
Operating. Operation. Management, what's the difference?

author:Retail operations QPBLUE
Operating. Operation. Management, what's the difference?

First, distinguish between operations and operations

■ The concept of both

Operation management is the planning, organization, implementation and control of the operation process, and is a general term for various management work closely related to product production and service creation.

Retail management terminology refers to a series of business management activities in which retailers train, supervise, assess, reward and punish the various operations of their stores through some hard and soft indicators.

■ The difference between the two

Operating. Operation. Management, what's the difference?

The two words, in less strict cases, can be used interchangeably.

What is Operations?

Operation is the idea + landing, and the process of implementing the idea into the terminal store is called operation.

What is Operations?


Focus on operation, planning, management and construction; seeking, etc.; Focus on 80% management improvement and 20% daily operation


Contrary to operation, it focuses more on operation and operation; Focus on 80% of daily operations and 20% of management improvement

What are the characteristics of operations management?

• Covers a wide range of areas

• High degree of refinement

• Strong repetitive work

• Difficult to manage

• Requires a systems mindset

What is the work involved in operations management?

•Format optimization and brand strategy adjustment

• Operational information management

• Personnel management

• Market research

• Marketing & Management

•customer service

Operating. Operation. Management, what's the difference?

What skills do operations managers need to master?

•Market analysis, analyze the market, interpret competing products, find differentiated competition, and understand the needs of consumer groups after consumption upgrades

•Formulate marketing strategies, clarify enterprise development goals, find development opportunities under market segmentation, and take the lead in occupying market share.

•Develop product strategies to ensure maximum revenue, formulate reasonable product positioning, pricing strategies, distribution channels and promotion strategies to ensure balanced business decisions.

•Operational management ability, scientifically use retail KPI management tools to decompose the company's strategic goals, and lead the team to achieve the company's performance.

The difference between operation and management

Business is the result of the process of starting from scratch, from small to large, from non-development to development, from instability to stability

Management is the process of planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, controlling and means, combining human, material, financial, information and other resources in order to achieve goals efficiently

business management
starting point Management treats employees as human beings Management treats employees as objects
Behavior patterns How to choose to do the right thing How to do the right thing well
Results-oriented Management feels the life and death of the enterprise Management determines the efficiency of a business
Emphasis Focus on the results Focus on the process
Mindset Do a good mind Finished thinking
range Management requires holistic thinking Possess local module thinking
Space-time points Focus on the future Focus on the present
Basis Rely on principles and principles Rely on tools and methods
attitude You need to be open and proactive Primarily passive thinking
Emphasis points Emphasis on consistency of ideas Management emphasizes skills

There are two important realizations:

First, what management does must be decided by management;

Second, the management level cannot exceed the management level.

Awareness 1: Why should management be determined by management?

In a company, "running" is choosing the right thing to do;

Management is about getting things right. The logical relationship is very obvious.

Insight 2: Why can't management be greater than management?

Because if a company's management ability is greater than its management ability, it often means a loss.

This is why some companies have a very sound system, a very advanced cultural concept, and excellent talents, but the reason why the business is sluggish. Although you know management very well, there is something wrong with your management concept.

Operating. Operation. Management, what's the difference?

Management cannot override management, but needs to formulate specific management plans under the concept, principles and principles of business guidance. When management goes beyond operation, management is like losing its direction, and it is more like a form of management for the sake of management.

Then, let's learn the right way to manage operations

■ Characteristics of operation management

Operating. Operation. Management, what's the difference?

■ Work content of operation management

Operating. Operation. Management, what's the difference?
Operating. Operation. Management, what's the difference?

How to do a good job in operations management

The key to doing a good job in operation management is to establish an on-site working mechanism.

■ 3 core elements of on-site work

Operating. Operation. Management, what's the difference?

■ Form a patrol mechanism

There are 12 key words in the patrol: sky, earth, wall, air, temperature, light, goods, containers, samples, words, deeds, and installation

Operating. Operation. Management, what's the difference?

Evaluation and assessment of inspection results:

The daily patrol site timely inspects and discovers problems, and deals with them in a timely manner to prevent expansion;

Weekly patrol special inspection, go deep into the source, pay attention to the dynamic operation of the store;

Monthly patrol joint inspection, professional complementarity, covering the whole site.

The work in the process of inspection needs to implement the responsible departments and people, and establish a timely processing and closed inspection and evaluation mechanism, combined with performance appraisal.

■ Operate at any time period

(1) Operational preparations

Assist merchants in applying for business licenses; (Rental shopping mall)

Handle the entry procedures of merchant staff; (Certificates, recruitment, commuting management)

Determine the entry route, time and other relevant regulations of the merchant's goods, equipment and facilities before the opening of the business;

implement and replenish goods and promotional activities;

Compile "Merchant Manual", "Salesperson Manual", "Merchant Decoration Manual", etc., for merchants;

Compile the Operations Management Operation Manual for use by internal staff in the Operations Department;

Formulate the overall opening and closing time of the shopping center and collect the opening and closing time of independent anchor stores, and form the opening and closing process of the shopping center;

Merchant lease contract and merchant basic information input;

Establish all kinds of ledgers and compile basic information files for the square;

Formulation of emergency plans for opening

(2) Day operation

Morning meeting, store opening, inspection, information collection, merchant interview, replenishment, dining, store closure inspection

(3) Weekly operation work

Regular operation meetings, special inspections, merchant joint meetings, and marketing activities are implemented

(4) Monthly operation

Monthly business analysis, theme management activities, merchant or sales staff evaluation, special market research

(5) Quarterly operation

Management of various indicators: charges, turnover

Phased adjustments

Seasonal operation: new product launches, seasonal special sales

(6) years of operational work

Formulation and decomposition of annual operating objectives, annual business plan, and annual adjustment plan 

Operating. Operation. Management, what's the difference?

Difference Between Operations and Marketing

Operating. Operation. Management, what's the difference?

Business externally, management internally. The combination of internal and external can achieve the everlasting foundation.

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