
Microfiction: After she listened to the words of the troublesome woman

author:Flowers are separated
Microfiction: After she listened to the words of the troublesome woman


"Mom, whoever gives birth to the child will bring, when you gave birth to me and my brother, grandma didn't bring you a baby, you didn't take my brother while going to the ground, I still remember that we were playing in the field, and we couldn't find it in the dry well, it scared you, why did she Cui Xiaoning marry into our family, so she played the eldest lady and asked her mother-in-law to take the baby, Mom, if you are tired, it is not you who suffers."

Liu Liyan ate the big watermelon cut by her mother, spit out the seeds, and gave her mother ideas.

Wu Shufen didn't want to bring a baby to her daughter-in-law, which not only affected her to dance square dance, but also affected her to play mahjong. ”


Cui Xiaoning was angry when she heard this, because she was going out to study for half a year, and when she came back from this study, she was expected to be promoted to store manager, and her salary could also rise by five hundred, so she asked her mother-in-law to watch for her for half a year.

In ordinary days, she and her husband take care of one, her mother-in-law never cares about helping, she didn't say anything, isn't it difficult now, mother-in-law has already retired, there is a pension of 2,000 yuan per month, since she got married, she put down her words, saying that her health is not good, regardless of taking the baby, she also agreed.

But which family doesn't help each other when they encounter difficulties, let alone help their son, won't their mother-in-law need her to support their old age in the future?

She said to her husband Liu Tiejun: "Go tell your mother, if she doesn't care about taking the baby this time, then she will be sick in the future, and don't expect me to serve." ”

Liu Tiejun was afraid of both his mother and his wife, so after conveying the words, he hurriedly ran home.

Wu Shufen is getting old, and she is really afraid that her daughter-in-law will not support her, so she will go to her daughter to get an idea.

Microfiction: After she listened to the words of the troublesome woman


"Mom, it's not me saying you, Cui Xiaoning works in that broken shop, it's only 5,000 yuan a month, my brother is engaged in construction, there are about 10,000 a month, as the saying goes, the economic base determines the superstructure, if she is not filial to you, let her get out of here, let my brother marry another one, not to mention that you still have a pension, let me serve when the time comes, or hire a nanny, Mom, don't admit it, she will take care of it."

"Okay, Liyan, Mom listens to you, and Mom's deposit will be given to you in the future, this year, the girl is a caring little padded jacket."

In the end, Wu Shufen didn't show Cui Xiaoning the child, there was no way, she sent the child to her second aunt's house and went to study in other places for half a year.

Half a year later, Cui Xiaoning came back, their chain store was reformed, she contracted a store, and her income skyrocketed, and her income was calculated as an annual salary.

At the same time, she cut off contact with Wu Shufen, and she said to Liu Tiejun: "I don't care if you go to see your mother, but my child and I have not received her favor, I will not go to see her again, and her birth, old age, sickness and death have nothing to do with me in the future." “


Liu Tiejun usually goes once a month because his mother doesn't take care of the children, buys something and puts it down.

Wu Shufen is getting older and older, she misses her grandson and granddaughter, and always wants her children to go back, but Cui Xiaoning just doesn't let go.

Once, when Wu Shufen was dancing in the square, she suddenly fell to the ground, and after going to the hospital for examination, she found that she had stomach cancer.

At this moment, she panicked, so she called her daughter: "Xiao Ning said that she wouldn't come to serve me, girl, I'm going to have surgery, you come and serve me, I'm afraid." “

Liu Liyan shouted on the phone: "Mom, she is a daughter-in-law, it is right to honor her mother-in-law, the water spilled by the married daughter, when you gave all the family property to my brother, I didn't leave anything, why should I serve, besides, as long as she doesn't come to serve you, you will go to her store to make trouble, make sure she is afraid." “

Wu Shufen snorted and said: "Girl, your brother got married, it was your sister-in-law's mother's house, I only gave 100,000 yuan, and in the past few years, I have given you 200,000 yuan in deposits." “

"Mom, after your operation, you still need maintenance, rest assured, I will spend a lot of 200,000 yuan on you, I played with my friends in the field, spent 50,000 yuan to report the tour fee, I can't go back, you let my brother spend first, let my sister-in-law serve, and when I go back, I will serve you well."

Microfiction: After she listened to the words of the troublesome woman


After Liu Tiejun knew that his mother was sick, he told Cui Xiaoning about the situation.

Cui Xiaoning took out 100,000 yuan: "Tie Jun, she is an old man, she is sick, she should be treated, I remember that she has savings and a pension, how can she save 200,000 yuan in her hands in the past few years, plus this 100,000 yuan, it is my filial piety for you, but I will not serve, either you will hire a nanny, or you will resign to serve." “

Liu Tiejun had no choice, he took his mother to Beijing for surgery, but because he delayed work, his high-paying job was replaced, and when he went to another position, he could only get a basic salary of 3,000 yuan per month.

This amount of money is not enough to hire a nurse, and my mother needs to take care of it, and he has to take leave for three days and two ends, so he has no choice but to quit his job.

Cui Xiaoning didn't complain, only said that I will raise the family, you go and serve the child's grandmother, and I will pay the money.

Liu Tiejun hugged her and cried: "Wife, my mother is sorry for you, you are a good daughter-in-law." “

Cui Xiaoning smiled bitterly: "Your mother, it's just that the roots of her ears are too soft, so you have to let her know who is good and who is bad." “

Liu Tiejun understood what she meant: "Okay, wife, I'll call her." “


"Liyan, mom misses you, after mom is discharged from the hospital, let's serve mom for a month, I also have to go to work, I can't serve mom for a long time."

Liu Liyan suddenly howled: "Brother, you are unreasonable, my mother gave you all the money in the family, and gave you back the child, now that you are filial, you want me to share it with you." “

Liu Tiejun was also anxious: "Liyan, let's speak with a conscience, my mother will provide you to graduate from a junior college, I am a secondary school graduate, my mother gave you 200,000, don't think I don't know, look at the child, when did she show me the child, but it is your two daughters, she has served for more than a year." “

"Don't you know how much money I spent on food and clothes for my mother? Don't settle accounts with me, tell you, when I go home and look at it twice, it's polite, the girl who marries out, the water that spills out, don't think about morality kidnapping me. “

At this moment, Liu Tiejun's mobile phone was in a state of being released, Wu Shufen listened to her daughter's words and threw herself on the hospital bed: "Unfilial wolf cub, cheat my money away, and leave me alone." “


Liu Tiejun said hatefully: "Mom, you know who is good and who is bad now, she can take 50,000 yuan to travel, but she can't come back to accompany you for surgery, I'm afraid of spending money in vain, the money you spent for surgery was spent by me and Cui Xiaoning, who is a human or a ghost, don't you know?" ”

Wu Shufen asked him to take out a small bag from the drawer next to the bed, and there was a card in the bag: "Son, there is still 100,000 here, I originally wanted to go to the nursing home for it, because Liyan said that you will definitely send me to the nursing home in the future, I was wrong, you give this money to Xiao Ning, she is willing to send me to the nursing home, or she is willing to keep me at home, this money will be given to you." ”

Liu Tiejun wiped a handful of tears, and his mother finally knew who was the best person.

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