
Tencent outsourcing employees leave the company and post a screenshot of a deposit of 100 million yuan, and work is to experience life?

author:Idle drunken mountain people

Recently, a picture of "Tencent's outsourced employees leaving their jobs and posting a screenshot of a deposit of 100 million yuan" has sparked heated discussions on the Internet. In the picture, Qiao, an outsourcing employee, sent a message in the work group: Finally it's my turn, comrades, I will take my small money to enjoy a short period of life and then work, goodbye to the rivers and lakes. And attached is a screenshot of bank deposits, showing that its total deposits are close to 120 million yuan.

Tencent outsourcing employees leave the company and post a screenshot of a deposit of 100 million yuan, and work is to experience life?

This incident quickly sparked a wide discussion among netizens. Many netizens expressed shock at Qiao's huge deposit and speculated about the source of his deposit. It is reported that the employee may be a demolition household in Shanghai, and some netizens commented on this: The editor is silent after reading it, and people work to experience life, and by the way, stimulate others. There are also netizens who ridicule the number of deposits: one, ten, hundred, thousand, thousand, thousand, one hundred thousand, father, grandfather, ancestor. After all, it's unbelievable to see a colleague in the workplace who has so much savings and is an outsourced employee.

Tencent outsourcing employees leave the company and post a screenshot of a deposit of 100 million yuan, and work is to experience life?

Of course, some netizens questioned the authenticity, and one netizen said: Our company used to have an outsourcing guy, who really had a mine at home, just to experience life, with a very good personality, and often went out to play with his Ferrari.

However, some netizens questioned Qiao's resignation declaration, believing that he was showing off his wealth, and that "his job is to let others know how rich he is".

Tencent outsourcing employees leave the company and post a screenshot of a deposit of 100 million yuan, and work is to experience life?

At present, Qiao's true identity and source of deposits are not clear. But regardless of the source of Qiao's savings, his resignation manifesto shows his personality and may be able to remind people that work is not the whole of life, and that if we have enough capital, we can also enjoy life.

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