
The Mizhi County Narcotics Control Office held a meeting to promote community drug rehabilitation work

author:Northwest Information Newspaper

Recently, the Mizhi County Public Security Bureau held the 2024 county-wide community drug rehabilitation work promotion meeting to arrange and deploy the county's anti-drug work. Zhang Chongfei, deputy director of the Public Security Bureau and director of the Narcotics Control Office, Bai Shengyi, deputy director of the Narcotics Control Office and captain of the Anti-Narcotics Brigade of the Public Security Bureau, attended the meeting.

The Mizhi County Narcotics Control Office held a meeting to promote community drug rehabilitation work

The meeting reported on the county's anti-drug work in 2023, and the heads of the member units of the Narcotics Control Committee exchanged speeches and made arrangements for the anti-drug work in 2024.

The Mizhi County Narcotics Control Office held a meeting to promote community drug rehabilitation work

The meeting pointed out that the anti-drug work is a social project, but also a long-term, complex and arduous work, related to the security of the country, the rise and fall of the nation, the well-being of the people, to summarize and review the county's anti-drug work in 2023, a comprehensive analysis of the new situation, new tasks, new requirements faced by the anti-drug work, in-depth study and deployment of the current and future period of the county's anti-drug work, and strive to promote the county's anti-drug work to a new level.

The Mizhi County Narcotics Control Office held a meeting to promote community drug rehabilitation work

The meeting stressed the need to have a clear understanding of the situation and start again and profoundly grasp the important significance of anti-narcotics work. Thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on anti-drug work, adhere to the "five major and one guarantee" sword action as the starting point, make heavy punches and make practical moves, increase the intensity of digging deep into drug cases, and go all out to win the people's war against drugs. It is necessary to highlight the key points and make further efforts to continuously enhance the level of anti-narcotics work. Adhere to the principle of "people-oriented, strike at and take into account prevention", resolutely win the "protracted war" of drug prevention, the "war of resistance" against drug abuse and trafficking, the "prevention and control war" on the basis of drug control, and the "positional war" of drug production and control, continue to enhance the awareness of the whole people against drugs, always maintain a high-pressure posture of striking hard, comprehensively promote community governance and control, resolutely adhere to the bottom line of drug production crimes, continuously improve the pertinence and effectiveness of drug control work, and comprehensively create a good social security environment. It is necessary to strengthen the implementation of responsibilities and make every effort to build a guarantee system for anti-narcotics work. We should unify our thinking and action with the decision-making and deployment of anti-narcotics work, take the most resolute attitude, the most severe measures, and the most effective methods to do a good job in anti-narcotics work, earnestly fulfill the main responsibility, strengthen the building of the contingent, and seriously investigate and hold accountable, so as to comprehensively condense the good momentum of anti-narcotics work with concerted efforts and joint management, and provide a good and stable social environment for the economic development of the whole county.

Editor-in-charge: Ren Xing Review: Yang Yong

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