
"Du Hua Nian" saw the transaction between Concubine Rou and the emperor, and realized why she dared to shout with the queen

author:UU Book Shadow Talk

"Remember, what you said to me back then, you are willing to be a knife for me, don't forget your identity."

"Du Hua Nian" saw the transaction between Concubine Rou and the emperor, and realized why she dared to shout with the queen

Li Ming's words tore apart Concubine Rou's unbearability and ugliness.

Concubine Rou is beautiful on the outside, but she is the most humble concubine behind her back, Li Ming never has to think about her joys, sorrows, and sorrows, if she is unhappy, she will beat and scold a few times, and if she is happy, she will reward her.

In the harem, outsiders feel that Concubine Rou has been favored for decades, which is luck and preference.

But only Concubine Rou herself knows that in front of Li Ming, she can't be regarded as a person.

The other concubines and queens all have the support of major families behind them, only Concubine Rou has nothing, and all the honors and disgraces of Concubine Rou are manipulated by Li Ming.

Other concubines, such as Yang Wan or the queen, were dissatisfied and dared to shout with Li Ming and dare to scold angrily, but Concubine Rou never dared.

All of Concubine Rou's favor stems from her willingness to be Li Ming's knife, a knife that stabs at the major families, and it is also a shield, once Li Ming loses the battle with the family, Concubine Rou is the best victim.

"Du Hua Nian" saw the transaction between Concubine Rou and the emperor, and realized why she dared to shout with the queen

In fact, the moment she entered the palace, Concubine Rou understood this truth, her status as a poor family is a bargaining chip in the harem, and it is also a bargaining chip favored by Li Ming.

From the palace maid in the cold palace, to the nun who lost her husband and became a monk, and finally to the head of the four concubines, Concubine Rou was glorious and wealthy, all of which were won by losing their dignity.

Concubine Rou is the only concubine in the palace.

Her real name is Xiao Rou, born in an ordinary family, she entered the palace early when she was young and became a palace maid.

Li Ming met her in the cold palace. The young Li Ming was not favored, no one cared about him in the cold palace, and those lonely and lonely days were all spent by Xiao Rou.

Later, Li Ming became the crown prince of the Shangguan family and received the support of the major families, and the queen at that time gave Xiao Rou by her side to a minister.

"Du Hua Nian" saw the transaction between Concubine Rou and the emperor, and realized why she dared to shout with the queen

Since then, the two have not crossed paths.

After Li Ming became emperor, the minister died, and Xiao Rou was ordained a monk because of this.

But Xiao Rou was unwilling, when Li Ming went to the temple, he met Xiao Rou, who had become a nun, and the two of them rekindled their old love, and they reached a deal with each other for a while.

Li Ming is willing to accept her as a concubine regardless of the world, and as revenge, Xiao Rou must obey Li Ming unconditionally.

"Du Hua Nian" saw the transaction between Concubine Rou and the emperor, and realized why she dared to shout with the queen

In the palace, Xiao Rou is the sharpest knife to balance Shangguan Yue.

Soon, she became the head of the four concubines and assisted the queen in managing the affairs of the harem.

At the beginning, Xiao Rou still remembered her identity, but as she had been immersed in the harem for a long time, she was no longer satisfied with just being Li Ming's knife, but wanted to send her son to the throne.

Regarding Li Ming's love for Concubine Rou, Princess Pingle said this:

"He gave her unconditional honor and love, and said that he favored Concubine Rou, and Concubine Rou was a concubine and a concubine, if he was really so concerned about Concubine Rou, how could he let her bear such a reputation."

The so-called relatives, lovers, and children are not as important to Li Ming as power.

"Du Hua Nian" saw the transaction between Concubine Rou and the emperor, and realized why she dared to shout with the queen

For Concubine Rou, Li Ming is contemptuous many times.

"I know your skills very well, if it weren't for your ability, you would think that this ant body could be in this position."

Concubine Rou never dared to lose her temper in front of him, and she always fused Li Ming unconditionally, but even if she had given birth to a son and a daughter for Li Ming, in Li Ming's eyes, she was still just an ant.

When Li Chuan reached the age of choosing a concubine, Concubine Rou cleverly pulled her niece Xiao Wei into the bureau, and wanted to pull her mother's family, but as everyone knows, Li Ming didn't look down on it at all.

Even though Li Ming wanted to abolish Li Chuan many times and slap the family, Xiao Rou's relatives were not worthy of being the prince in his eyes.

Concubine Rou's final fiasco was lost because she didn't understand Li Ming's contempt for her from the bottom of her heart all her life.

Li Ming is also very contradictory, he himself is obviously supported by the family, but now he hates the sense of control of the various clans of the family.

He wanted to support the Hanmen and use it to fight against the family, but when it came to the harem, he looked down on the women of the Hanmen, just as he looked down on Concubine Rou and the niece of Concubine Rou.

It can be seen that Li Ming's power to Concubine Rou is conditional.

"Du Hua Nian" saw the transaction between Concubine Rou and the emperor, and realized why she dared to shout with the queen

Concubine Rou is not only a stumbling block he set for the queen, but also a gap for cultivating his own power.

After the Yang family was gone, Li Ming arranged for Concubine Rou's brother to take over the northwest, cutting off Li Chuan's opportunity to plant power in the northwest.

At the same time, under the calculation of Concubine Rou, Su Rongqing, the second son of the Su family of a century-old family, became a teacher for his son King Su.

Li Ming's killing of Concubine Rou is obvious.

If Li Chuan is a puppet prince supported by the family, then King Su is a puppet of the Hanmen supported by Li Ming.

Li Ming used King Su to dismantle the family and win over the hearts of the disciples of the Han Sect.

"Du Hua Nian" saw the transaction between Concubine Rou and the emperor, and realized why she dared to shout with the queen

In the final analysis, King Su is just a pawn that can be discarded at any time.

Concubine Rou's fate was decided as early as when she was willing to use Li Ming as a knife.

She can only be at the mercy of Li Ming, once her status and movements make Li Ming feel out of control, then the first knife she encounters is from Li Ming.