
Mantis arm as a car! Taiwan's tactics against the PLA are ridiculous, and the PLA is the best at it

author:Mud-legged spectators

There is not much time left for Taiwan Province.

If you don't understand, listen to what the ambassador to France has to say. If we do not see that the mainland is tightening up step by step, and if we do not see that there are not many opportunities left, the "Taiwan independence" elements will end up in prison except to be cannon fodder.

He believes that the focus of the "Han Kuang military exercise" in July is that the frog army should quickly turn into war preparations, from peacetime to wartime, and adjust the combat mode in view of the PLA's actions and combat strength.

Mantis arm as a car! Taiwan's tactics against the PLA are ridiculous, and the PLA is the best at it

In reply to a question raised by Wang Dingyu, a legislator of the Green Battalion, Mei Jiashu said that the Frog Army will adopt a minimum group of engaging units, and can even use a single soldier method to deal with the PLA's possible "attack on Taiwan" with the smallest unit.


What is Wanwan going to do?

Obviously, this is a way of fighting that hinders reunification. The so-called "decentralization" is the use of small clusters to disperse tactics to prevent the PLA from making the next move.

To put it bluntly, it is the guerrilla warfare that the mentor once created. This method has long been used by the PLA. Even in the small cluster combat mode, the PLA has already used it against the US military during the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.

But the frog army actually wants to use the tactics played by the PLA to deal with the PLA, which is completely an axe and a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

Why did the frog army adopt this tactic?

In the face of the powerful military strength of the PLA, the frog army cannot stop it at all, so using this small group or even individual soldier method to attack and harass the PLA can disrupt the overall action of the PLA in the eyes of the frog army, so that the PLA cannot touch the main force.

Mantis arm as a car! Taiwan's tactics against the PLA are ridiculous, and the PLA is the best at it

The frog army thinks too highly of itself, thinking that with the assistance weapons of the United States and the United States, it can stop the PLA from attacking the island, which is simply ridiculous.

Of course, we must also see that the tactics adopted by the frog army are related to the guidance and training of the US military sent by the United States.

In recent years, the United States has continuously sent troops into the island to help the frog army train, and there is already information showing that the US military training subjects include both individual soldiers and small group combat methods, and even the US military has helped the frog army train in street fighting. It can be seen that the US military also realizes that it is impossible to prevent the PLA from attacking Taiwan, and under the collusion between the United States and Taiwan, they believe that they can attack the PLA by using street fighting and small clusters, and then they can obstruct the PLA's military operations.

Mantis arm as a car! Taiwan's tactics against the PLA are ridiculous, and the PLA is the best at it

If Taiwan had not colluded with the United States, the Frog Army would not have such operational goals.

According to media materials, the frog army has set up trenches and roadblocks for combat purposes in the coastal areas of the island, and Taiwan has built a large number of military installations after the People's Liberation Army landed on the island.

Under the management of Chiang's father and son, as well as Li Bandit, Chen Bandit, Ma Niangniang, and Cai Bandit, Taiwan has added a lot of complete military facilities from the coastal areas to the cities, with the aim of preventing the mainland from attacking Taiwan through military action.


Some comrades-in-arms believe that Taiwan is mostly mountainous and forested, and if the PLA lands on the island, it will inevitably be attacked and harassed by frog troops because of the unfamiliar terrain, which will bring certain difficulties to reunification.

This problem does exist. We have seen that at present, the frog army has a certain combat effectiveness under the training of the US military. This kind of special tactics of small clusters has indeed caused certain difficulties for the PLA to take over Taiwan, but we must also realize that the originator of real small cluster operations is the PLA.

Mantis arm as a car! Taiwan's tactics against the PLA are ridiculous, and the PLA is the best at it
Mantis arm as a car! Taiwan's tactics against the PLA are ridiculous, and the PLA is the best at it

In the form of small-cluster special operations, the PLA is more powerful than the frog army, and judging from the current PLA special operations forces, not only are they numerous, but their combat effectiveness is superior to that of the US military, not to mention the frog army.

From the beginning of landing on the island, the PLA will definitely be strongly blocked by the frog army, but it is useless, and no matter how strong the defense is, it is impossible to prevent the PLA from landing on the island. Whether it is the combat fortifications around the island or the coastal mines, the PLA has corresponding response tactics. Moreover, although the Strawberry Army has a certain combat capability, in the face of the powerful PLA, it is impossible for them to die for the "Taiwan independence" elements.

Before the landing operation was launched, it was bound to be a series of targeted strikes. Then the People's Liberation Army landed on the island, just to sweep away the remnants, how many of the remaining frog army dare to resist? As long as the Eastern War and the Coast Guard can complete the mission.

The "decentralization" proposed by the frog army is a low-level tactic. In their eyes, by dispersing operations, they can distract the energy of large PLA forces and carry out sneak attacks on the PLA.

Mantis arm as a car! Taiwan's tactics against the PLA are ridiculous, and the PLA is the best at it

The combat power of the People's Liberation Army is not what it used to be, and refined drills have been carried out for various situations, not to mention small clusters, even if they are hidden underground, they will be dug out by the People's Liberation Army, and there is only a dead end waiting for the frog army.


We don't need to pay too much attention to the special methods of "decentralization" and "small clusters" proposed by the frog army, as well as the method of individual soldiers refusing to reunify, perhaps it is a smoke bomb that deliberately disrupts our strategic approach.

Mantis arm as a car! Taiwan's tactics against the PLA are ridiculous, and the PLA is the best at it

Who can freely announce the mode of warfare to the public?

Therefore, the ridiculous way of frog army may not be true. It is also possible that under the guidance of the US military, false information is deliberately released to disrupt our way of landing on the island.

The mentor has repeatedly said that "you fight yours, I will fight mine", the battlefield methods are changing rapidly, and the PLA is fully capable of dealing with all kinds of tactics that obstruct reunification.

However, we must also be vigilant that the frog army, under the guidance of the US military, may have a more rogue style of play. For example, with dirty bombs or chemical weapons, it cannot be ruled out that the US military will provide frog troops with such asymmetric weapons.

Not long ago, more than 30 US military enterprises visited Taiwan to help Wanwan develop unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned boats. Using drones or unmanned boats may help Wanwan resist reunification around the island.

Now the UAV combat method has become a major way, and the large number of small UAVs also has certain advantages to a certain extent. However, the United States and Wanwan should not forget that the mainland also has drones and unmanned boats, and the PLA is even at the forefront in this regard.

Mantis arm as a car! Taiwan's tactics against the PLA are ridiculous, and the PLA is the best at it
Mantis arm as a car! Taiwan's tactics against the PLA are ridiculous, and the PLA is the best at it

Not long ago, the People's Liberation Army's combat robot dog appeared in the Southeast Asian exercise, which made the United States break its defense, and the United States even accused China.

The more dissatisfied the old United States is, the more the old United States lacks.

If it really fights with unmanned weapons and equipment, it will be impossible to win the PLA even if the US military joins.

The United States has long realized that it is impossible to prevent the PLA from reunifying by force, but it is impossible for the United States to see us complete reunification, and it is possible to use evil methods to help the frog army to attack the PLA.

Any insidious way of Lao Mei should be taken into account.

The picture is from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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