
Floundered! Taiwan is mired in a recall war, not only the quality of voters is poor, but politicians are not far behind

author:Xie Zhichuan Taiwan

Text—Xie Zhichuan

Taiwan is now embroiled in a recall war. The current mayor of Keelung, Xie Guoliang, is facing recall, so the KMT said that if the speaker of the Keelung councillor who proposed the recall wants to remove the mayor, they will remove the councilor. And intends to propose in the next week in the legislature to raise the threshold for the "recall law". What is striking at present is that Huang Jie, who is about to be recalled, also made a statement, pointing out that the urgency of the KMT's move may stem from some kind of weakness. More centrally, however, the further development of the incident will depend on the position of Ko Kim So-mei, a member of the "Home Affairs Committee" who arranged the meeting, and Mai Ok Jin of the People's Party. At present, their views have a decisive impact on whether or not the case is placed on the agenda. If they do not agree, it may be difficult for the case to enter the review process.

Floundered! Taiwan is mired in a recall war, not only the quality of voters is poor, but politicians are not far behind

Therefore, the current political situation in Taiwan seems to be revolving around the issue of recall. As for why Lai Qingde was not recalled, it was because the threshold for recalling Lai Qingde was too high. It requires 1/4 of the legislature's proposals, and 3/4 of the legislature's members attend and approve before it can pass the pass, and after passing the pass, a referendum of the Taiwan people must be held to successfully recall the party, which is a very huge project. Lai Qingde just saw that unless many people in the DPP defected, it would be impossible to live 3/4, so the old god was here. Although Lai's recall proposal was unsuccessful, a no-confidence motion could be filed against Zhuo Rongtai as a way to put pressure on the political ecology. If the situation compels him, Lai Ching Tak may be forced to dissolve the legislature, triggering a new election.

Therefore, instead of making frequent recall proposals, it is better to consider dissolving the legislature and allowing Taiwanese voters to re-elect their representatives through the latest expression of popular opinion. Doing so can resolve the current political disputes once and for all and reshuffle the political ecology. Regrettably, however, some politicians in Taiwan seem to be keen on this political game of mutual recall rather than genuinely committed to addressing the concerns of the population. The quality of Taiwan's voters is so low that such politicians will be elected, and they will recall and recall all day long without knowing the situation.

Floundered! Taiwan is mired in a recall war, not only the quality of voters is poor, but politicians are not far behind

The level of Taiwan's politicians is no more than that, and if there are things that are not easy to talk about, they like to fight, and after the fight, they will quarrel, and after the quarrel, they will cry in the media, and the representatives of public opinion do not understand at all what they can do for Taiwan. One of the things they have done for Taiwan is the manifestation of their love for the New Taiwan dollar. Huang Jie, only 31 years old, has an annual salary of NT$4.2 million. Every year, she receives this generous salary, and she does several things: the first is to raise the threshold for Lu to get an ID card, and she needs to swear allegiance to Taiwan. The second incident involved posing in the uniform of the Kaohsiung Women's High School during the Japanese colonial period, and then giving an interview to the media, in which she claimed that the recall threshold proposed by the Kuomintang was out of weakness. Therefore, this person just has nothing to do, and none of them are good when he does things, he is completely on the front line of "resisting China and protecting Taiwan", and other politicians are not far behind.

Whenever a recall is made, it is necessary to start challenging the offenders, and the recall will be a torment for the people of Taiwan, and it is better to recall all of them at once and re-elect them and use the latest public opinion to decide whether Lai Qingde will stay or not. Lai's public support has continued to decline, and has now hit new lows, and there is a trend of further decline. Based on current developments, he is likely to reach a level similar to that of Mr. Ma Ying-jeou's eight-year tenure within one year, or about 18 per cent. However, there is a possibility that this number will fall further. Although the relationship between polling agencies and the green camp may affect the objectivity of the poll results to a certain extent, public dissatisfaction is likely to continue to rise.

Floundered! Taiwan is mired in a recall war, not only the quality of voters is poor, but politicians are not far behind

The PLA's military planes have successfully encircled Taiwan in all directions, and now even J-16 fighters have penetrated deep into the eastern part of Taiwan, which fully shows that Taiwan has been fully placed under the monitoring and protection of the PLA. The reality has given a clear response to Lai Qingde's remarks that "Taiwan absolutely cannot be blockaded": The PLA military planes have achieved a blockade of Taiwan, and the next step will be the deployment of warships, followed by patrols by coast guard ships. When the training of coast guard ships matures, Taiwan may face serious challenges. Especially when the scorching summer season comes, when the temperature soars above 38 degrees in August and September, Taiwan may face power shortages and air conditioning outages.

Recently, there was a ridiculous incident in Taiwan. An esports tournament was held locally, however, in the middle of the game, the power supply was suddenly cut off, causing all screens to go black, much to the consternation of viewers who were watching the live stream. After a period of waiting, the power was restored. This incident highlights the seriousness of Taiwan's current power shortage problem. It is a shame to dare to hold a large-scale international event in such a tight power supply.

Floundered! Taiwan is mired in a recall war, not only the quality of voters is poor, but politicians are not far behind

If Lai Qingde wants to continue to survive, the first task should be to properly deal with the current power shortage. After all, there is always a time when the sun goes down in Taiwan, and going down means that there is no electricity. Hydropower is not available without electricity, but unfortunately the weather is not beautiful, although there are many places every day there are afternoon thundershowers, and the amount of rain is amazing, but whether it falls into the waterlogged area is another matter. Even if it rains flat, it won't solve the problem of water shortage.

Therefore, Lai Qingde's future is really worrying, and there is not much he can do now. In short, if you want to recall, you will be re-elected together with the recall of the legislature, so that everyone can make another choice, to see if Ke Wenzhe still has the previous popularity, to see if the KMT's recent performance is accepted by voters, and to see if those who were elected by triangular in the Democratic Progressive Party still have the confidence to be recalled in one election. Politicians have their own agendas, and voters should not place the blame on their chosen ones if they can tolerate the current situation. These elected delegates are also the result of choices made on the basis of a moment of passion. So don't complain.

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