
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!

author:Smart Hill QRI


In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!

1. Carrot hash browns

In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!

2. Meat Dumping Doucho

In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!

3. Sweet and sour potatoes

In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!

3. Crispy hash browns

In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!
In summer, eating 1 is equal to 10 apples, and middle-aged and elderly people should eat more to prevent constipation, strengthen the spleen and stomach!

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