
The parents went to the martial arts school to see their son and found that he was pumped on the ground by the coach, and education should not be a fig leaf for violence

author:Educate people to see the world

Recently, an incident in which a coach of a martial arts school in Tagou, Dengfeng, Henan Province beat a student, has aroused widespread concern. When a parent went to visit his son at a martial arts school, he found that the child was beaten on the ground by the coach, and the child was beaten so that he couldn't even recognize his father. Such a scene makes the majority of parents and netizens sad, and also makes us have to re-examine the nature and boundaries of education. (From the people's concern about a certain number)

The parents went to the martial arts school to see their son and found that he was pumped on the ground by the coach, and education should not be a fig leaf for violence

Education should be a process of spring breeze and rain, nourishing every soul with love and wisdom, so that students can thrive. However, in this martial arts school, the so-called "education" has turned into raging violence, and the coach's fists and sticks have become tools of "discipline", which is undoubtedly a blasphemy against education.

The parents went to the martial arts school to see their son and found that he was pumped on the ground by the coach, and education should not be a fig leaf for violence

The original intention of the martial arts school is to correct students' bad habits and cultivate students' tenacity, self-discipline and other good morals through martial arts training. But in this case, the coach's actions were contrary to that original intention. Coaches replace teaching with violence and love with hurt, which not only hurts the students' bodies, but also destroys the minds. For a 14-year-old child who should have felt warmth and encouragement at school, was subjected to such brutal and violent corporal punishment that would undoubtedly leave an indelible shadow on his heart, to the point that a mental disorder may appear.

The parents went to the martial arts school to see their son and found that he was pumped on the ground by the coach, and education should not be a fig leaf for violence

From an educational point of view, this method of violent education is extremely short-sighted and harmful.

Violent corporal punishment undermines students' interest and enthusiasm for learning. Under the shroud of fear and pain, it is difficult for students to actively explore knowledge and pursue progress, but they will resist learning. Violent corporal punishment affects the personality development of students. Children who have been subjected to corporal punishment for a long time may become inferior, withdrawn, and insecure, and may even imitate this violent behavior and pass on the violence to others; Violent corporal punishment damages the educational reputation of schools, and if a school fails to provide a safe and harmonious learning environment for students, how can it win the trust of parents and society?

The parents went to the martial arts school to see their son and found that he was pumped on the ground by the coach, and education should not be a fig leaf for violence

One has to ask, what made this coach so brazen in his violence against his students? Is it a deviation in the educational philosophy, or the low personal quality of the coach, or the lack of school management? Whatever the reason, the school is to blame. Schools shall regularly carry out teacher and coach training, strictly regulate their teaching conduct, earnestly supervise, clear channels for complaints, and promptly handle corporal punishment by teachers and coaches, to ensure that students can learn and grow in a safe and warm environment.

The parents went to the martial arts school to see their son and found that he was pumped on the ground by the coach, and education should not be a fig leaf for violence

Parents naturally have reasonable reasons for choosing a martial arts school for their children, but when choosing a school for their children, they should not only look at the reputation of the school, but also examine the school's environment, including the soft environment such as educational philosophy, teacher level, and feedback from graduates. In a special school like a martial arts school, there are often cases of coaches beating students on the Internet, and parents cannot be cautious; It is necessary to keep the channels of communication with the child and understand the real situation of the child's learning and life. Once something is wrong, parents should communicate with the school in a timely manner, negotiate a solution, and dare to take up legal weapons when necessary to defend the legitimate rights and interests of their children.

The parents went to the martial arts school to see their son and found that he was pumped on the ground by the coach, and education should not be a fig leaf for violence

It is worth noting that the school is a certain martial arts school in Tagou, Dengfeng, Henan, and there are many local martial arts schools, and the education department should strictly supervise this special school as a martial arts school. Some netizens have reported that the school does not seem to be very popular in the eyes of the locals, and other parents left messages in the comment area, saying that their children were also beaten by the school's coach, and the school has coaches beating students, closing small black houses, starving children, and asking students for money. The local education department should quickly investigate and verify, increase the punishment for violations of the law or even violent acts, and not allow similar violent education to happen again.

The parents went to the martial arts school to see their son and found that he was pumped on the ground by the coach, and education should not be a fig leaf for violence

Education is a cause, a matter of hope for a family, the future of the country and the hope of the nation. We cannot allow violence to tarnish the sanctity of education, and we cannot allow children to spend their youth in fear and hurt. Let's work together to create a loving and respectful educational environment for children, so that every child can grow up happily under the sun.

What do you think of violent corporal punishment at the martial arts school? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

(The source of the picture is the network, the picture and text are not related, and the invasion is deleted)

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