
Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

author:Han Ximu

Zhang Zhijie, a member of the Chinese men's badminton team, passed away, he was participating in a match in Indonesia, for some reason, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed, and his whole body trembled. At that time, a doctor came forward to check the situation and did not take first aid measures, after which Zhang Zhijie was sent to the hospital for rescue, but unfortunately, after many efforts, he still did not get back.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

The cause of Zhang Zhijie's death was exposed

On June 30, according to a document issued by the Indonesian Badminton Association, China's 17-year-old national badminton player Zhang Zhijie died at 23:20 on June 30 in an accident.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

That night, in the Asian Badminton Championships, Zhang Zhijie participated in the match between China and Japan, and when the score reached 11:11 in the first game, the Japanese player was ready to serve, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed, he crawled on the ground and his hands and feet continued to twitch.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

The organizers of the event immediately sent a doctor to check on Zhang Zhijie and give Zhang Zhijie a simple first aid.

The three doctors also took some measures, found that the situation was not right, and called the event organizers to rush to the hospital for rescue.

After that, the local ambulance sent Zhang Zhijie to the hospital for rescue, but sadly, he was still not rescued and left this world forever.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

According to the report of the event organizers, the cause of Zhang Zhijie's death was cardiac arrest, but the cause was not explained.

The tournament organisers are in controversy

When Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and convulsed, netizens found that the coach did not go up to help, but stood anxiously outside the field and watched the scene in front of him.

Some netizens posted that this is because there are rules in the game, and under normal circumstances, if the player has some unexpected situations, the coach cannot enter the field.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

What netizens even questioned was that after the referee of the organizer, Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, the coach wanted to enter the field to see Zhang Zhijie's situation. But was stopped by the referee, and in order to abide by the rules, the coach had to watch the doctor give Zhang Zhijie a simple treatment.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

A few minutes later, Zhang Zhijie was taken to the hospital, and he may have missed the best time to be rescued, but in the end he was not saved.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

My sister spoke out to reveal the secret

Zhang Zhijie's sister posted that Zhang Zhijie is a very sensible child, and he bought a gift for his family when he got the prize money in the first competition this year.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

Yesterday was Zhang Zhijie's sister's birthday, he was in the game at the time, and he was going to send blessings to his sister after the end. When this competition is over, Zhang Zhijie still wants to go home for a few days, because he is also homesick after playing outside for a long time.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

My sister also questioned the organizers of the event, the medical team was not timely in rescue, and the medical conditions were poor.

After Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, he was still conscious and raised his head. However, the medical team of the event was slow to respond and unprofessional, and it took half a day to come.

My sister questioned the local medical conditions, and the coach told her that she needed to be transferred to a hospital.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

At present, Zhang Zhijie's family has rushed to Indonesia to deal with Zhang Zhijie's funeral, and for the family, this news is really unacceptable.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

Zhang Zhijie's personal experience

Born in 2007 in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, Zhang Zhijie has been playing badminton since kindergarten and is very fond of the sport, and he is also very talented.

The family saw that Zhang Zhijie liked to play badminton so much, so they supported him to play. Unexpectedly, when he was in the third grade of primary school, Zhang Zhijie was selected by the Zhejiang Provincial Team because of his outstanding ability, and began to focus on training, and then achieved good results.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

In 2023, Zhang Zhijie will enter the youth team of the national badminton team, and before that, he has won many championships, and the future is promising.

This time, Zhang Zhijie went to Indonesia to participate in the Asian Badminton Championships, but in the face of Japanese players who were not as strong as him, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

Among the many badminton players, Zhang Zhijie may not be very famous, but he has improved rapidly, and at only 17 years old this year, he has already achieved good results.

Zhang Zhijie is also a key talent cultivated by the national badminton youth team, and may enter the Chinese badminton team in the future and become a well-deserved master.

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

Conclusion: Zhang Zhijie's sudden departure, this news is indeed sad, and the reason why everyone is sad is that he is only 17 years old this year, and he is still very young. If the local medical conditions are better, or the doctor moves faster, he is more professional. Maybe Zhang Zhijie still has hope of surviving, what do you think?

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie died in Indonesia, and the cause of death was exposed when he fell to the ground and had convulsions, and his sister spoke out to reveal more secrets

I hope Zhang Zhijie will go all the way and rest in peace!

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