
Is it wrong for the nurse to say that the delivery man is the "bottom of society"?


Doctors, you must have all swiped that post, the nurse sister said that the takeaway brother is the one at the "bottom of society". As soon as this remark came out, it directly detonated the Internet, and the comment area fell into a sea of fire. Xiaobian doesn't stand on the moral high ground today, so I chatter with all the doctors and irons: Is this idea of the nurse really wrong?

From the doctor's point of view, can the "bias" of nurses be understood?

Is it wrong for the nurse to say that the delivery man is the "bottom of society"?

First of all, I have to admit that the profession of a doctor has always been popular, especially a highly skilled surgeon, who is simply a life-saving Hua Tuo-like character, the kind with his own halo. Just imagine, the patient's life is hanging by a thread on the operating table, all relying on your superb medical skills to bring the dead back to life, this status sounds high, right?

As for nurses, many times they may be a supporting role in the eyes of others. The daily tasks are infusions, medicines, cleaning, etc., and the work is trivial, as if there is a lack of "technical content". In the long run, it is inevitable that you will feel a little emotional, and even feel that your job is inferior to that of a doctor.

But, nurses, are you really inferior?

Is it wrong for the nurse to say that the delivery man is the "bottom of society"?

The doctor treats the patient, and the nurse takes care of the patient, these two are golden partners, and both are indispensable. Without the careful care of the nurses, can the patient recover well after surgery? Without close monitoring by nurses, can the deterioration of the patient's condition be detected in time? To put it bluntly, the medical system is like a precision instrument, and you nurses are indispensable screws, and when they are screwed in place, the whole machine can run smoothly.

From another point of view, the profession of a nurse is also "super cool"! Don't look at the work of a nurse as simple and repetitive, it's not so easy to get started. Faced with all kinds of patients every day, all kinds of emergencies emerge one after another, you must not only have solid professional knowledge, but also have to be caring, patient, careful, but also able to calm the patient's emotions and deal with all kinds of strange situations. This comprehensive quality requirement is not lower than that of doctors!

Is it wrong for the nurse to say that the delivery man is the "bottom of society"?

Besides, the threshold for nurses is not low, and they must go through systematic training before they can take up their posts. Why do you eat according to your own ability, and why should you belittle yourself and belittle other work?

Doctors and patients are equal, and doctors and nurses should respect each other

Only when medical staff work together in harmony can they truly provide quality medical care to patients. Doctors should understand the hard work of nurses and respect their efforts; Nurses also need to adjust their mindset to recognize the value of their work and maintain a basic respect for other professions.

Is it wrong for the nurse to say that the delivery man is the "bottom of society"?

Those nurses who look down on the takeaway brother, the editor advises you, why bother? People get up early and are greedy for darkness, and come and go in the wind and rain, isn't it also to support their families? They are all hard workers, why do they look down on others?

The remarks of the nurse that the delivery workers are "the bottom of society" are obviously untenable. Every profession has value and deserves respect. What medical staff need to do is to do their job well and provide first-class medical services to patients, rather than engaging in some "professional contempt chain". Only by putting aside prejudice and working together can we truly create a medical environment that benefits both doctors, nurses and patients!

Is it wrong for the nurse to say that the delivery man is the "bottom of society"?

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