
Pingli County Court: Implement the "six measures" to stimulate the vitality of party building

author:Northwest Information Newspaper

In recent years, the Pingli Court has always strengthened the guidance of party building, closely combined with the responsibilities and tasks of serving the overall situation, team building, key work, convenient justice, reform and innovation, and adhered to the focus on the party's political, ideological, organizational, work style and discipline construction, and constantly led the judicial work centered on the trial to move forward in depth.

Firm politics leads to results

Pingli County Court: Implement the "six measures" to stimulate the vitality of party building

Adhere to the theoretical study as the primary political task of the party members and police, with the party group as the leader, the four branches as the unit, in the party members and police to carry out party history learning and education, theme education, party discipline study and education, etc., adhere to the "first topic" system, and have successively refined the theme education "131" work ideas and party discipline learning and education "three times" learning measures, through the implementation of the party group theory study center group, "three meetings and one lesson", "Monday regular meeting" and other learning mechanisms, to learn to promote work, constantly change the style of work, and consolidate judicial ability, Forging new achievements and new achievements. In 2021, the Pingli County Court was awarded the "Advanced Collective of Party Building Work" by the Ankang Municipal Party Committee, the third prize of grassroots party building work by the county party committee and county government in 2023, and the "Advanced Collective of Party Building Work" by the Ankang Intermediate Court in 2024.

Implement strong safeguards for the main responsibility

Pingli County Court: Implement the "six measures" to stimulate the vitality of party building

Always integrate the party building work with the "three years" activities, actual combat training, "I do practical things for the masses" and other activities, study and formulate the "key points of party building work" every year, issue a list of party building responsibilities, establish a liaison and supervision mechanism between party members and branches, study and deploy party building work once a quarter, study and deploy party building work once a month, study party building work members and branch members once a month, issue party building work tips, regularly report and supervise, and strictly implement the main responsibility. Strictly implement the intra-party system, resolutely maintain the principle of democratic centralism, regularly supervise the collection of party dues, combine various time nodes and care for the "old and young" and other work, coordinate and carry out theme party day activities, combined with the joint construction of branches, co-residency and co-construction, etc., the party group secretary and branch secretary normalize to the village (community) to give party lessons, and continue to do practical things for the masses through party building work to enhance the cohesion of party members.

Volunteer service warms the hearts of the people

Continue to promote the deepening and solidification of the "five sames" working mechanism, sign a co-construction, co-governance and sharing agreement with the Dongguan community, provide a list of agency resources, make every effort to meet the list of community needs, jointly agree on the work list, and solidly promote the organization of the same construction, the same management of positions, the same consultation of important matters, the same governance of the environment, and the same evaluation of the effect, through the organization of party members and cadres to carry out legal publicity, difficulty assistance, environmental governance, conflict resolution and other volunteer services, the establishment of a "green listening" youth legal service team, actively integrate into urban community governance, and assist in solving development problems. Encourage party members to play a vanguard and exemplary role.

Since 2023, 31 volunteer services have been carried out, successively assisting the community to build a party building position, helping Jinyuan Shangcheng Community to establish a "red property", and carrying out long-term care and assistance for de facto unsupported children. In June 2024, Comrade Huang Chunbing, Secretary of the General Party Branch, promoted the advanced deeds of the "Five Sames" working mechanism and was reported and affirmed by the People's Court Daily.

There are bright spots in building a party building brand

Pingli County Court: Implement the "six measures" to stimulate the vitality of party building

Do deep and practical justice for the people, and carefully build the party building brand of "'1+5' original heart Yao Tianping", that is, under the guidance of party building, combined with the actual situation, innovate the "1+5" team to help rural revitalization measures, with the party secretary and the president as the captain, and 1 member of the party group or the member of the review committee led 5 party members and cadres to form 12 teams, respectively 11 towns and 1 economic development zone in Pingli, and carry out contradiction investigation, guidance and mediation, dispute mediation, etc. no less than 2 times a month, and take the initiative to play the vanguard role of party members. Respond to the public's judicial needs in a timely manner.

Pingli County Court: Implement the "six measures" to stimulate the vitality of party building

By adhering to political guidance, gathering organizational strength, tempering the style of party members, and constantly deepening the purpose of party members serving the people wholeheartedly. Thanks to the help of the party building brand, in 2023, the number of cases accepted by the Pingli County Court will decrease by 15.76% compared with the same period last year, and it will be rated as an "advanced collective in the city's court litigation source management" by the Municipal Intermediate People's Court. Since the beginning of this year, the number of cases accepted has decreased by 28% compared with the same period last year, and this innovative measure has been affirmed by the main leaders of the Provincial High Court, the Municipal Intermediate People's Court and the County Party Committee. As one of the only five courts in the province, the "1+5" Team Helping Conflict and Dispute Resolution Work Law" was rated as an advanced model of the province's "Fengqiao Experience" in the new era by the Political and Legal Committee of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Safety Office of the Provincial Party Committee.

Focus on the integration of party building and promote development

Party building + quality and efficiency are excellent to ensure social fairness and justice. All Party members have always been firm in the political stance of the people's courts for the people, planted a solid foundation for the party's governance in every case handled, paid close attention to the work of party building with a high position and strict standards, combined with the main responsibilities and main business, resolutely cracked down on violations and crimes, properly resolved civil and commercial disputes, and continuously improved the public's sense of access to and satisfaction with justice.

Pingli County Court: Implement the "six measures" to stimulate the vitality of party building
Pingli County Court: Implement the "six measures" to stimulate the vitality of party building

Party building + serving the overall situation, and continuously optimizing the business environment. Conscientiously implement the deployment of the "three years" activities of provinces, cities and counties, party members and police officers actively practice the "concept of goodwill and civilized implementation", provide legal services for the construction of important projects in the county and the resolution of difficult and complex disputes in a timely manner, and demarcate the Baolian enterprise for 30 party members and cadres, ask 47 questions, and put forward 17 risk prevention opinions to help the overall economic development of the county. Party building + rural revitalization, and strive to do practical things for the people. Work the word "construction", make a fuss about the word "help", and use the joint construction mechanism of the branch to allocate more than 30 yuan to Shangjiaba Village, Sanyang Town, to assist in the establishment of a new village committee, strengthen the construction of positions, and improve the foundation for the convenience of the people. All party members went into battle to make suggestions for industrial development, help Shangjiaba Village, Sanyang Town, build a new standardized processing plant, renovate and expand the sericulture base, and contribute to the construction of rural revitalization demonstration villages.

Strengthen the cohesion of work style construction

Strictly implement the work deployment of the three-year action plan for the county's grass-roots party organizations to "classify guidance and strive for advanced positions", consolidate the "first-class" branch with the general party branch and the second branch, and create a "first-class" branch with the first and third branches as the goal, implement the "one branch with one characteristic", and strive to build an organ party organization with strong political functions, strong party organization teams, strong party members, and strong roles. In-depth combination of the "provincial spiritual civilization unit", "model organs" and "clean organs" to create opportunities and the "three years" activities of the "actual combat training" activities, to further promote the performance appraisal, quarterly three-star, performance files and other management systems to land, through the creation of the "three noes" position of the clean corridor, refine and promote the veteran cadres branch "good old man" mediation room party building model, continue to carry out warning education, and constantly improve the judicial ability and work style of the party members.

Pingli County Court: Implement the "six measures" to stimulate the vitality of party building

In 2023, 13 collectives and 35 individuals will be honored and commended by provinces, cities and counties, and advanced individuals such as the national advanced individuals for safeguarding the rights and interests of women and children, the advanced individuals in the provincial court research work, the advanced individuals in the juvenile court work of the provincial courts, and the good people of Ankang "love and dedication" have emerged.

Pingli County Court: Implement the "six measures" to stimulate the vitality of party building

The party building work of the Pingli County Court has achieved certain results, but there is still a gap between the party members and the practical requirements in terms of insisting on theoretical learning, party building brand promotion, and ability and style improvement. In the next step, the Pingli County Court will face up to the shortcomings and take measures to solve them. We will continue to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, continue to unite the strength of Party members, with the goal of promoting "high-quality development", continue to promote the in-depth integration of Party building and business in government agencies, and provide more solid and effective judicial services and guarantees for the creation of a national rural revitalization demonstration county. (Pingli County Court)

Editor-in-charge: Ren Xing Review: Yang Yong

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