
Today, on the twenty-sixth day of May, the old man said: If you don't come out, you won't be rich or safe, which four won't come out? What's the saying?

author:Aaron Gastronomy

Today is the twenty-sixth day of May, and in some traditional concepts, the old people often say, "If you don't go out, you won't be rich and safe." The "four nos" in this sentence refer to the fact that going out should be avoided in certain situations. While these claims may vary across regions and cultures, we can explore some common explanations and possible causes.

Today, on the twenty-sixth day of May, the old man said: If you don't come out, you won't be rich or safe, which four won't come out? What's the saying?

1. Do not go out in bad weather: In case of bad weather conditions, such as heavy rain, strong winds, thunder and lightning, etc., do not go out to ensure personal safety. Bad weather can pose various risks such as slipping, being blown down by the wind, being struck by lightning, etc.

2. Don't go out at night: At night, visibility is low and the safety risk is relatively high. In addition, there may also be more uncertainties and potential dangers at night, such as criminal activity.

Today, on the twenty-sixth day of May, the old man said: If you don't come out, you won't be rich or safe, which four won't come out? What's the saying?

3. If you feel unwell or sick, not going out can allow your body to get enough rest and recovery. Avoiding going out when you're not in good health can help prevent an exacerbation or accident.

4. No hazardous areas: Some areas may be considered dangerous, such as war-torn areas, high-crime areas, or areas with frequent natural disasters. Avoiding these places can reduce the likelihood of encountering danger. Behind these statements, it reflects the importance that people place on safety and protecting themselves.

Today, on the twenty-sixth day of May, the old man said: If you don't come out, you won't be rich or safe, which four won't come out? What's the saying?

In traditional culture, May 26 may have some special auspicious day particulars, which may vary depending on regional, religious, folk and other factors. Here are some possible auspicious days for May 26:

1. Ancestor worship: May 26 may be seen as an auspicious day to worship ancestors. People may go to ancestral graves or ancestral halls to perform sacrificial rituals to express respect and gratitude to their ancestors.

2. Pray for Blessings: This day may be considered a good time to pray for blessings and blessings. People may go to temples, Taoist temples, or other religious sites to burn incense and worship the Buddha and pray for peace, health, and prosperity.

3. Eat specific foods: In some places, there may be specific dietary customs for May 26. For example, the consumption of zongzi, dragon boat rice, calamus wine, etc., these foods are considered to have auspicious meanings.

4. Social gatherings: May 26 can be a good time for family reunions and gatherings of family and friends. People may hold banquets, dinners, and other events to celebrate this auspicious day together.

5. Avoid certain behaviors: According to tradition, there may be some behaviors that are considered unlucky to avoid, such as not breaking ground, not moving houses, etc. It is important to note that these precepts and customs may vary from region to region and culture, and some traditions may evolve or change over time. In modern society, people's perceptions of auspicious days may also be more diverse and personal. However, understanding and respecting these particularities in traditional culture can help us better feel and inherit the heritage of history and culture. At the same time, we should also look at these traditions with a scientific and rational attitude, and avoid excessive superstition and blind obedience. The most important thing is that no matter what day it is, we should uphold the qualities of kindness, integrity, and hard work, and face life's challenges with a positive attitude.

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