
The melodrama "Ode to the Red Army" entered the scenic spot, and the red tourism of Lingqiu was renewed

author:New times, new things
The melodrama "Ode to the Red Army" entered the scenic spot, and the red tourism of Lingqiu was renewed

  Lingqiu County has abundant red cultural tourism resources, and it is of great and far-reaching significance to dig deep into the red spiritual wealth and pass on the revolutionary history, revolutionary tradition and revolutionary culture to the masses in tourism, so as to better inherit the revolutionary spirit.

The melodrama "Ode to the Red Army" entered the scenic spot, and the red tourism of Lingqiu was renewed

  2024 is the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 88th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army's Long March. Receiving a baptism of the soul and feeling more positive energy has become the red travel choice for more and more tourists. Recently, the Lingqiu County Bureau of Culture and Tourism organized the lark art troupe to carry out the sitcom "Ode to the Red Army" in the square of Qiaogoumen District of Pingxingguan Dajie Scenic Area, to promote and inherit the red culture, tell history from a new perspective and new way of expression, educate and entertain, and move people's hearts.

The melodrama "Ode to the Red Army" entered the scenic spot, and the red tourism of Lingqiu was renewed

  The sitcom "Ode to the Red Army" is divided into four scenes, among which "Ten Sending the Red Army" shows a moving picture of the deep love between the army and the people, highlighting the role of the military and the people; "Climbing snowy mountains and crossing grasslands" presents a scene of arduous and unyielding, demonstrating the tenacious will of the Red Army; "Four crossings of Chishui and fighting for the Luding Bridge" depicts the fierce battle situation of fierce battles and fearless sacrifices, highlighting the heroic and fearless spirit of the Red Army; "Victory of the Long March" presents inspiring and miraculous moments, inspiring the audience to pay tribute to the great achievements of the Red Army.

The melodrama "Ode to the Red Army" entered the scenic spot, and the red tourism of Lingqiu was renewed

  At the performance site, the actors were full of deep respect for the revolutionary martyrs, and with sincere emotions and delicate performances, the ups and downs of the storyline and the tense atmosphere of the revolutionary struggle were highly condensed on the stage, thus showing a magnificent heroic epic and singing a passionate heroic hymn. When the inspiring horn of victory sounded, the Red Army soldiers waved their arms and shouted passionately, and the audience was all moved. The passionate voice seems to penetrate the long time and space, making people really feel the enthusiasm and ambition of the year.

The melodrama "Ode to the Red Army" entered the scenic spot, and the red tourism of Lingqiu was renewed

  The foothold of the development of red tourism and red performing arts is to make tourists resonate and empathize. The innovative development of red tourism performing arts products can attract more young audiences. Successful red tourism performing arts works should not only leave a deep memory for the audience, but also let the audience continue to reminisce. The sitcom "Ode to the Red Army" not only played an educational function, presented the red culture to tourists in a vivid, easy-to-understand, tactile and sensible way, but also drove the integration of culture and tourism and the development of the industrial chain, making red tourism more attractive, story-like, and colorful.

The melodrama "Ode to the Red Army" entered the scenic spot, and the red tourism of Lingqiu was renewed

  It is understood that the performance of the sitcom "Ode to the Red Army" into the scenic spot began in June, and was performed at about 10 a.m. every Saturday, and the performance lasted until after the National Day. (Deng Hua)

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