
I suddenly found that the post-60s generation who are over 60 years old and retire is the darkest moment in life

author:The cottage of the summer of the rosewood

Many people have been working hard for decades, thinking that when they retire, they can start a new phase of their lives, put down their work, and enjoy life.

Some people start planning their retirement life a few years before retirement. After being pressed by the burden of work for so many years, and retiring, you must eat and drink, see the scenery of various places, and enjoy the comfort of life in your old age.

But when everyone really enters this so-called "new stage", they find that the most difficult life is not before retirement, but after retirement. Because they have to face these 3 practical problems.

I suddenly found that the post-60s generation who are over 60 years old and retire is the darkest moment in life

1. Join the team with children

At the age of 60, most of the children have already started a family. Nowadays, young people live under great pressure, and it is difficult for one person to make money to support the expenses of a family. Many elderly people join the team with children before they have time to enjoy life after retirement.

This feeling of "second post" makes people quite helpless.

The post-60s generation who are over 60 years old is a very hard generation. When I was young, I was short of material, so I could only grit my teeth and stay up, step by step. Finally, the children got married, and they reached the age of retirement, so they could take a break, but they just retired, and they had to take care of their children.

Today's young people live more realistically than the previous generation, they don't want to make themselves too tired, they enjoy life when they earn money, they don't have the idea of saving money, and they don't want to be too frugal. Within the scope of ability, I will not wronged myself.

If you don't have any money, you can ask the elders to make up for it, they won't think about it for the future, they just want to live in the present.

Young people live in style, and old people are tired. After retirement, many elderly people not only help take care of their children, but also cook, do all the housework, and use their pensions to supplement their children's lives.

The elderly have a pension, if you ask your children for living expenses when taking care of your children, how can you ask me for money? Can't you see how stressful our lives are?

In addition to contributing money and effort, you also have to endure the difference in life with young people. Everyone lives under one roof and has a different way of life, with occasional minor frictions.

Some elderly people don't want to make themselves so tired, and refuse to help take care of their children after retirement, which will be exchanged for the complaints of their sons and daughters-in-law. They think you have nothing to do at home after you retire, so why don't you help with the kids? If you don't help now, don't count on me when you're old in the future.

I suddenly found that the post-60s generation who are over 60 years old and retire is the darkest moment in life

When a daughter-in-law gives birth to a child, the grandmother takes it as an obligation, which is also the reason why many elderly people do not urge their daughter-in-law to have a second child. Because after the birth of a child, they are the ones who will be affected in the end.

When he is old, all the money is spent on his children and grandchildren, and his body is exhausted. When you need someone to take care of you, your children are used to spending money lavishly, and you don't have any savings in your hands, so you can't take care of yourself, how can you have the energy to take care of the elderly?

In the end, the elderly who are over 60 years old have worked hard for most of their lives, but pension has become a problem.

Second, when you get old, you have to take care of your elderly parents

In the past, the living conditions and medical level were not so high, and many old people lived to be seventy or eighty years old, and with the progress of society, there are more and more elderly people who live long, and it is already the norm to live to the age of seventy or eighty.

After the age of 60, most of the parents are already in their 80s and 90s. At this age, the underlying disease has been found, and many elderly people are in trouble in life, and they cannot be taken care of by others.

Some post-60s generations are not in good health and have no ability to take care of their parents, so they can only send the elderly to nursing homes. A nursing home with a poor environment can't bear to be sent in. Nursing homes with good environment have high costs.

Nursing homes also charge according to the level of self-care of the elderly, and if the parents are completely unable to take care of themselves, the cost is even higher.

The post-60s generation finally survived until retirement, and most of the pension had to be spent on their parents, and their living standards would be reduced a lot.

Some parents are reluctant to go to nursing homes, and the post-60s generation can only take care of them in person. On the one hand, you have to take care of your grandchildren, and on the other hand, you have to take care of your elderly parents. The post-60s generation is also getting older, and their bodies are not as good as when they were young, which is really a dilemma.

I suddenly found that the post-60s generation who are over 60 years old and retire is the darkest moment in life

When some parents get older, they are like children, commonly known as "old children". Such an old man is as uncertain as a child, fond of work, and stubborn.

It doesn't make sense to reason with them, let's get angry, seeing that they are so old, I can't bear it, so I can only swallow my grievances in my stomach.

After taking care of their parents for a long time, some of the post-60s generation are exhausted, and their health is not as healthy as their elderly parents, and they don't know when they will walk ahead of their parents?

Retirement should have been the beginning of enjoying life. But there are two burdens, children and parents, and neither burden can be thrown away. It is necessary to consider both parents and children, only the middle self is tired and bitter but no one is distressed, how can it not be difficult?

3. I or my wife are not in good health

The post-60s generation, who are over 60 years old, although they have begun to enter old age, are actually the pillars of the family. When they were young, they started from scratch, and most of them did not rely on the help of their parents, but when they got old, they had to buy cars and houses for their children, and did everything they could.

In order to make the pressure on their children less stressful, they help take care of the children after retirement. Parents need to be taken care of when they are old, and they have to take care of them as well. The family is separated from them, and life is worried.

As the pillars of their support, what they are most afraid of is that they or their wives are not in good health.

As people get older, many diseases come to the door. Some post-60s generations did not enjoy a few years of happiness after retirement, and their bodies collapsed. At this time, the most difficult thing is the wife.

A person's energy is limited, and the wife has to take care of herself and be distracted to take care of her children and elderly parents.

I suddenly found that the post-60s generation who are over 60 years old and retire is the darkest moment in life

Children are in need of help, if the post-60s generation is not strong enough to take care of themselves, and there is no way to help their children, it is inevitable that they will be complained by their children. After the contradictions, his later life was worried.

If the post-60s generation can't hold on and walks ahead of their parents, who should take care of their elderly parents? The children themselves are too busy to take care of themselves, and if they leave their parents to them, will they be able to afford to live in the land? What if the children don't ask? Even if their children can't bear to ignore it, can they do their best to take care of the elderly as they do?

Parents have not been happy in their old age, and their children have suffered as a result. The post-60s generation who is caught in the middle will not be at ease even if they close their eyes.

The post-60s generation is really difficult. After so many years at work, I thought that after retirement, good days would come. As a result, real problems are piled up in front of us and have to be faced.

I thought that retirement was the beginning of a new life, but I didn't expect that retirement would be the beginning of hardship. obviously has a pension, but because of the old and the young, he can't live his own life.

They don't dare to get sick, they don't dare to walk in front of their parents. How can we change the situation of suffering sin but not enjoying happiness?

Although for the post-60s, there are three realistic dilemmas in front of them, but life must continue to live, and I hope that the post-60s generation can think more about their own bodies when they take care of others. Life is very hard, and it is a positive change to have fun in the midst of suffering.

Some people say that the post-60s generation is the last generation to provide for their parents, and it is also the first generation of people who have no one to provide for themselves, what do you think?
