
If you want to raise a good baby who loves to eat, then before the baby eats complementary food, the mother should do 4 things

author:Little bean sprouts parenting

What mom doesn't want to have a good baby who loves to eat? Watching other people's babies eat fragrant and obedient, I am really envious! If you also want to raise such a good baby, then there are some things you need to know first!

If you want to better feed your baby to eat complementary food, and your baby eats well, your mother needs to know whether her baby is currently suitable for eating complementary food!

If you want to raise a good baby who loves to eat, then before the baby eats complementary food, the mother should do 4 things

Under normal circumstances, the baby can eat complementary food when he is 4~6 months old, mainly to ensure that the baby can take in more nutrients, which is conducive to the growth of the baby.

However, not all babies can eat complementary food when they reach 4 months, it mainly depends on the specific situation of the baby, especially whether the following conditions are met!

There are 3 conditions to determine whether your baby can eat complementary food

1. Weakened tongue puff response

If you want to raise a good baby who loves to eat, then before the baby eats complementary food, the mother should do 4 things

In the early stage of feeding the baby complementary food, many mothers find that the baby will use the tongue to push out the rice cereal, which is actually a tongue reaction.

If the mother feels that the baby's tongue is very strong, then it means that it is not suitable to feed complementary food at present.

However, if you find that the baby's tongue response is weak, or you find that the baby's tongue response is weakened after several feedings, the mother can try to continue feeding the baby, but remember to force the baby to eat complementary food.

2. Developing an interest in food

The baby will be very interested in seeing adults eating, and show the feeling of wanting to eat, then the mother can also try to feed the baby complementary food.

If you want to raise a good baby who loves to eat, then before the baby eats complementary food, the mother should do 4 things

3. It can control the head and neck

The baby can sit firmly with a supported back, and can control his head and neck a lot, such as refusing to feed by twisting his head, which also means that the baby can try complementary food!

When the baby meets the above 3 conditions and has been more than 4 months old, the mother can try to feed the baby a little complementary food, of course, we feed the baby complementary food is also particular.

The first choice is iron-fortified rice noodles, the taste of rice noodles is very delicate, the baby is easy to digest and not easy to allergies, in addition, iron-fortified rice noodles can also be supplemented with iron in time, which is very helpful for the baby's development.

If you want to raise a good baby who loves to eat, then before the baby eats complementary food, the mother should do 4 things

It is not difficult to feed the baby, only enough patience and carefulness, I believe that the mother can do a good job, but if the mother wants to raise a good baby who loves to eat, then before the baby eats complementary food, the mother may need to do 4 things in advance.

Before the baby eats complementary food, the mother should do 4 things

First thing: Let your baby sit in the dining chair

Many mothers think that letting the baby sit in the dining chair is a dispensable thing, but only when they taste the sweetness of letting the baby sit in the dining chair, the mother will know how correct it is to let the baby eat and sit in the dining chair.

Let the baby eat and sit on the dining chair can not only give the baby a good habit of eating in a fixed position, so that the baby will not run around when he eats in the future, but also can cultivate the good habit of the baby to eat independently, and the baby can eat by himself in the future, so the mother will be relaxed.

If you want to raise a good baby who loves to eat, then before the baby eats complementary food, the mother should do 4 things

Number 2: Organize your baby's toys and turn off electronics

Baby eating should be serious, if there are a lot of toys or electronic products around, the baby is easy to be distracted, destroy the baby's concentration, the baby is not serious about eating, chewing will be perfunctory, is not conducive to the baby's digestion.

Number 3: Wear a bib and prepare utensils

When feeding the baby, the mother will definitely prepare a lot of tools, such as bibs, rice pockets, small spoons and so on. These gadgets can be used for a lot of things, in addition to preventing the baby from getting the food on the clothes, but also to increase the sense of ritual of eating.

In the future, as long as the mother takes out the bib and tableware, the baby will know that it is time to eat, so that it will reduce a lot of trouble!

If you want to raise a good baby who loves to eat, then before the baby eats complementary food, the mother should do 4 things

Thing 4: Try not to disturb your baby's meals

The baby may have a lot of small movements when eating, such as grabbing, pinching the food, etc., if the mother encounters this situation, try not to interfere, let the baby fully feel the food, this can also prevent the baby from picky eating.

In addition, when the baby is eating, the mother should not always think about wiping the baby's mouth, wiping hands, and cleaning up the baby's clothes, which will disturb the baby's eating, destroy the baby's concentration to eat, and it is easy to make the baby disgusted with eating!

Small bean sprouts are crumbled

Baby eating complementary food is a long process, from the baby's first bite of complementary food, the mother must be very patient, not only to always pay attention to the baby's reaction to food, but also to consider the thickness and type of food.

All in all, it takes patience and care to raise a good baby who loves to eat, and mothers still have to work harder.

Remember to pay attention to the little bean sprouts, there are a lot of little knowledge waiting for you!

(The picture comes from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted)

