
90% of the jobs in society can be won only by first Chinese, so what is the point of studying in college?

author:Those things

In today's society, you may think that most jobs require a junior high school diploma to be competent. But in fact, there is still value and necessity in going to university. Let me solve this mystery and see what the hell is going on.

90% of the jobs in society can be won only by first Chinese, so what is the point of studying in college?

1. The actual needs of the job

Most jobs really don't require a lot of knowledge. For example, it is enough to use some basic computer office software and know some operating skills. But if you want to enter some large companies, they are picky, and it is difficult for students who have graduated from junior high school to enter. They are more inclined to recruit people with a bit of a college diploma, feeling that these people are more "educated" and have more potential.

2. Other roles of university education

90% of the jobs in society can be won only by first Chinese, so what is the point of studying in college?

College isn't just about instilling some practical skills in you, though. It also trains you to think critically, develop innovation, and even leadership skills. This is not something that can be easily done in junior high school. Therefore, what the university gives you is not only knowledge, but also a kind of ability improvement and all-round development.

3. Challenges and dilemmas

Of course, there are some challenges to going to university. First of all, there is the financial pressure, the tuition fee is expensive, which is a large expense for the average family. And, after so many years of reading, it is up to you to stand out in the competitive job market. Sometimes, having a college diploma becomes a burden rather than a job that can be done with a junior high school diploma.

90% of the jobs in society can be won only by first Chinese, so what is the point of studying in college?

4. Personal Choice and Social Contribution

However, this society also needs people who want to further their education. They may not be able to find high-paying jobs right away, but they have the potential to be the leaders and innovators of the future. Therefore, by choosing to pursue a higher education, you are also contributing to the future development of society.

90% of the jobs in society can be won only by first Chinese, so what is the point of studying in college?

5. Conclusion

To sum up, whether to go to university or not is really not a simple question. It's not just about meeting the demands of your current job, it's about planning for your future and the progress of society. Of course, everyone's situation is different, and the choice will also be different from person to person. As long as you know where your goals are, no matter what you choose, it's the right one.

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