
Investment promotion and capital selection "stride and fast running" project construction "landing sound" - Zhengding High-tech Zone strong service for the transformation and development of momentum

author:Palm Shōsada

A blueprint for the development of investment and capital selection

How do you turn it into tangible development data?

How a signed byline is converted

A strong stroke of high-quality development at the county level?

Among them

"Negotiation and signing is the beginning, landing and starting construction is the key, and putting into production and achieving efficiency is the goal"

How to speed up the solid implementation of the project and achieve results

The "living water" of development

Irrigation into the fertile soil of the ancient city for investment

Produce tangible benefits

Zhengding High-tech Zone

The concept of "grasping the project is grasping the development".


We are talking about signing projects and signing projects

Grasp the development of the landing project and optimize the service in the whole process

Strengthen monitoring and tracking management of the whole chain

Securing the project

"Lead, fall, manage well"


Build a nest to attract phoenixes and draw a blueprint. On December 22, 2023, the signing ceremony of the Zhengding County Investment Promotion and Capital Selection Winter Project was held in the Zhengding Area of the China (Hebei) Pilot Free Trade Zone. At the event, 26 projects were signed with a total investment of 2.386 billion yuan, covering the fields of digital economy, high-end equipment manufacturing, biomedicine, modern logistics and the "4+1" leading industries of headquarters economy.

Investment promotion and capital selection "stride and fast running" project construction "landing sound" - Zhengding High-tech Zone strong service for the transformation and development of momentum

At this signing ceremony, the stem cell diagnosis and treatment project of Beijing Xubo Biotechnology, a high-tech enterprise, officially reached an intention to settle in our county, planning to carry out a new generation of precision medicine and cell drug research and development, practice and other businesses. As a pilot free trade zone and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development of industrial bearing area, Zhengding High-tech Zone and relevant departments have held many talks to promote, only 3 months, Beijing Xubo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. investment and construction of Shijiazhuang Qingbo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. officially settled in Zhongnan Hi-Tech Zhengding Science and Technology Valley, began to put into operation.

Investment promotion and capital selection "stride and fast running" project construction "landing sound" - Zhengding High-tech Zone strong service for the transformation and development of momentum

Chairman of Shijiazhuang Qingbo Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Ma Minjie

Our company started construction in January this year and officially started operation in March. In the subsequent construction and operation process, we were attracted by the meticulous services of Zhengding in the whole cycle, such as when we handled the qualifications and filed the project, the staff of the relevant departments of the high-tech zone and the county ran to handle the agency, which made us deeply feel the continuous optimization of the business environment. At present, our enterprise is running smoothly, and we will do a good job in biomedical research, gather talents for the development of regional biomedical industry, and have a strong magnetic field.

Investment promotion and capital selection "stride and fast running" project construction "landing sound" - Zhengding High-tech Zone strong service for the transformation and development of momentum
Investment promotion and capital selection "stride and fast running" project construction "landing sound" - Zhengding High-tech Zone strong service for the transformation and development of momentum
Investment promotion and capital selection "stride and fast running" project construction "landing sound" - Zhengding High-tech Zone strong service for the transformation and development of momentum

Relying on the mature enterprise operation mechanism of Beijing Xubo Biotechnology, Shijiazhuang Qingbo Biotechnology has quickly established a highly educated and high-quality R&D team, with more than 40% of the on-the-job R&D personnel accounting for masters and doctors, and has continuously made new breakthroughs in cell clinical research and other businesses.

Investment promotion and capital selection "stride and fast running" project construction "landing sound" - Zhengding High-tech Zone strong service for the transformation and development of momentum

Shijiazhuang Qingbo Biological R&D team leader, MD An Shengjun

At present, we have built 4 laboratories with local 100-level purification, and our team focuses on the storage of stem cells and immune cells and the research and development of cell therapy drugs, and strives to obtain the IND review of our cell therapy drugs developed by the Drug Evaluation Center of the National Medical Products Administration within 2 years.

Investment promotion and capital selection "stride and fast running" project construction "landing sound" - Zhengding High-tech Zone strong service for the transformation and development of momentum
Investment promotion and capital selection "stride and fast running" project construction "landing sound" - Zhengding High-tech Zone strong service for the transformation and development of momentum

In order to strengthen the guidance and supervision of the performance of the contracted projects, Zhengding High-tech Zone has established the concept of "everything is equal to zero if the project does not start", set up a special class to promote it, provide full life cycle management services around the project attraction, signing, starting, construction and completion, establish a tracking ledger, conduct classified research and judgment, and promote the refined and scientific management of the whole process of the project. Focus on enterprise-related services, make full use of various policy mechanisms to help foreign investors coordinate the problems and difficulties in the process of project implementation, adhere to the principle of "helping the horse and sending another ride" to all service enterprises, and promote the project to be put into operation and achieve results.

Investment promotion and capital selection "stride and fast running" project construction "landing sound" - Zhengding High-tech Zone strong service for the transformation and development of momentum

Yue Wei, Planning and Construction Bureau of Zhengding High-tech Zone

As the Baolian department, we will continue to pay attention to the construction, production and operation of the enterprises in the park, coordinate and solve all kinds of difficulties encountered in the construction process of the project in a timely manner, help solve the problems encountered by the enterprises in production and operation, and truly do nothing to disturb and respond to requests, so as to help the high-quality development of enterprises in the park.

Investment promotion and capital selection "stride and fast running" project construction "landing sound" - Zhengding High-tech Zone strong service for the transformation and development of momentum

Sun Bowen, deputy director of the Investment Promotion Bureau of Zhengding High-tech Zone

While focusing on the precise investment promotion of leading industries, we will make every effort to do a good job in the second half of the investment promotion work, pay close attention to the service guarantee of project construction, help the project to land and put into operation as soon as possible, and promote high-quality projects to support the high-quality development of the park industry.

Investment promotion and capital selection "stride and fast running" project construction "landing sound" - Zhengding High-tech Zone strong service for the transformation and development of momentum

Pay close attention to project services

Concentrate on promoting the incremental realization of investment promotion


Up and down the county

Focus on the central goal of economic construction

and high-quality development

Adhere to the unwavering development of the industry and overcome difficulties

A high-quality project has been formed

Vivid practice

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