
Second half of 2024: 70 micro-habits to reinvent yourself



Second half of 2024: 70 micro-habits to reinvent yourself

Author: Insight Hujiao

In the lowest circumstances, live the most beautiful posture.

The streamer is easy to throw people, red cherries, green plantains.

In the blink of an eye, 2024 is already halfway through.

In the first half of the year, no matter how difficult the days were, you have already survived the strong.

In the second half of the new year, raise yourself again and fight with a stronger self.

Please believe that all the hardships in the first half of the year are the foreshadowing of surprises in the second half of the year.

When you reinvent yourself and survive the mountains and rivers, the years will give you bright flowers.


Reshape the body

Feng Zikai said that when people reach middle age, what wakes us up is not an alarm clock, but life and responsibility.

In the first half of the year, we were like mules chained to the stone mill, dragging our tired bodies day after day, gritting our teeth and pushing the millstone of life.

You can't stop, you can't rest, you can't get sick, and you can't fall down.

When people reach middle age, it is past noon. You have to admit that our body's repair power is not as good as before, and if we continue to overdraft our body, we will definitely not be able to bear it.

In life, the most expensive thing is health.

If there is no health, everything will be gone, and the only thing left for the family is pain.

In the second half of the year, treating yourself well and keeping your health is the most far-sighted investment.

Reshape your body and replenish your energy in order to be full of energy and life.

Second half of 2024: 70 micro-habits to reinvent yourself


Reinvent your life

I read a sentence: "The most desperate thing for people is not hardship, but having no sense of control over their lives, going with the flow, and being passive everywhere." ”

In the past six months, have you often lost your sense of control over your life and made a mess of your life?

Are you stuck in a vicious cycle and have been paying for your bad habits?

Irregular work and rest make you more and more tired the more you rest, and your spirit is sluggish all day long;

Small problems at work make you miss opportunities again and again and stop moving

Don't blame yourself, give yourself a chance to change in the second half of the year, find the rhythm of life, and rebuild your life with your own hands.

Second half of 2024: 70 micro-habits to reinvent yourself


Reinvent relationships

Most of life's troubles come from relationships.

Or we give our worst temper to the people closest to us, so that there is a rift in the intimate relationship;

Or we care too much about what others think, and we keep consuming ourselves in the wrong relationship;

Or we don't understand the unspoken rules of interpersonal communication, and accidentally offend people, making waves in the originally peaceful life.

In the second half of 2024, be a wise person in life and build a healthy and harmonious relationship with wisdom.

When you run a good family, you can live a long time;

When you find yourself two or three, you can not be afraid of wind and rain.

When you know how to socialize, you can get help from noble people, and someone will help you when you are in trouble.

Here are a few tips to help you mend your relationship and live an easy life.

Second half of 2024: 70 micro-habits to reinvent yourself


Reinvent cognition

Do you often envy those lucky people around you?

No matter where they go, they can quickly be favored and get opportunities;

Their lives hardly encounter waves, everything goes smoothly, and they are always unhurried.

Whether they are working or starting a business, they can step on the wind and achieve financial freedom early;

You, on the other hand, don't seem so lucky.

The money that was finally saved, but the investment and financial management accidentally stepped on the pit;

Everything is not going well at work, always half a beat slower than others, and I can't understand the meaning of the leader's words.

All the difficulties in life are actually cognitive difficulties.

All good luck is the realization of cognition. Those who are doing well think about problems from a higher dimension and avoid risks.

In the second half of the year, the best way to transfer is to reshape cognition and upgrade yourself.

Second half of 2024: 70 micro-habits to reinvent yourself


Reinvent your mindset

If you sum up the first half of 2024 in one word.

I think it must be: difficult.

Failed exams, frustrated relationships, layoffs, salary cuts, family breakdowns......

In just 6 months, it is a long and difficult time for some people.

I know a lot of people are under a lot of pressure, wronged.

I know a lot of people who have trouble sleeping at night and start worrying about making ends meet as soon as they wake up in the morning.

Every day is sad, day by day, I know that many people are still gritting their teeth and forcing themselves to hold on.

Life is a game for the strong, as Tao Xingzhi said:

"After the heavy rain, there are two kinds of people. One kind of person looks up at the sky and sees blue and beautiful; One kind of person looks down at the ground and sees mud and despair. ”

A good attitude can enable you to live the most beautiful posture in the lowest circumstances.

Everything unsatisfactory in the first half of the year can be cleared with one click.

In the second half of the year, cultivate a good mentality, as long as you are strong enough, life will not be able to defeat you.

Second half of 2024: 70 micro-habits to reinvent yourself

Anthony Robin once said:

"It's not the one or two things you do once in a while that shape your life, it's what you consistently do."

A person's life is the sum total of countless habits.

Good habits make time your ally, bad habits make time your enemy.

From the second half of the year, choose an upward lifestyle, adhere to good habits, and move forward steadily.

Give it a thumbs up and encourage your friends.