
The city will issue electricity price subsidies to ease the burden of living for the people in difficulty

author:Changchun release

A few days ago, the website of the Changchun Municipal People's Government issued the "Notice of the Changchun Municipal Finance Bureau and the Changchun Civil Affairs Bureau on Issuing Electricity Price Subsidies for the Needy People", which is as follows:

The city will issue electricity price subsidies to ease the burden of living for the people in difficulty

Changchun Municipal Bureau of Finance Changchun Civil Affairs Bureau about

A notice was issued on the electricity price subsidy for the needy

Changcai Society refers to [2024] No. 534

Finance Bureaus of all districts (development zones):

  According to the Jilin Provincial Price Bureau's "Notice on the Trial Implementation of Tiered Electricity Prices for Residents' Domestic Electricity in Jilin Province" (Ji Provincial Price [2012] No. 157) and the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs and the Provincial Department of Finance's "Notice on Issues Concerning the Exemption of 10 kWh of Electricity per Month for Urban and Rural Low-income Households and Rural Five-Guarantee Households after the Trial of Tiered Electricity Prices" and the Provincial Department of Finance and the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs's "Notice on Issuing Electricity Price Subsidies for Needy People" (Ji Cai She Zhi [2024] No. 177) documents, The 2023 tiered electricity price free electricity subsidy fund of 3.3327 million yuan is now issued to your district. The revenue during implementation is included in the 2024 government revenue and expenditure classification subject "1100208 settlement subsidy income", and the expenditure function classification is included in the "2081901 urban minimum living security fund expenditure", "2081902 rural minimum living security fund expenditure", "2082101 urban expenditure for people living in extreme poverty" and "2082102 rural people in extreme poverty", and the economic classification account of government budget expenditure is included in the "51301 transfer expenditure of upper and lower level governments".

  The financial and civil affairs departments of all districts shall, in accordance with the requirements of the relevant provincial and municipal documents, do a good job in the allocation and distribution of free electricity subsidies for urban and rural subsistence allowances and extremely poor households, so as to ensure that this policy of benefiting the people is implemented.

Attachments: 1. Fund Allocation Table

The city will issue electricity price subsidies to ease the burden of living for the people in difficulty

2. Performance target table of provincial-to-city transfer payments

The city will issue electricity price subsidies to ease the burden of living for the people in difficulty

Changchun Municipal Bureau of Finance

Changchun Civil Affairs Bureau

June 6, 2024

Source: Changchun Municipal People's Government website

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