
"China has entered the era of the most immoral era!" People are indifferent, rat-headed duck necks, and the old people dare not help

author:Chen Chuer

Recently, there have been several articles with titles similar to ""China has entered the era of the most lack of morality. The article "Indifferent people, rat head and duck neck, the old man dare not help" has aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. As an ordinary person, I feel the same way.

In this day and age, we really seem to be faced with a lack of morality, a lack of apathy in relationships, and a lack of trust.

"China has entered the era of the most immoral era!" People are indifferent, rat-headed duck necks, and the old people dare not help

I once witnessed a scene like this:

On a busy street, an old man suddenly fell, and the people around him watched, but no one dared to go up and help him up. This scene made me feel a shock in my heart, and I remembered when I was a child, the mutual help between neighbors, the sincere care of relatives and friends, that was a kind of warmth, a kind of trust, a sense of security. Today, however, that warmth seems to have vanished, replaced by the coldness and alienation of human relationships.

It's not just this scene, we can also feel this indifference in our daily lives.

On the Internet, people use the term "rat's head and duck neck" to describe those irresponsible and morally degraded behaviors. These actions not only harm the interests of others, but also make us doubt our humanity. We begin to wonder if all of us have lost the restraint of morality, leaving only the pursuit of interests?

"China has entered the era of the most immoral era!" People are indifferent, rat-headed duck necks, and the old people dare not help

Looking back on the past, we can't help but sigh that the human touch of that era seems to be gone forever.

At that time, neighbors lived in harmony with each other, and there was a lot of trust and love between people. Now, we are facing an era of indifference, and everyone is working in their own way, for fear of getting into trouble. We start to question society, what's going on? What's wrong with our society?

In fact, the problem didn't happen overnight.

With the rapid development of the economy, people's pace of life has accelerated, and the pressure has also increased. In order to survive, in order to pursue a better life, we have to devote ourselves to busy work and have no time to take care of anything else. In the process, the connection between people gradually weakens, and the sense of morality gradually weakens. And the large number of media reports has created more distrust in this society.

"China has entered the era of the most immoral era!" People are indifferent, rat-headed duck necks, and the old people dare not help

However, we should not be pessimistic and discouraged by this state of affairs.

As stated in that article: "China has entered the era of the most immoral era!" Although this sentence is somewhat extreme, it also rings our alarm bells. We need to realize that this is a time that needs to change. We must not allow ourselves to indulge in this apathy, but should actively seek change.

First of all, we must start from ourselves, establish a correct moral concept, care about the people around us, and pay attention to social hotspots. Secondly, we must dare to take responsibility, face immoral behavior, have the courage to stand up and accuse, and face those in need of help, and have a kind heart to care. Finally, we must inherit the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, promote morality, and make more people aware of the importance of morality.

"China has entered the era of the most immoral era!" People are indifferent, rat-headed duck necks, and the old people dare not help

Of course, change doesn't happen overnight, but we can't give up.

Only when each of us takes action and works together can we rejuvenate this society and return to the humanity it once had. Let us no longer lament that "China has entered the era of the most immoral era", but use practical actions to prove that this is an era full of love, kindness and trust.

In short, in the face of the current social situation, each of us should have the responsibility to change. Let's start from ourselves, start from small things, and work together to make the relationship between people more harmonious and the society full of warmth. Only then can we say that we live in a wonderful time.

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