work!"

He complained about the hotel and the manager every day, blamed the leader for his poor vision and sick brain, and then directly began to be lazy and rotten.

When I work, I either hide in the corner and fish, or deal with it casually.

Tom, on the other hand, was puzzled when he first heard about this arrangement, but he still chose to do his job properly.

He comes to the company early every day, prepares in advance, and researches various cleaning agents to achieve better cleaning results.

Although it is the most inconspicuous job, he is diligent and puts in 100% of his efforts.

And just like that, four months passed.

Not surprisingly, Jack was fired; Tom, on the other hand, was appointed as the housekeeping supervisor, and his salary was increased several times.

The painter Yumeji Takehisa said:

"It's easy to be hypnotized by what you say, and the complaints you always have on your lips will become your life."

On the way to make money, everyone will suffer some hardships and suffer a lot of grievances.

If you let yourself be immersed in complaining, how can you have the energy to seize the opportunity and improve yourself?

Complaining is a dose of poison, and the more you complain, the more it will deplete your fortune.

Change your mentality in time, complain less, and change more, so that you can use your current efforts to exchange for future wealth.

What the poor are best at is stranglehold their own money


People with poor hands can't fly when they stand on the tuyere

Dong Di, a painter of the Qing Dynasty, emphasized when teaching his disciples to learn calligraphy: hands must not be poor.

The disciple asked, what is "poor hands"?

He replied, "If the hands are poor, the hearts and hands do not match."

The so-called poor hands are practical actions, which are inconsistent with inner thoughts.

In fact, the same is true for making money.

No matter how thoughtful the money-making plan is, it will be in vain if you don't do it; No matter how beautiful the dream of getting rich is, if you don't do it, it's all a fantasy.

People who only have ideas and no actions to put them into practice, even if they stand on the tuyere, they can't fly.

Writer Li Shanglong told the story of a friend in the book.

My friend works for a small company, and his salary hasn't increased for several years, so he has the idea of changing jobs.

Before and after thinking about it, he felt that foreign companies were well treated and had high salaries, which made them the best choice for job hopping.

So my friend decided to practice his English hard.

He plans to spend a month re-reading the high school and college English textbooks;

Then go to the Internet to search for teaching courses, focusing on grammar;

In addition, he decided to watch an English movie every day, memorize 30 words, and practice speaking for half an hour.

He calculated in his heart that at this pace, he would have good results for almost half a year.

At that time, I immediately quit my current job......

Every night, he thought about it over and over again, and his heart was full of excitement.

But when he got up the next day, he still went to work, and when he came back from work, he sat on the sofa again, not wanting to move at all.

As a result, half a year has passed, and the textbook has not turned a single page or memorized a word.

Now, my friend is still staying in his original unit, receiving a meager salary, and nothing has changed.

Writer Liang Jing said that always looking forward to never acting is a stubborn disease that most poor people can't get rid of.

Anything that stays in the mind will never come to fruition.

People who stand in place and dream about it, even if there are great opportunities to make money in front of them, can only let them slip away.

Too often, wealth favors only those who do what they say and focus on action.

Learn to refuse fantasies, stop looking at the masters, and do it first, so that you can use your own hands to open the door to wealth.

What the poor are best at is stranglehold their own money


People with poor hearts will suffer big losses by playing clever

Writer Liu Yong once attended an event in Taipei.

After the event, he wandered around the neighborhood and walked into a small shop selling handicrafts.

Unexpectedly, the shopkeeper recognized him at a glance and greeted him enthusiastically.

Before leaving, the boss picked up a handicraft and said to Liu Yong: Mr. Liu, buy one, give you a special price!

Liu Yong listened to it and paid without saying a word.

As a result, when he went out, he saw the same thing in the window of another craft store, and the price was only half of the price of the one in his hand.

Liu Yong felt helpless at that time, so he could only smile and suffer this loss.

After some time, he came back to the place and found that the original store had closed.

After inquiring, I found out that because the owner of the store often cheated people, the reputation became worse and worse, and in the end there was no business to do at all.

In reality, there are many such people who hide their poverty in their hearts, play tricks and scheming in order to make money, and as a result, they make themselves a big heel.

Qing Dynasty scholar Li Hao said: "Take advantage of small advantages and suffer big losses, and you will not achieve great success by being small and clever." ”

People who rely on their cleverness and love to calculate, even if they make more money, will eventually lose completely.

Ma Modu once recounted the experience of opening a dance hall in the past.

When it first opened, business was very bleak, and Ma Mo was very anxious.

At this time, a friend suggested that he turn the air conditioner on for a while, then turn it off, and sprinkle all the snacks with salt.

In order to relieve heat and thirst, customers can only order more drinks and drinks, and consumption increases.

With such cleverness, the turnover of the dance hall has grown rapidly.

But later, after customers found out about it, they became less and less fond of coming here to play.

Within a few months, the cabaret was closed.

Talking about this many years later, Ma Mo was still annoyed: he was cheated by his own cleverness.

Kai-Fu Lee said, I rank character in the first place among all the qualities of talents, more than wisdom, innovation, emotional intelligence, etc.

There is no end to the money in the world, but there is always a time when wisdom is exhausted.

blindly stealing, cheating, shrewdly calculating, and in the end can only lose people's hearts and lose money.

In this era of excess intelligence, trustworthy character is the most critical key to opening the door to wealth.

Quit poverty, be kind, and manage your character, so that your financial path can become broader and broader.

Financial writer Lao Jin said:

The most pitiful people in the world are the poor people who block their way to make money.

Because these people who block their own financial routes with their own hands, they have no idea what the reason for their poverty is.

The essence of poverty is not the shortage of money, but the difficulty of thinking and the narrowness of the pattern.

Learn to broaden your horizons, complain less, stop dreaming, and open up your own financial path step by step.

When you do down-to-earth things with a sincere and honest heart, wealth will naturally continue to attract you.

Give it a thumbs up and encourage your friends.