
He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admitted that he remarried happily, suspected of being an ex-wife, and the truth of the divorce between the two was exposed

author:Chengcheng's whimsy

Recently, He Jie participated in "Riding the Wind 2024", and her strength crushed a group of fellow sisters. Seeing that the eldest sister is about to become a group, it seems that someone is going to rub the traffic again. This ex-husband He Ziming suddenly appeared on the hot search, and he is suspected of connotating his ex-wife.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admitted that he remarried happily, suspected of being an ex-wife, and the truth of the divorce between the two was exposed

Ex-husband He Ziming admitted to remarrying

In recent years, actor He Ziming, who has no sense of existence, that is, He Jie's ex-husband, suddenly appeared on the hot search. In He Ziming's latest developments, he generously admitted that he had formed a new family. The current wife is an amateur and has a happy marriage.

He Ziming admitted frankly that after divorcing his ex-wife (He Jie), he once fell into severe depression and trouble. (Why is this operation so familiar?) It seems that many celebrities in the entertainment industry have said this about their predecessors. )

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admitted that he remarried happily, suspected of being an ex-wife, and the truth of the divorce between the two was exposed

He Ziming said that fortunately, his current wife quit her job and chose to be a full-time wife, giving him meticulous care and attention. So he affectionately confessed his wife, calling her a confidant and best friend. He will love her wholeheartedly and run his own small family together.

He Ziming connected with the Ye Wen incident

In 2016, He Ziming anonymously contacted Harbin emotional host Ye Wen, and later the ten-minute recording was made public. In the recording, He Ziming vomited bitterness, he said that his wife was too strong, and her temper was hot!

He Ziming described his wife He Jie as the character of a queen, because she was very successful at the age of eighteen or nineteen, so she developed a domineering personality that is indispensable. He Jie is not allowed to be refuted, and everyone around her must obey her.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admitted that he remarried happily, suspected of being an ex-wife, and the truth of the divorce between the two was exposed

He Ziming said that he was also a good husband and father, although he had been married for three years and had two children. He was not at home for half a year, and at other times he also accompanied the children, serving the children to eat and bathe, etc.

Now his wife not only wants to divorce him, but also let him leave the house. The most important thing is that He Jie refuses to give up custody, does not give him any of the children, and does not let him see the children. Saying that he is not worthy of being the father of his children, he is very distressed.

Having said so much, He Ziming originally thought that he would get Ye Wen's sympathy. Unexpectedly, the hostess Ye Wen gave him a point-to-point criticism and education. Ye Wen accused him of being irresponsible.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admitted that he remarried happily, suspected of being an ex-wife, and the truth of the divorce between the two was exposed

A career-oriented woman, less than thirty years old. After three years of marriage and two children, the career was put on hold, and how hard it was to bring a baby to the shaft. One of your fathers has been away from home for half a year, not only does he not understand his wife's difficulties, but he also connects his wife with all kinds of dissatisfaction.

Ye Wen felt that He Ziming was hypocritical and not a competent husband. His wife has endured so much hardship, and he is inconsiderate. This kind of widowed marriage is really not worth nostalgia, Ye Wen understands why He Jie wants to divorce. Ye Wen hung up the phone unilaterally after criticizing He Ziming, and the female netizen shouted: Relieve your anger!

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admitted that he remarried happily, suspected of being an ex-wife, and the truth of the divorce between the two was exposed

Netizen's point of view

He Jie He Ziming met in 2012, got married in 2013, and divorced in 2017. When the two divorced, He Ziming released another recording. It was he who called He Jie to see the child, but He Jie was very irritable.

He Jie not only refused his visit, He Jie also yelled at him for being irresponsible, not caring for the children, not qualified to see the children, etc. Let him talk less nonsense and sign the divorce quickly. After this recording was released, female fans felt that He Jie was driven crazy by He Ziming.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admitted that he remarried happily, suspected of being an ex-wife, and the truth of the divorce between the two was exposed

And male netizens think He Jie is really terrible, who can stand such a hysterical and irritable woman? The divorce between the two is really ugly, and then it was suspected that He Jie was cheating or something, I don't know if it's true or not, maybe one party deliberately brought the rhythm! Does a woman who has two children in three years have time to cheat?

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admitted that he remarried happily, suspected of being an ex-wife, and the truth of the divorce between the two was exposed

Some netizens feel that He Ziming's face has changed and looks softer, indicating that he is indeed happy now. Some people say that He Jie's problem is bigger, and her hearty personality is suitable for being friends, so just be a partner.

However, the editor feels that He Jie is still a responsible mother, which He Ziming also admits. So after all, they are not suitable! The current He Jie and her current husband Diao Lei raise four children.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming admitted that he remarried happily, suspected of being an ex-wife, and the truth of the divorce between the two was exposed

Diao Lei is also divorced with a child. After marrying He Jie, she gave birth to another child, so there are four children in total. Now He Jie is popular again, after all, the strength is there. It will be good for He Jie to be a vocal teacher in the future, I hope she will be happier and happier!


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