
Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!

author:CiCi sees the world
Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!

Text| CiCi sees the world

Edit | CiCi sees the world

It is said that the highest standard of hospitality is a family banquet, mainly because of the willingness to invite guests to the home, and the host spends a lot of energy to prepare meals, which fully reflects the sincerity of the host!

If you are not a close relative or a special guest, you generally choose to eat in a restaurant outside, and rarely choose to eat at home!

Not to mention the guests, even many people usually don't like to cook, but choose to order takeout!

Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!

I remember reading a joke that parents born in the eighties and nineties, when their children are older, may say to their children in a heartache, look at you, you take this test, is it worthy of me trying my best to order you takeout every day?

I saw a family banquet shared by a netizen! I invited customers to my home to show my sincerity, but because I really didn't have good cooking skills, I chose to order takeout! Look at this sumptuous table, the host still spent a lot of thought, the meat and vegetables are reasonable, and there are hard dishes! I don't know if the guests are satisfied after they come?

Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!
Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!

After reading the comment area, I think that the family banquet is the highest standard of hospitality to many friends! They think that if it is an ordinary guest who does not solve it in the hotel, if it is an important guest, it is better to cook it by themselves!

Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!

Of course, those who can say such things must be a cook! Look at this friend, not only can he burn, but the presentation is also so beautiful, at first glance, he is a person who loves life!

Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!

The reason why family banquets are so precious is that it is too convenient to go out to eat now, and it is not only not much cheaper to burn yourself, but it also takes a lot of effort! Abandon the simple and convenient, and choose to spend a lot of time to invite guests to the home, full of sincerity!

Look at the table below, I'm going to die of sorrow just looking at it! From thinking of the recipe to buying all the raw materials, going home to wash and chop vegetables, and spending a few hours to burn them, everyone will clean up after eating, and one person will take all the time in the day!

Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!

Therefore, more people in the comment area choose to entertain guests in the hotel! Or choose to eat at home, but either order takeout or have the restaurant deliver food to your door!

I'm the same, when I have to eat at home, I prepare a simple dish, and the big dish is hard and the dish is delivered directly to the restaurant!

Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!
Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!

Some netizens suggested that if you want to be more formal, you can order takeout, but choose to pour it on your own plate! I think young people generally don't accept this suggestion, and there is an extra process of washing dishes on the plate, and more things are better than less things, so why bother yourself if you have convenience?

Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!

There are also some friends who usually love to cook and are willing to entertain guests at home, but they can't stand who prepares a family banquet too toss-up! After a few years of work, I can't bear it anymore and want to strike!

Our family is the same, everyone used to visit the third grandfather's house every year before the Spring Festival! First, to show respect for the third grandfather of the core of the family, and secondly, the whole family gathers together! Every time I go, my nephews and grandchildren can't sit down at several tables, and my daughters-in-law and nieces are responsible for cooking.

Finally, it was agreed that every year on the second and third days of the new year, grandpa will set up a few tables in the hotel, and everyone will gather on this day!

Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!
Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!
Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!

The older generation likes to cook at home to entertain guests, firstly, they may have retired and have time, and secondly, they have been cooking well for a lifetime! Now young people are accustomed to eating outside, there are all kinds of styles and flavors of restaurants outside, and they don't know how to burn, if you really want to invite friends to come to the house, just order outside, and prepare some cold dishes and fruits, how convenient!

Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!

Not to mention young people, I think many of my peers don't know how to cook! I eat breakfast outside, eat takeout at noon, and go back at night to eat a lot at my in-laws' house! Anyway, there are few of my colleagues who can cook, and occasionally they cook at their own home on weekends, so they will fry a green vegetable, a seafood that can be easily handled, and then buy a cooked food in the vegetable market to solve the problem, as for the big dishes that can entertain guests, there are really few who can burn!

Is the highest level of hospitality a family dinner? Young man: Who's still eating at home? It's also a takeout order at home!

Although everyone also knows that the most sincere hospitality is to eat at home, but there is really no cooking skills! Of course, it's best to choose to eat out, but it's really not okay, like this netizen, it's not impossible to go to great lengths to order a table of takeout!

Dear friends, do you like to eat out or cook at home? Do you think it's appropriate to order takeout to entertain guests? If it were you, would you do it?

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