
Criticism, how to face the new mode of literary experience and dissemination


In the era of readers' differentiation and diverse needs, and the new mode of literary experience and dissemination has entered, it is more necessary to have insightful opinions, clear judgments, distinctive personalities, and appealing reviews. Critic Zhang Li's new work "Voices and Monologues: The Literary Atlas of the Post-70s Generation" completes the aesthetic interpretation of the works of "post-70s" writers with clear professional analysis and warm heartfelt interpretation; The writer's new book, "Silent Details", provides readers with a personalized and intimate guide to explore the text of classic novels. Their "commentary" is not entangled in theory, but uses professional analysis and distinctive personality to stimulate the audience's interest in reading and go deep into the world of literature.

Criticism, how to face the new mode of literary experience and dissemination

"Only literature can consistently and clearly record our quest for excellence." Critic Zhang Li said that she liked this sentence of writer John Cheever, "This sentence is suitable for me as the author and the 'post-70s' writers as the object of study, and each article in this book is a record of the literary life of our generation, including our desire to break free from the 'mud', and also our efforts to rise up to the literary starry sky." I deliberately used it as the epigraph of the book. Her book "Voices and Monologues: The Literary Atlas of the Post-70s Generation" has been published by Huacheng Publishing House.

This monograph is Zhang Li's depiction of the literary spirit of the "post-70s" generation of writers, and contains her understanding of the literary world, literary aesthetics and literary pursuits of the generation of writers. Zhang Li has carried out an overall grasp and nuanced textual analysis of the creations of 24 "post-70s" writers of her time, such as Xu Zechen, Qiao Ye, Zhang Chu, Lu Min, Wei Wei, and Ge Liang. The book is divided into three parts: the upper part, the middle part and the second part, which includes the literary reviews of the "post-70s" writers written by the author over the years, including the analysis of the relationship between their writing and contemporary literature, and is a relatively comprehensive "portrait" of the "post-70s" writers and their works.

Get rid of the theoretical entanglement and resonate with the reader

How to get rid of the theoretical involution of high-headed sermons and communicate with readers about the reading experience? Unfold literary criticism that is professional, accurate, emotional, and charismatic? Zhang Li said, "It is necessary to maintain the vitality of the language of literary criticism and not be bound by a certain discourse system; Maintain independent aesthetic judgment and don't be coerced by circle tastes. I'm happy to resonate with the average reader. ”

Virginia Woolf titled her collection of literary criticism The Common Reader, and in the preface she quoted Dr. Johnson to make it clear: "I am glad to resonate with the common reader, for after all those refined subtlety, pedantic dogmas, the honor of all poets is ultimately determined by the common sense of the reader, who is not corrupted by literary prejudice." ”

Zhang Li told reporters that when she read Dr. Johnson's understanding of ordinary readers, she was hit by the name "reader who has not been corrupted by literary prejudice", which had a great impact on her literary criticism, and she hoped to enter the contemporary literary scene in her own way and meet those new writers and new works. In her own computer, she has set up many folders named after the "post-70s" writers, and gradually formed their original literary chronology through the tracking records of several years. This is an unforgettable, curiosity-inspired process of reading and research, and it has also become the origin of the writing of this work, and Zhang Li has completed the literary record of the "post-70s" writers over time, which has become an important material for this work.

After many years of literary criticism and teaching, she has constantly formed her own style of criticism and shaped those writers in her own aesthetic way: "I want to find the latent and budding artistic qualities in their works and interpret them; I want to give each new writer the first and most appropriate understanding and orientation as timely as possible; I want to understand them with the attitude of growing up with writers. I am well aware that my criticism comes from the perspective of my contemporaries and belongs to the criticism of my contemporaries. ”

After reading "Northern Kite", "Compassion", "Cocoon" and "Pull-up", Zhang Li found that in our time, some "post-70s" writers are bravely escaping the familiar smell of writing and the circle of writing. In a room that could affect each other, they tried to open the windows. Ge Liang's "Northern Kite" writes about the bones and dignity, Lu Nei's "Compassion" understands compassion and love, Zhang Yueran's "Cocoon" asks about sin and evil, and Huang Jingtao's "Pull-ups" recognizes the universe and the soul...... She also analyzes the unique luster of the language of the novels of these writers: "The conciseness and profundity of the novels of the road; the complexity and poetry of Zhang Yueran's novels; the banter and humor of Huang Jingtao's novels; The elegance of Ge Liang's novels, written with a light pen, and affectionate, are unforgettable. With the help of characterful, charismatic language, these novelists bring to life the lives of unknown people living in faraway lands. These works have become new landmarks in the field of contemporary novels. ”

After a long period of literary observation and reading of the "post-70s" writers, Zhang Li carried out a detailed study of the individual writers, and carefully completed "Reconstructing the Imagination of "People and the City"-Xu Zechen's Theory", "The Integrity of Talents with Inner Life-Zhang Chu's Theory", "The "Unruly" Narrator-Lu Min's Theory", "Fascinated by Everyday Voices-Ge Liang's Theory", "With Infinite Distance, Countless People-Li Xiuwen's Theory", etc., and at the same time expounded the overall creative tendency of the "post-70s" writers. Their depiction of the beauty of life and its shine shows their love of everyday narratives and how different they are from neorealist writing. In terms of revisiting the beauty of life and the beauty of human nature, the "post-70s" writers have made their contributions to contemporary literature. Each review in this book is a record of the literary life of the "post-70s" generation, a record of the mutual attention of the same generation, and a timely encouragement of the same generation.

Zhang Li's literary criticism has professional depth, distinctive personality and affinity, and writer Su Tong is particularly appreciative of this, "Her comments have sincere compassion for the subjects she writes about, and her words are heartwarming, warm, and infectious." "In the new media era, dynamic literary criticism is not stuck within the walls of "academicism", but has the ability to communicate with a wider audience.

Criticism, how to face the new mode of literary experience and dissemination

A detective who explores key details in a novel

The writer's new work "Silent Details" was recently published by Shanghai Literature and Art Publishing House, providing an intimate guide for readers who are enthusiastic about creation, she is like a detective who explores the key details between the lines of the novel, and sensitively discovers the silent confession of the "expression" of the details.

Silent Details consists of three chapters, each of which analyzes an influential contemporary Chinese novel, while reading foreign literature, film and television works on the same theme, and unraveling the mystery of fiction writing. The first chapter is interpreted: Bi Feiyu's "Tsing Yi" and Jelinek's "The Piano Teacher", the second chapter is interpreted: Su Tong's "The Yellow Sparrow", McEwan's "Atonement" and the movie "The Hunt", and the third chapter is interpreted: Ah Lai's "The Dust Settles", Faulkner's "The Noise and the Tumult" and the movie "Forrest Gump". The walking prose shuttles back and forth in a variety of art forms, allowing readers to gain an understanding of the analogy. Her analysis does not have esoteric and difficult literary theoretical jargon, but goes into the text of the novel, discusses the details of the novel with the reader, and develops the ability of text analysis and the skills of novel writing.

Walking said that when she reads novels, she will do cross-out reading, just like a detective, constantly comparing the changes, and she will also do subtractive reading, to think about how if there is no certain detail, how it will affect the novel, and whether this detail can be deleted. "Why is the novel 'small' and the details 'fine'?" From the perspective of walking, literature makes people feel more deeply and delicately about many details in life, details in life or certain moments.

"The extent to which we observe life as it is varies greatly. A long-term seafaring sailor will see the direction of undercurrents, undercurrents, he will let the ship dodge, and if he is not good at reading the details of the sea, he will only see the direction of the waves above. Critic Huang Dehai said that his sensitivity to detail was formed through intensive reading. We need to read with people who can discern the details, and in the process of learning and communicating, the details of the novel gradually emerge, and the meaning of the novel is better captured. "Silent Details" can help readers develop a sensitivity to the details of the novel through careful reading.

After the writer Bi Feiyu finished reading "Silent Details", he found that he paid attention to the internal process of the novel by paying attention to the details of the novel. He believes that her idea is the idea of "writing", and her aesthetic interest is also the aesthetic interest of traveling. He recommends the book to young people who love to write, "This book comes from the "Law Nature Reading" of a walking person, and it opens up the world of the teacher's novel, or maybe it is your novel world. ”

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