
The 48-year-old famous law professor of Wuhan University died, the photos of the 50-year-old professor's wife were leaked, and the students disclosed their secrets

author:Senior science popularizer


"Too many people have left too early lately......"

Suddenly hearing this sentence, people feel a little deep feeling, it should be that there have been too many events in the world this year, and many elites in the industry have died young and young, and it is inevitable that some people will feel that life is really fragile and impermanent.

Therefore, there has been a dumbfounded thing in China recently, that is, a professor from the Law School of Wuhan University - Zhang Wanhong suddenly died of illness.

It wasn't until a student exposed an incident that it suddenly became enlightened, which turned out to be a warm and somewhat heartfelt thing.

The 48-year-old famous law professor of Wuhan University died, the photos of the 50-year-old professor's wife were leaked, and the students disclosed their secrets

About Zhang Wanhong.

Zhang Wanhong, born in 1969 in Sheqi County, Nanyang, Henan Province, has been fond of reading since he was a child, and he likes to study all kinds of ideas.

So even when he was an elementary school student, he could make people feel different like adults, and he didn't feel that his age should be fun at all, but he liked to sit there and think about things.

Through this constant thinking, he quickly found the direction of his life, and immediately became a role model for the whole class at that time, so that some students who thought that as long as they could mix also felt recognized, not the kind of arrogant and domineering identification, but the kind that exuded admiration.

At a young age, you can figure out the right and wrong, such a young man is what he should do at this age!

The 48-year-old famous law professor of Wuhan University died, the photos of the 50-year-old professor's wife were leaked, and the students disclosed their secrets

So don't look at him since he was a child, he was able to talk to adults about ideological issues, but he is also like many children.

It's that particularly naughty little naughty, when they are together, don't look at the little naughty like him in this team, but as long as there is classmate Zhang, no matter what problems are encountered, as long as there are problems of right and wrong, then they will definitely be able to solve them.

Because Zhang Wanhong, a little role model, will stand up at a special time to "educate" the little naughty and join the non-non-non, the little naughty people can only be obedient, because in his eyes, it seems that the little naughty people understand what he means, and he is very loving, which also reassures everyone a lot.

The 48-year-old famous law professor of Wuhan University died, the photos of the 50-year-old professor's wife were leaked, and the students disclosed their secrets

Later, he was admitted to the well-known Tsinghua University in China, presumably his test score must be very good, not afraid of strictness, he would rather consider all the minor problems, and he is also very prominent in important places.

This is also the character of Zhang, we must let everyone see that they can always be independent, so that their academic ability is not questioned, this kind of self-demanding and high-standard and even a bit of temper character.

And with the efforts of many parties, he not only became a famous scholar at that time during his college years, but also successfully announced to everyone that he was the champion of the law school, which particularly aroused people's pursuit and amazement.

Of course, these glories from childhood to adulthood also allowed him to embark on the "fast lane" of his career later, in 2007, because Zhang Wanhong's own conditions were also the most optimistic about the country, so he was transferred to Beijing.

The 48-year-old famous law professor of Wuhan University died, the photos of the 50-year-old professor's wife were leaked, and the students disclosed their secrets

And in order to support him to better engage in some research work, the country also gave him the opportunity to study abroad, which was too good for Zhang Wanhong, so he decided to study abroad.

During his four years of further study abroad, he not only gained better theoretical knowledge in the academic field, but also gradually gained his own in-depth research and understanding in the field of human rights research under such fruitful results.

After returning to China after completing his studies, he became famous and gradually became a respected academic master, Zhang Wanhong was also favored by Wuhan University because of his profound research results, so he became a professor at Wuhan University Law School.

In addition to his daily academic research and lectures, he also serves as the director of the Institute of Human Rights and the chief expert of the International Institute of Legal Studies, which shows the depth and importance of his academic research.

The professor's mood is "exhausted"

I have to say that being able to achieve such an important position in the field of his academic research is inseparable from his own efforts and the importance of the country.

It had been 10 years before he left, Wuhan University, where he first taught.

In the past ten years, Zhang Wanhong has not only brought all his classmates to pursue knowledge together, but also found almost all the courses they have taken online, and answered questions and solved problems on the Internet, which made more people call him "the way of professor".

It is also because of his helpfulness that his classmates are very grateful to him.

Zhang Wanhong also left his figure on the road of continuous walking, although the work is busy and there is no nanny, but he also maintains interaction with the students at all times, and his student Zhang Nan has also become his good friend, and also serves as a supervisor of his sunny attitude for the disabled.

Zhang Wanhong once proposed to choose a staff member who could only be a disabled person in the selection of applicants for the Institute of Disabled Persons, and people thought he was joking, and he also inserted a pleasant little thing to come in, but then he took the admission letter and showed off to his classmates.

The 48-year-old famous law professor of Wuhan University died, the photos of the 50-year-old professor's wife were leaked, and the students disclosed their secrets

In fact, Zhang Wanhong's request for this kind of staff was mainly because he had participated in a training course for the improvement of the ability of cadres of the Disabled Persons' Federation, and this trip was also to cooperate with an activity of the Institute for the Disabled.

He was plain, unrecognizable in the crowd, and even in a wheelchair, he was considered a disabled person at the Institute for the Disabled.

On the bus, an aunt was particularly enthusiastic to greet Zhang Wanhong to go up and sit, and Zhang Wanhong was also very sad about this matter.

The 48-year-old famous law professor of Wuhan University died, the photos of the 50-year-old professor's wife were leaked, and the students disclosed their secrets

But fortunately, in the later time, he also joked with everyone, and when he heard everyone teasing him, he also asked him if he was not so confident, and he really became a disabled person, and finally he squinted his eyes slyly and said: "It's not necessarily whether I'm disabled or not~"

Everyone thought that this teacher was really good at tai chi, and Zhang Nan even joked: "You are not disabled, you are a congenital psychological defect!"

Zhang Wanhong didn't bother with him, so he grinned, he knew that he was still so faceless, so he might as well be a disabled person.

The love between husband and wife is long.

It is precisely because Zhang Wanhong often argues with students that suddenly at an academic conference, Zhang Nan and Zhang suddenly took pictures together.

Although Zhang Nan is a student of Zhang Wanhong, his attainments in academic research are much higher than those of Zhang Wanhong, and more than two years of study have made Zhang Nan a little young girl, so she has always been called a "beautiful scholar" by students.

Zhang Nan and Zhang Wanhong also entered the classroom one after the other, no one recognized them as the relationship between teachers and students, only knew that Zhang was rumored to be very good-looking, but Zhang Wanhong, as a mature and famous professor, was also a very scheming person, and when people were not paying attention, he stood with Xueba's sister and took pictures, and then began to sing this photo everywhere.

And Zhang Nan's handsome boyfriend was also shocked when he heard the rumor of the student union, so he relied on his own studies to enter the academic world, and secretly got this photo while people were not paying attention, and then began to spread it everywhere.

When this photo spread, Zhang Wanhong was embarrassed and angry, so he gave full play to his popularity, took the appreciation of the whole class for him, and the experience of arguing with him, and began to provoke everyone to trouble Zhang Nan, so the power of the rampaging comic suddenly gushed out.

Zhang Nan and every classmate in the class, even if they encounter any obvious advantages, they can always be surprisingly confused at critical moments, which also makes Zhang Nan's name as the protagonist more and more widespread, and in the academic circle, the relationship between Zhang Wanhong and Zhang Nan also has a name, called "similar and similar".

This inexplicably lively and cordial relationship makes everyone's impression of Zhang Wanhong much better.

In addition, Zhang Wanhong also has a common identity, that is, a husband, and his wife Zhao Shukun is also a professor at Southwest University of Political Science and Law, but both of them are very low-key.

The 48-year-old famous law professor of Wuhan University died, the photos of the 50-year-old professor's wife were leaked, and the students disclosed their secrets

So at the beginning, everyone didn't know that Zhang Wanhong was still a professor, and Zhang Wanhong also appeared at a meeting, and many people knew that he was also a professor.

In the academic field later, the husband and wife often attend various conferences and seminars together, so whether it is in academic research or marriage, the tacit understanding and happiness of the couple are so natural.


I don't know when the professors began to "show off their wealth", no matter who is powerful in the marriage, whose husband and wife are how harmonious, when everyone begins to pay more attention to these, there will inevitably be some "unpopular" professors embarrassed.

This is also Zhang Wanhong's dedicated research in the field of human rights, and the work and results released by his human rights research institute not only have important domestic influence, but also have the potential for international experts to believe that this is worthy of further in-depth study.

The 48-year-old famous law professor of Wuhan University died, the photos of the 50-year-old professor's wife were leaked, and the students disclosed their secrets

His solid research work and responsible academic attitude have undoubtedly won him the respect of everyone for his achievements in this field, and will always be celebrated.

The 48-year-old famous law professor of Wuhan University died, the photos of the 50-year-old professor's wife were leaked, and the students disclosed their secrets

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