
High explosion rate but locked card? Different account locks for exclusive cards? SLG's new game is once again caught in the battle for lock cards


In the field of SLG games, the explosion rate of military generals has been a hot topic for a long time. Recently, the "Heroic Hair" card pool of "Three Kingdoms: Conquering the World" was launched, which once again sparked a heated discussion in the player community about the phenomenon of "locked cards". Since the advent of "Three Schemes", its unique high-explosive mode has attracted a large number of players, but the ensuing doubts about the lock card have not stopped.

High explosion rate but locked card? Different account locks for exclusive cards? SLG's new game is once again caught in the battle for lock cards

The core of the card lock dispute

Locked cards, that is, the game company may artificially limit the drawing probability of certain cards, especially cards with high rarity, which directly affects the player's game experience and input-output ratio. Players' doubts mainly focus on two aspects: one is the universality of the card lock phenomenon in the small card pool, and the other is the gap between the high-explosive rate publicity and the actual experience.

High explosion rate but locked card? Different account locks for exclusive cards? SLG's new game is once again caught in the battle for lock cards

The paradox of high explosive rate and card locking

Since the beta test, Sanmou's main focus is its high explosion rate and not locking the card, which undoubtedly attracted many players to join at the beginning of the service, and also stimulated consumption to a certain extent. However, when players find it difficult to get their favorite cards even with a high investment, the psychological gap is even greater. This gap has led some players to question whether the game has a card lock mechanism that induces kryptonite, that is, under the guise of a high explosive rate, secretly limiting the drop rate of specific cards.

High explosion rate but locked card? Different account locks for exclusive cards? SLG's new game is once again caught in the battle for lock cards

Personalized lock card conjecture

What's more, a more complex theory is proposed - personalized lock cards based on the player's kryptonite history. Assuming that the game system will adjust the probability of card drawing according to the player's consumption history, this means that players who have not invested for a long time may face a completely different drawing environment from high-spending players. This conjecture, while unproven, resonates widely and reflects the desire for fairness and transparency.

High explosion rate but locked card? Different account locks for exclusive cards? SLG's new game is once again caught in the battle for lock cards

Spur and expectation go hand in hand

For Three Schemes and the game industry as a whole, player feedback is a mirror of how good or bad the game design is. It is true that game companies have the right to formulate their own profit models, but a continuous crisis of trust will damage brand reputation and be detrimental to the healthy development of the game ecosystem in the long run. Therefore, it is recommended that the official "Three Schemes" can explain its card drawing mechanism more transparently and strengthen communication with players to rebuild trust.

High explosion rate but locked card? Different account locks for exclusive cards? SLG's new game is once again caught in the battle for lock cards

In the game world, every player is a part of the story, and the game company is the teller of the story. In the face of the turmoil in the "Heroic Hair" card pool, we expect "Three Schemes" to respond to players' concerns in a more mature manner, not only by making adjustments in mechanics, but also by rebuilding the bond of trust with players. This is the only way to ensure that the game is not only eye-catching in the short term, but also long-lasting.

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