
Israel launched an attack on Lebanon, earning a formal exchange of fire

author:Senior science popularizer


"We will launch an offensive against Lebanon, deploying a large number of ground troops."

Israel suddenly announced the opening of fire on Allah in Lebanon, and several Allah fire attacks have caused heavy damage to Israel's military system, and Israel has made certain military deployments in order to quickly use military means to counterattack.

But the exchange of fire between Israel and Allah has also made the conflict between Lebanon and Pakistan more and more intense, and Saudi Arabia has suddenly announced that it will stop aid with Lebanon and characterize Lebanon as a proxy of Iran.

At this time, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia provided assistance to Hamas, and Israel deployed military force in the face of the threat of Allah on the one hand, and on the other hand, it had to deal with Hamas's deployment, began to set up reconnaissance points and strictly guarded the route.

Will Israel's attack on Lebanon lead to a more serious situation?

This is a peace that must be maintained by the international community and by individual countries.

Israel came under six attacks.

Over southern Lebanon, Allah launched a pre-emptive electronic warfare operation after learning of Israel's plans for military deployment.

Early in the conflict, Allah announced a ban in the border town of Sahara, cutting off GPS signals in Israel's border areas and disrupting Israel's military deployment plans.

At the same time, Israel has also deployed a large amount of military equipment in the Golan Heights in preparation for ground warfare.

Allah has long been prepared for a long conflict, and if Israel attacks, Allah will not be outdone and will fight back to a certain extent.

Because in the history of previous conflicts and the accumulation of combat experience, Allah's analysis and study of Israel is obviously more thorough.

Although Israel has modern and advanced weapons and equipment, Allah, as an old resistance organization, has already accumulated a lot of combat experience and actual combat experience, so Allah's combat capability is also very worthy of Israel's attention.

Allah's analytical and judgmental capabilities go far beyond that, and Allah has lived up to expectations this time, when the large forces of the Israeli army are preparing to enter the territory controlled by Allah, it has carried out six rounds of fire attacks on Israeli military bases, and the Israeli side has also returned fire to Allah three rounds.

But Allah eventually gained the upper hand, and Israel was passive in almost every battle in this war, in which Allah also had a considerable impact on Israel.

In the past, Israel's plan did not include a prelude to Allah's use of electronic warfare, and in such a situation, Israel could only adjust its battle plan while exchanging fire with Allah, and the use of Allah's underground tunnel tactics caught Israel off guard.

In this situation where the fighting power of Israel and Allah is relatively balanced, Israel's counterattack has also been rapidly launched, and Allah has gradually formed a suppression.

Israel's agility and tactics have also been demonstrated in terms of mobility and convenience, and Hamas's underground tunnel operation seeks to maximize its advantages, hoping to disrupt its military plans against Allah's defenses, form lethality, and prepare for the deployment of its own combat forces.

Hamas's battle plan.

Gandhi once said: If violence is used to counter violence, the whole world will be blind.

Therefore, in an already eventful situation in which the conflict between Allah and Israel as the two main combat forces is intensifying, it is clear that Hamas's deployment will make the whole war more delicate and complicated.

Allah, as the ruler of southern Lebanon, is the old ministry of Hamas, and the two sides are not very different in terms of ideology and political attitudes.

But Allah's apparent opposition to Israel this time makes one wonder.

However, just as people were struggling with the question of how Allah and Hamas could get along, it became clearer in an instant.

Israel launched an attack on Lebanon, earning a formal exchange of fire

It turned out that the real intention of Allah in firing at Israel was to show its anti-Israeli posture and let the world know that the "sovereignty" of southern Lebanon is still controlled by Allah, even if the account has to be paid by Iranian masters.

In this way, Allah can continue to further expand its influence and thus maintain and expand its momentum of ownership.

Israel launched an attack on Lebanon, earning a formal exchange of fire

When Allah agreed to Hamas's request for assistance, Israel also received a Saudi response: everything is under Israel's orders, and Israel fully supports Israel in this attack on Allah.

As a result, Israel once again became a cash cow that turned the tide of the war, and was praised by Captain Jack, who even pleaded with him to go on another expedition.

However, Israel has not systematically studied the arrival of Hamas, and the Israeli side has pointed out that Hamas's combat strength is extremely limited, and it is strange that it can blow us up with explosives alone.

Hamas's strategy this time is also multi-pronged, allowing Israel to prepare one or two, and Hamas has also prepared a three-pronged battle plan this time.

When Israel's ground forces pass by, Hamas will surprise and attack from the tunnels, and once it breaks into the war drums of Israel's ground command system, it will also be able to cut off Israel's logistics supply system.

Israel launched an attack on Lebanon, earning a formal exchange of fire

Underground tunnel tactics.

Hamas's underground tunnel tactics can be said to be a less adopted combat method in the current war on terror, using underground tunnel tactics on the one hand to avoid enemy detection, and on the other hand, weapons and equipment can be concealed to form an ambush against the enemy within a certain period of time.

Hamas's underground tunnel operation can be said to be very clever, but the use of this method also highlights the increasing complexity of the combat capabilities of terrorist groups and the need for more attention from the international community.

On the one hand, Hamas's underground tunnel can protect the safety of fighters, and on the other hand, this tunnel can also protect the security of the combat personnel's communication system, hide combat equipment, and can communicate in the underground tunnel, building the tunnel into a special communication war room.

The fighters in the tunnels can also more easily set up bombs and other attack equipment inside the enemy, and once the enemy army enters, they can quickly plant them and ambush the enemy in this way.

Israel launched an attack on Lebanon, earning a formal exchange of fire

There are also equipment in the tunnels that can guide Allah planes to carry out air strikes against enemy forces once the enemy is detected.

Even tunnel combatants can ambush enemy troops in the tunnels, and they can kill the enemy troops the moment they enter the tunnels, which has an important impact on the outcome of the war.


Israel's military operation is aimed at areas controlled by Allah, but Israel's actions will inevitably come at a cost, fighting Allah on the one hand, and Hamas repression on the other.

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