
Q: Wan Qian is so beautiful, why is her husband still cheating? After reading the answers of netizens, I emo!

author:Diligent salted fish
Q: Wan Qian is so beautiful, why is her husband still cheating? After reading the answers of netizens, I emo!

Recently, a well-known paparazzi issued a video saying that Wan Qian's husband had a mysterious woman at the hotel at the hotel, and she was suspected of cheating in marriage

Q: Wan Qian is so beautiful, why is her husband still cheating? After reading the answers of netizens, I emo!

As soon as the news came out, it instantly detonated the Internet and stunned a group of melon-eating netizens

Q: Wan Qian is so beautiful, why is her husband still cheating? After reading the answers of netizens, I emo!

After the shock, everyone asked Wan Qian's husband three soul questions

"Why?" "Why?" "How dare he?"

It's no wonder everyone is so excited, just because the object of derailment is actually Wan Qian

Who is Wan Qian?

She is famous for her "Himequan Beet"

This sister is a top goddess who makes countless female stars in domestic entertainment tremble with just one picture

Q: Wan Qian is so beautiful, why is her husband still cheating? After reading the answers of netizens, I emo!

is also the only female star in internal entertainment who can be considered by netizens to be able to "suppress" the fairy sister Liu Yifei in terms of appearance and temperament

Q: Wan Qian is so beautiful, why is her husband still cheating? After reading the answers of netizens, I emo!

Judging from the photos and videos released by the paparazzi, the "three" is far less than 1/10,000 in terms of temperament and appearance

Wan Qian is so beautiful, why is her husband still cheating?

yes, why?

With questions, I rummaged through the comment section

And then...... Only...... Emo too!

"The cheating men and wives around me are very beautiful"

This is really unbelievable, so what exactly do men want to find someone who is uglier than their wife?

Q: Wan Qian is so beautiful, why is her husband still cheating? After reading the answers of netizens, I emo!

"Yang Mi, Tong Liya, Zhang Yuqi, Zhao Liying"

It turns out that there are still so many female celebrities' husbands cheating? I only knew that Yang Mi's divorce was because of the glow-in-the-dark script

Q: Wan Qian is so beautiful, why is her husband still cheating? After reading the answers of netizens, I emo!

Could it be that a woman's face is no longer beautiful and a reason for a man to cheat?

Q: Wan Qian is so beautiful, why is her husband still cheating? After reading the answers of netizens, I emo!

"No matter how good-looking a woman is, she will get tired of looking at it" This netizen's answer made my heart tighten

Q: Wan Qian is so beautiful, why is her husband still cheating? After reading the answers of netizens, I emo!

"The woman is always filming, and the two have been separated for too long"

I can't fault this reason, but it's really uncomfortable after reading it

Q: Wan Qian is so beautiful, why is her husband still cheating? After reading the answers of netizens, I emo!

Originally, it was just to eat melons, but now it's a real Emo

Even such a beautiful female star will be "cheated", what do we, ordinary people with "mediocre appearance", do to maintain a good marriage?

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