
In the middle of the night, he was attacked on the streets of Hong Kong! The bloodstain dragged 60 meters

author:One Bee Society

There is another bloody crime on the streets of Hong Kong!

Today, Hong Kong media reported that at around 1 o'clock in the morning, a man was attacked by two men with knives outside the door of an entertainment center on Pao Ying Street in To Kwa Wan! There was a large amount of blood left at the scene!

In the middle of the night, he was attacked on the streets of Hong Kong! The bloodstain dragged 60 meters

Source: Hong Kong 01

Friends who were traveling with the attacked man said that at the time of the incident, the injured man was coming out of the entertainment center and was about to drive away across the street.

In the middle of the night, he was attacked on the streets of Hong Kong! The bloodstain dragged 60 meters

This BMW car belongs to the injured, source: Hong Kong 01

Before he could get into the car, two non-Chinese men who seemed to have been in ambush nearby for a while suddenly rushed towards the injured with knives!

The two men slashed the injured man with a knife, and the injured fled along the street in pain. Blood dripped on the road, forming a bloody path of about 60 meters.

In the middle of the night, he was attacked on the streets of Hong Kong! The bloodstain dragged 60 meters

Source: Hong Kong 01

After succeeding, the two murderers escaped in a short period of time, and they did not know what to do. Friends who traveled with the company immediately called the police for help.

While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, it can be seen that there are still bandaged residues at the entrance of the entertainment center where the incident occurred, and it looks like the man performed a simple bandaging here to stop the bleeding.

In the middle of the night, he was attacked on the streets of Hong Kong! The bloodstain dragged 60 meters

Source: Hong Kong 01

Aerial photographs of nearby residential buildings can also be seen that there is a large pool of blood at the site of the incident, and the police have set up a cordon and are investigating the case.

In the middle of the night, he was attacked on the streets of Hong Kong! The bloodstain dragged 60 meters

图源:FB群组To Wan 土瓜灣之友

When questioned briefly by the police, the injured man had no idea why he had been attacked.

After being taken to the hospital, the man suffered injuries to his face and hands, but he was conscious and not in danger of his life.

At present, the Hong Kong police have listed the case as an assault case and handed it over to the Fifth Team of the Criminal Investigation Team of Kowloon City Police District for follow-up, and the perpetrator has not been found for the time being.

In the middle of the night, he was attacked on the streets of Hong Kong! The bloodstain dragged 60 meters

Source: Hong Kong 01

Although there have been vicious law and order incidents, people living in this area do not need to worry. According to the crime investigation data released annually in Hong Kong, law and order in To Kwa Wan is generally good, but like other urban areas, there are occasional law and order incidents.

Overall, Hong Kong has a high level of law and order, and residents and visitors generally feel safe. If you are planning to come to Hong Kong to play in the near future and have doubts about public security, it is also recommended to pay attention to local news and police announcements, stay vigilant, and ensure personal safety~

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