
Insect and disease prevention, Miao Pai got it done - UPL Miao Pai ® Listing Conference was successfully held

author:A new media for agricultural materials

In the midsummer of June, with enthusiasm, Henan Luohe ushered in the grand opening of the UPL Miaopai ® listing conference. This grand event focusing on agricultural science and technology brought together industry elites, experts and scholars, distributors and many large planters, and witnessed the breakthrough and innovation of Miao Pai ® in the field of insect and disease prevention of seed coating agents online and offline.

Insect and disease prevention, Miao Pai got it done - UPL Miao Pai ® Listing Conference was successfully held

The strength of the Miao faction ®, adversity shows the true chapter

During the field observation session, the participants witnessed first-hand the excellent performance of the Miao Pai ® program under drought conditions. Whether it was the number of branches, the number of leaves and the width of the aboveground, or the development of the root system and the number of capillary roots in the underground part, the seedling program ® was significantly better than the conventional control program.

Insect and disease prevention, Miao Pai got it done - UPL Miao Pai ® Listing Conference was successfully held

After pulling out, the peanut seedlings of the seedling ® program were dehydrated more slowly and wilted less under high temperature conditions, which fully demonstrated their ability to resist adversity. Observers said that the Miaopai ® program can not only effectively control pests and diseases, improve the yield and quality of peanuts, but also reduce planting costs and increase farmers' income.

Insect and disease prevention, Miao Pai got it done - UPL Miao Pai ® Listing Conference was successfully held
Insect and disease prevention, Miao Pai got it done - UPL Miao Pai ® Listing Conference was successfully held
Insect and disease prevention, Miao Pai got it done - UPL Miao Pai ® Listing Conference was successfully held

It is believed that in the future, the Miao Pai ® program will bring the joy of harvest to more farmers.

Seeking common development: experts come together

At the press conference, Feng Zhiqiang, general manager of Henan Kechuang Science and Technology, first delivered an opening speech, welcoming all experts to come and seek ® common strategies for the prevention and control of wheat stem rot and Fusarium soil-borne diseases in Henan. The Miao pie ® brought by UPL is not only a new favorite in the market, but also a new hope for agriculture! The weather is changeable and the management problems are difficult for the Miao faction ® to undertake to relieve the worries of farmers and escort agriculture. At this moment, it is an opportunity and a responsibility, let us work together to shine the light of the Miao faction ® in the field, solve the pain points of soil-borne and seed-borne diseases, and welcome a new era of harvest!

Insect and disease prevention, Miao Pai got it done - UPL Miao Pai ® Listing Conference was successfully held

Han Shiping, deputy director of Henan Provincial Plant Protection and Quarantine Station, also spoke highly of UPL Miaopai ® in his speech, believing that it will bring new solutions to peanut planting. He bluntly pointed out that the yield increase has reached a bottleneck, and agricultural dealers must focus on the implementation of innovative technologies. The plant protection system shoulders the important task of ensuring the safety of food production and controlling diseases to a controllable range. With its ternary compounding technology, Miaopai ® has overcome a variety of pests and diseases in one fell swoop, providing a strong boost for increasing grain production.

Insect and disease prevention, Miao Pai got it done - UPL Miao Pai ® Listing Conference was successfully held

Min Hong, section chief of Henan Provincial Plant Protection and Quarantine Station and senior agronomist, explained the occurrence of wheat stem base rot and control technology. She introduced in detail the hazards, occurrence rules and prevention measures of the disease, which provided valuable reference for the participants. The experimental results of this product in Henan Province are excellent, not only for the control of stem base rot, but also to show amazing potential in increasing yield. Miao Pai ® is undoubtedly a dark horse in the field of agriculture and will surely create a new era of prevention and control!

Insect and disease prevention, Miao Pai got it done - UPL Miao Pai ® Listing Conference was successfully held

Dr. Gao Fei, associate professor of the College of Plant Protection of Henan Agricultural University, conducted an in-depth analysis of the occurrence and harm of rhizome diseases of major crops in Henan Province. He used a large number of examples and data to show the impact of these diseases on crop yield and quality, and emphasized the importance of prevention and control. Through the results of its laboratory, UPL Miaopai ® is bound to grow into a powerful tool for the prevention and control of wheat stem rot in Henan, and the prospects are limitless.

The new product was unveiled, congratulations on the listing of UPL Miaopai ®

Dr. Wang Chen, Director of Marketing Department of UPL China, gave a detailed introduction to UPL. She showed UPL's leading position and innovation ability in the global agricultural field, as well as its strategic layout and development plan in the Chinese market. At the same time, she also gave a detailed interpretation of the research and development background, technical characteristics and market advantages of Miaopai ® series products. This year, Miao Pai ® will surely shine in the hands of all partners!

Insect and disease prevention, Miao Pai got it done - UPL Miao Pai ® Listing Conference was successfully held

The most dazzling moment of the press conference is undoubtedly the brilliant listing of Miao Pai ®! At the exciting unveiling ceremony, Feng Zhiqiang, general manager of Henan Science and Technology, Han Shiping, deputy director of Henan Plant Protection and Quarantine Station, Min Hong, section chief and senior agronomist, Dr. Gao Fei, associate professor of the College of Plant Protection of Henan Agricultural University, Dr. Wang Chen, director of UPL China Marketing Department, Qi Liang, manager of UPL China seed coating agent and NPP product line, Wu Yongsong, manager of UPL (Shanghai) Henan Province, and other leading guests came to the stage to jointly unveil the mystery of Miaopai's ® new products and announce their official entry into the market.

Insect and disease prevention, Miao Pai got it done - UPL Miao Pai ® Listing Conference was successfully held

Qi Liang, product line manager of UPL China's seed coating agent and NPP, gave a detailed introduction to Miaopai ® products. He said that Miaopai ® adopts a unique ternary compound technology, which can effectively control a variety of pests and diseases, and has the characteristics of long duration and high safety. He stressed that in the environment of drought and frequent heavy rainfall, diseases such as Fusarium and stem base rot are becoming more and more serious, and the homogenization of market products is serious. In the face of the impact of e-commerce and the downturn in the market, Miaopai ® has successfully broken through the dilemma by virtue of its significant advantages of differentiation, directly hit the core problems of seed-borne and soil-borne diseases, and led a new trend of prevention and control!

Insect and disease prevention, Miao Pai got it done - UPL Miao Pai ® Listing Conference was successfully held

Working together for a better future

Wu Yongsong, manager of UPL (Shanghai) Henan Province, introduced the promotion ideas and marketing plans of Miao Pai ® based on Henan Province. He emphasized the importance of close cooperation and mutual benefit with farmers, distributors and other partners, and proposed specific promotion plans and measures.

With the listing and promotion of Miaopai ®, we have reason to believe that this new ternary compound seed coating agent will bring more surprises and harvests to the majority of growers, and write a new chapter in the field of agricultural insect and disease control!

Insect and disease prevention, Miao Pai got it done - UPL Miao Pai ® Listing Conference was successfully held

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