
Taiwanese people: How can Taiwan win against the mainland, if it starts a war, it will be sent to death!

author:Fog and rain review room

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Taiwanese people: How can Taiwan win against the mainland, if it starts a war, it will be sent to death!

After Lai Ching-te took office and displayed his unprecedented uniqueness, the Taiwan media began to put forward more speculations about the mainland's military reunification, especially after the joint exercises, and the public opinion on the island was even less optimistic about Lai, even more than during the Tsai Ing-wen period.

Compared with the optimistic estimates of Taiwan political leaders on the mainland's military reunification, such as "even if the People's Liberation Army lands on Taiwan Island, it will definitely lose its direction due to complicated road conditions and will not be able to achieve any strategic goals in the end." The people on Taiwan Island are undoubtedly more rational.

The gap in military strength between the mainland and Taiwan is clear at a glance, but the DPP authorities still pin their confidence on the interference of external forces, and under the provocation of the so-called "liberalism" of the United States, they have chosen the road of relying on foreign countries to seek independence.

Taiwanese people: How can Taiwan win against the mainland, if it starts a war, it will be sent to death!

The mainland's attitude towards it is very clear, and immediately after Lai Fang made a statement that went beyond Tsai Ing-wen's radical level when he took office, he issued a stern warning, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs directly told him that the path he chose was a dead end and a dead end, and that nothing would lead to it.

It can be said that the Taiwan side has been reducing cross-strait mutual trust and conducting joint military exercises, and the PLA has deliberately conducted drills around the base camp of the DPP authorities, in fact, in order to deter them and hope that they will learn from their lost path.

Similarly, this military exercise has also caused more people on the island to start thinking about cross-strait relations, and Lai's voter turnout when he took office was already barely winning, and it has caused such a big controversy, which has naturally attracted a lot of criticism.

Taiwanese people: How can Taiwan win against the mainland, if it starts a war, it will be sent to death!

In the face of interviews, the people of Taiwan said that after Lai Fang's speech on 20 May, many people believed that the "independent" thinking would lead to a lot of negative situations in cross-strait relations, and then hinder cross-strait cooperation, which was not wise for the development of Taiwan.

From the perspective of stability in the Taiwan Strait, the position of Lai and his political leaders is very dangerous, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has stressed this issue on many occasions before, and China's fundamental principle of peaceful settlement of cross-strait disputes has not changed, because it is obviously different from other issues.

The two sides of the strait belong to the same family, so it can be said that it is classified as an internal problem, so the state naturally has different solutions to internal problems, and it has a certain degree of tolerance for Taiwan, and it is hoped that cross-strait relations will steadily improve.

Taiwanese people: How can Taiwan win against the mainland, if it starts a war, it will be sent to death!

In many military analysis columns on the island, quite a number of hosts have also mentioned this point, saying that the mainland's goodwill cannot be ignored, not that it will last long, but that this war should not have happened in the first place, because cross-strait conflicts are tantamount to cannibalism between compatriots.

In the final analysis, the Taiwan authorities are positioned as political gamblers, who understand the gap in military strength between the two sides, and even more understand that their political demands lack objective support, but they just have illusions about the United States and the West, believing that they can accomplish their goals.

The Taiwan media conducted an in-depth analysis of the thoughts of Lai's political team, believing that such a radical political team is not a good thing for the development of Taiwan, and if they choose to make mistakes again and again, it may bring the incident to an irreversible attitude.

Taiwanese people: How can Taiwan win against the mainland, if it starts a war, it will be sent to death!

According to a poll conducted on the island, most of the investigations on the armed reunification focus on how long it can hold out, rather than whether it will win. The only suspense is how long it will last.

And even this support time has been frequently compressed by major military columns, and finally it came to the conclusion that if the mainland adopts a radical response, that is, a strategy of quick victory, then Taiwan Island may only be able to support for a few days before it comes to an end.

Of course, regardless of the military strength comparison, the mainland's strategy towards Taiwan is to be gentle, and it will certainly not choose relevant means until a certain extent, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has also responded to this, saying that the gradual intensification of military pressure on Taiwan is not for the purpose of targeting the people.

Taiwanese people: How can Taiwan win against the mainland, if it starts a war, it will be sent to death!

As far as cross-strait relations are concerned, it is the political radicals who are clamoring to rely on foreign countries to seek independence that should really bear psychological pressure, and the mainland will never leave any room for these people to operate, so it is their political team that really makes the cross-strait situation more and more tense.

As long as these people's provocations do not stop, the mainland's actions of strict monitoring of them will not be relaxed, and the investigation of the results of military reunification by the public opinion on the island actually shows the outcome prediction of the people on the island about a series of radical political leaders such as the Lai side.

If carried out, these radicals should be put in an awkward position, because public opinion on the island is more focused on solving the problem with China and maintaining the status quo, but the Lai side is clearly acting against the will of the people.

Taiwanese people: How can Taiwan win against the mainland, if it starts a war, it will be sent to death!

Coupled with the fact that he himself did not receive much support, it made people even more confused, and some Taiwan media analyzed this, perhaps Lai's team has inexplicable confidence in the interference of external forces, and suggested that he take a look at the current economic situation of Ukraine and the Philippines.

As a matter of fact, it is time for Taiwan to count on the radicals who "rely on foreign countries to seek independence" to see the situation clearly, and the attitude of the United States and the West towards cooperation is extremely arrogant, otherwise they would not form their own small circles and hinder the development of other countries with sanctions.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council stressed that the separatist acts of its diehards will be severely punished, and advised the political leaders on the island to focus on the people's livelihood and well-being.

Bibliography: (Overseas Network) (Huaxia Graticule) (Strait Herald)

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