
The widow wilderness saved the weasel, and a year later became pregnant, and the child was not human

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

In our northeast Gada, there is a place called Qingshi Town, don't look at this small place, the scenery is so good, and the people are sincere. Everyone in the town works at sunrise and goes home at sunset, living a simple and comfortable life. One day, the widow of our town went up the mountain to collect medicine, and walked alone in the wilderness, so quiet that she could only hear the rustle of leaves in the wind. As she walked, she heard something moving in the grass in front of her, and her heart tightened, but curiosity drove her to move slowly that way. When I opened it, it turned out to be a weasel, with a color hanging on his legs, and he was trembling on the ground. The king's widow had a good heart, and when she saw how pitiful it was, she took out the strip of cloth that she had brought with her, and bandaged its wounds. The weasel seemed to understand human language, his eyes were full of gratitude, and he glanced at the widow and limped away.

If this matter is left on others, it may be over. But the king's widow rescued the weasel, and she always felt that something was going to happen. Sure enough, a year later, the widow Wang was pregnant! The news caused an uproar in the town, and everyone talked about it, some saying that the widow was unruly, and some saying that it was a miracle from heaven. But the widow herself is like a mirror in her heart, how can she get pregnant if she doesn't go out of the door this year? But the child in the womb is getting bigger and bigger day by day, and the widow Wang's heart is also up and down.

In the blink of an eye, the pregnancy period expired in October, and the widow Wang gave birth to a white and chubby boy. The boy was really unusual, with two pointed ears on his head, and bright green eyes, like a weasel. When the widow looked at it, she understood in her heart that this child was not an ordinary person, but that the weasel had come to repay her kindness. She named the child Huang'er. Huang Er has been smart and clever since he was a child, learns things quickly, and has terrifying strength. He often helped the widow Wang chop wood and hunt in the mountains, so that the widow Wang could live a good life. But Huang'er has a quirk, that is, he loves chicken. Every time I go out hunting, I always bring back a few fat chickens. Although the widow Wang thought it was strange, she didn't think much about it.

The widow wilderness saved the weasel, and a year later became pregnant, and the child was not human

In this way, Huang'er grew up day by day and became a celebrity in the town. Not only is he powerful, but he is also very kind-hearted, and often helps the townspeople solve problems. Everyone said that the widow of the king was really blessed to have picked up such a good son. But the good days didn't last long, and one day, a group of bullies came to the town, and they took a fancy to the house and land of the widow's family and wanted to occupy it. The king's widow, a weak woman, how can she fight them? When Huang Er saw it, she stepped forward and fought with the group of bullies. He was so strong that he beat those bullies to the ground in a few strokes. Hey, those bullies were reluctant, and secretly hooked up with the official master, planning to dig a pit for Huang'er. On that day, the official master's subordinates suddenly broke into the widow's house, saying that Huang'er was a monster and wanted to arrest him. When the widow heard this, she was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, knelt before the people of the official master, and begged their men to be merciful with tears in her eyes. But those people didn't care about her, and with a wave of their hands, they pushed the widow Wang aside, insisting on taking Huang'er away. At this moment, a sudden gust of wind blew and people couldn't open their eyes. As soon as the wind stopped, Huang'er seemed to evaporate, and the shadow was gone. The official master's people searched all over and couldn't find it. The widow sat on the ground, and wept so much that it was sad. She knew in her heart that Huang Er would not be able to come back if she left. This matter caused a stir in the town, some said that Huang'er was a fairy descending to earth, and some said that he was a monster. No matter what you say, Huang Er left a deep impression in the hearts of the townspeople. Everyone said that although Huang Er is gone, his spiritual leader is still there, and he will always live in the hearts of the people. As for Widow Wang, as soon as Huang'er left, she didn't smile. Sitting at the door every day, looking into the distance, hoping that Huang'er would come back. But time flickered, decades passed, and Widow Wang also came to the end of her life. Before leaving, she took the hands of the people around her and said, "The biggest regret in my life is that I can't see Huang'er ......again." This is the story of the weasel's retribution, telling us that good is rewarded, even if the retribution comes a little mysteriously. Huang'er's story has also become a legend in the hearts of the residents of Qingshi Town.

That Huang'er is really an amazing baby. After being swept away by a strong wind on the day of the fight, the people of Bluestone Town never saw him again. Some said that he went back to heaven, and some said that he went to the deep mountains and old forests, anyway, he was gossiping and had no accurate words. After the widow left, her dilapidated house slowly became a taboo among the townspeople. Who wants to live where the "yokai" lived? But just three years after the death of Widow Wang, something strange happened in Qingshi Town. On that day, Aunt Li went up the mountain to pick mushrooms, passed by the house of Widow Wang, and suddenly heard a child crying in the house. Aunt Li was shocked, the widow Wang has been gone for so long, where is the cry of the child? She plucked up the courage and pushed the door in. The room was dark, and there was a broken wooden bed in the corner. Aunt Li took a closer look, my God, there was a white and chubby boy lying on the bed, looking at her with wide eyes! This kid is really handsome, and the two pointed ears on his head are gone, just an ordinary child. Aunt Li was almost frightened, but she steadied herself, and when she looked closely, the child had a yellow jade pendant around his neck, and a vivid weasel was engraved on it. Aunt Li's heart was shocked, could it be that the child in front of her was the legendary Huang'er? She eagerly picked up the child and hurried out of the widow's house. When she returned to the town, she immediately told her neighbors about the strange incident. The news spread ten, ten, hundreds, and soon the whole town gathered and talked about it.

In the crowd, some people firmly believed that the child was Huang'er, thinking that he had come back to repay the favor; There are also people who suspect that the child is a monster and advocate that he be sent away as soon as possible. Just as everyone was talking hotly, a person dressed as a Taoist priest walked into the crowd. He first looked at the child carefully, then looked at the jade pendant in Aunt Li's hand, and then nodded affirmatively and said: "This child is indeed Huang'er, the demonic energy on his body has dissipated, and now he is just an ordinary child." The Taoist priest's words made everyone present stunned, but they didn't expect Huang'er to really come back.

The widow wilderness saved the weasel, and a year later became pregnant, and the child was not human

The Taoist priest continued: "Huang'er came back this time to repay his kindness. He will live in Bluestone for ten years and do good deeds to the townspeople. Ten years later, he will leave to find his biological parents. Hearing this, everyone was moved by Huang'er's affection. The townspeople generously donated money to build a new tomb for the widow and placed Huang'er in a family in the town.

Huang Er is really a smart and clever child, who has shown extraordinary intelligence and kindness since he was a child. Not only is he a quick learner, but he is also helpful, and he treats both the elderly and children equally. He also often led the town's children up to the mountains to teach them about the plants and animals in nature.

Time flies like a white horse, and ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. Huang Er has grown into a handsome young man, and in the past ten years, he has made countless contributions to Qingshi Town, winning everyone's respect and love. However, on the last day of the tenth year, Huang'er suddenly disappeared. The people of the town are panicked and look around for Huang'er's whereabouts.

The widow wilderness saved the weasel, and a year later became pregnant, and the child was not human

Just when everyone was anxious, the Taoist priest appeared in the town again. He told everyone that Huang'er had left this world to look for his parents. He also relayed Huang Er's farewell words: "Thank you for your care and companionship in the past ten years, I will always remember your kindness." The Taoist priest's words caused everyone present to fall into deep thought. Although Huang'er's departure was a surprise, everyone's hearts were full of warmth, because he left so many good memories and touching stories.

So, the people of the town decided to pass on Huang'er's story so that more people could understand this good story about kindness and gratitude. Huang'er's story is widely spread in Qingshi Town, and whenever people mention it, they will be full of emotion. They not only admired Huang'er's kindness and gratitude, but also moved by the sincere emotions between people. And the widow's home has also become a famous spot in the town because of Huang'er's deeds, whenever someone passes by, they will stop to look at the dilapidated hut and the jade pendant engraved with the weasel pattern, and their hearts can't help but feel a deep feeling of emotion and respect. This story tells the story of a weasel who repays the favor and shows us the power of kindness and gratitude, as well as the radiance and warmth they radiate in human nature. In today's competitive and indifferent society, we need to cultivate a kind and grateful heart to warm each other and make the world a warmer and more harmonious place.

With the passage of time, the story of the weasel has become widely circulated in Bluestone Town, becoming the subject of conversation among the older generation in their leisure time, and also becoming the mysterious and warm legend in the hearts of the younger generation. When night falls, the moonlight shines on every corner of Bluestone Town, as if you can hear the sound of weasels shuttling through the mountains and forests, as well as the crisp laughter.

The widow wilderness saved the weasel, and a year later became pregnant, and the child was not human

However, fifteen years after the weasel left Bluestone, an unexpected message shattered the town's tranquility. A merchant who came from afar, holding a yellowed scroll, claimed that it was related to a weasel. The news was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, stirring up layers of ripples. The merchant carefully unfolded his picture in the town's inn. In the painting is a deep-eyed weasel, who seems to be able to read people's hearts, and next to him is a young boy in ancient costume with a bright smile and a fat chicken in his hand. Despite the age of the scroll, the colors are still vivid and the painting is extremely exquisite.

The townspeople gathered and talked about it, speculating about the connection between the painting and the weasel. Seeing this, the merchant coughed lightly and slowly told the origin of the painting. It turned out that this painting was an ancient painter who traveled all over the world and came across an injured weasel, and the human brilliance in the weasel's eyes deeply moved the painter, so he decided to paint it. In the process of creation, the painter met the magical little boy - Huang Er. Huang Er told the painter that he had come to repay his kindness, and that the weasel was his benefactor. The painter was deeply moved by Huang Er's story and also painted Huang Er into the painting.

After the merchant finished telling the story, he re-rolled up the scroll and handed it to the mayor. Mayor Marew took the scroll, his eyes glinting with excitement. He understands that this painting is not only a work of art, but also a precious legacy left by Huang'er to Qingshi Town. So, the mayor decided to hang this painting in the town's cultural square, so that everyone who came to Qingshi Town could witness Huang'er's story.

The widow wilderness saved the weasel, and a year later became pregnant, and the child was not human

Since then, there has been more of this picture scroll about Huang'er in the cultural square of Qingshi Town. Whenever someone passes by, they stop and gaze at the weasel and the little boy in the painting, whose story leaves an indelible mark on everyone's heart. Time flies, and decades have passed in a blink of an eye, and Huang'er's story is still circulating in Qingshi Town, warming every heart. Our Qingshi Town, it has changed a lot over the years, but Huang'er's story is like the immortal pine, in the long river of history, it is shining and bright. One day, a young man, a painter, came to our town. This young man was fascinated by our cultural flavor as soon as he came, and thought, this is it, I have to find some inspiration.

As soon as he walked to the Cultural Square, his eyes were staring at the painting of Huang'er, and he couldn't move. The story in the painting took away his soul. This young man slapped his thigh and thought, okay, I have to draw a new picture based on Huang'er's story.

He crouched there, his eyes unblinking, looking at every detail of the painting, feeling the emotions of Huang'er and the weasel. After a few months, his painting was finally finished. This painting not only paints the image of Huang'er and the weasel vividly, but also adds a lot of modern elements.

The widow wilderness saved the weasel, and a year later became pregnant, and the child was not human

This young man named this painting, "The Legend of Huang'er", and donated it to the cultural center of our Qingshi Town. As soon as this painting was exhibited, it was amazing, and people in the town came to see it and feel the magic of Huang'er's story. This painting not only made Huang'er's story more widespread, but also made everyone more interested in our traditional culture and art.

Since then, Huang'er's story and "The Legend of Huang'er" have become a business card of our town, attracting waves of people. The image of Huang'er and the weasel is so deeply imprinted in everyone's hearts that it has become an indelible memory.

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