
The second half of 2024: To the past, to love the present, to respect the rest of your life



The second half of 2024: To the past, to love the present, to respect the rest of your life

Yesterday is gone, but the future is promising.

Author: Insight CC

The streamer is easy to throw people, red cherries, green plantains.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, half of 2024 has passed.

Looking back on the past half of the year, life seems to be peaceful, but there is no lack of turbulence.

Difficulties at work, pressure in life, conflicts in relationships...... A shadow has been cast over our hearts.

Fortunately, time will dilute the anxieties of the past, and it will also bring a new round of hope.

In July, let us soothe our inner turmoil and enter the second half of 2024 with a new attitude.


To the past

The famous British writer Shelley said: "The past belongs to death, and the future belongs to you." ”

Human nature always likes to look back, linger on the regrets of the past, and never forget the beauty of the past.

The days go by, but you are still stuck in the memories.

When the inner obsession gets deeper and deeper, it will dilute the happiness in front of you.

Writer Bi Feiyu wrote a story in "Tsing Yi":

Xiao Yanqiu is a highly talented Peking Opera actor, who became popular at the age of 19 with "Running to the Moon".

became famous at a young age, which made Yan Qiu more and more frivolous.

During a quarrel, she threw boiling water on the teacher, and was dismissed from the troupe for this reason, bidding farewell to the stage forever.

In the next twenty years, Yanqiu got married and had children.

However, the ordinary life could not satisfy her.

But she can't forget the glory of her youth, and she still daydreams of a theater star, and eventually becomes half-crazy, half-stupid, moody.

Yan Qiu's tragedy stems from inner paranoia.

There is a line in "The Shawshank Redemption" that reads: "If the heart is a cage, it is a cage everywhere." ”

In life, we are often trapped in the past.

Or can't forget an embarrassing experience, or can't let go of a relationship that didn't happen.

After struggling with obsession for a long time, you will often end up exhausted.

But the book has to be turned backwards, and people have to look forward.

This life is always a process of putting aside the past and moving forward.

For the past, forget what should be forgotten, and put what should be put away.

Don't dwell on it, don't be afraid of losing.

Only by emptying the blockage in your heart can you make room for new stories and adventures.

The second half of 2024: To the past, to love the present, to respect the rest of your life


Love the moment

There was a young man who aspired to become a multimillionaire.

In order to achieve this goal, he got up early every day and worked tirelessly, and when he was fifty years old, he finally saved a large fortune.

However, he did not feel happy at this time, so he went to consult the master.

The master asked, "Have you ever smelled the scent of flowers?" ”

He replied no.

The master asked, "Have you ever heard a bird call?" ”

He replied no.

The master asked again, "Have you ever experienced the warmth of your loved ones by your side?" ”

He still shook his head.

"That's where the root is—you've never felt the moment," the master said. ”

In this fast-paced era, how many people have lived like this young man.

We are busy working, busy making money, and working hard without sleep or food, but we only forget to enjoy life well.

Endless anxiety has become the spiritual labor that modern people cannot escape.

And there is only one way to be liberated: to live in the moment.

Eat when it's time to eat, and sleep when it's time to sleep.

Taste every dish carefully, feel the fragrance of flowers and birdsong with your heart, and cherish those leisure moments.

When you are fully engaged, each moment will be connected into eternity, leaving an indelible mark on your memory.

Shakespeare once said, "On the great clock of time, there are only two words – now." ”

Life is not anywhere else, the present is everything.

In the second half of the year, may you always remember:

People come to this world once to experience it.

In addition to work, we also need proper pleasure and rest.

So you don't need to be anxious, and you don't have to rush.

From today onwards, allocate more time to sleep, to exercise, to books, and to nature.

Strive to live every day to the fullest, and have no regrets for the rest of your life.

The second half of 2024: To the past, to love the present, to respect the rest of your life



Do you know?

When farmers are farming, they will definitely step on the 24 solar terms.

If you plant too early, it will affect the growth of seedlings and even lead to the death of crops.

That's why there is a proverb like "the autumn equinox is the right time to plant wheat, and the cold dew and millet can't be cut" as a reference for farming.

This also tells us a truth:

There are many things in life, and the sooner the better.

Find your own rhythm, go with the flow, and everything you want will come naturally.

There is a group on Douban called "Reverse Social Clock", which currently has more than 70,000 members.

Some of them went to seclusion in the mountains at the age of 20;

Someone quit his executive job at the age of 30 and started traveling around the world;

Some people were admitted to university at the age of 48, and some people only started to learn to draw and play the electronic piano at the age of 60......

In the judgment of the world, they are not considered successful.

But by their own standards, they all lived the most satisfying lives of the moment.

In the dark, fate has already arranged an exclusive time zone for everyone.

Some people start early, so they live a life that they are satisfied with in advance.

Although some people start late, they can have a good ending if they take every step firmly.

Everyone has their own rhythm and most importantly, you have to believe in the future.

The people you should meet, you will always meet when you go around;

What you should do, even if it is difficult now, will definitely bear fruit in the future.

Hold yourself steady for the rest of the day.

Maintain a clean circle, a regular life, and take every little thing you handle seriously.

When you have cultivated yourself, all that remains is to wait for the flowers to bloom.

The great comedy Chaplin said: "Time is a great author, and it will write a perfect ending for everyone." ”

Yesterday is gone, but the future is promising.

Let's smile and wave goodbye, let go of the joys and sorrows of the past.

In July, it was a new beginning.

You just have to keep a good attitude and do your best in front of you, and those things you want will naturally appear at the right time.

Give it a thumbs up and encourage your friends.