
Thunder rolls! Over the weekend, these six companies collectively exploded again, and even Ping An Bank also received a warning letter!

author:Migrant workers at three o'clock in the morning
Thunder rolls! Over the weekend, these six companies collectively exploded again, and even Ping An Bank also received a warning letter!

Hey, this year's A-share market, it is regardless of the season, thunder, which is terrifying. You see, as soon as the annual report for the first half of the year came out, the thunder was one after another, which blew up the shareholders in a daze. It is said that "hope is planted in spring, and fruits are harvested in autumn", in our stock market, the seeds sown in spring, at the end of summer, I didn't see a few good harvests, but the minefield is getting wider and wider, people can't help but wonder, this next half a year, how can we do it?

Thunder rolls! Over the weekend, these six companies collectively exploded again, and even Ping An Bank also received a warning letter!

Take this weekend as an example, the thunder of the six companies exploded one after another, affecting millions of shareholders. Among them, even Ping An Bank, which has always been regarded as the "anchor of the sea", has also received a warning letter from the regulator because of a mistake in fund sales. Although this matter is small, but for bank stocks, it is a rare thing, Ping An Bank's "exception", next week's opening, I am afraid that many people have to hold their wallets tightly, wondering whether to avoid the limelight in advance.

Thunder rolls! Over the weekend, these six companies collectively exploded again, and even Ping An Bank also received a warning letter!

Let's talk about the trend of wealth, the star stocks of this gem, the performance has always been stable, even if the general environment is not good, people can make steady profits without losing money. Who would have thought that as soon as the announcement came, the stock price dived first, and it was synchronized with the "accident" of Dongcai, do you say it is a coincidence? The company also deliberately clarified that the stock price plunge has nothing to do with the regulatory letter, how credible do you think this explanation is?

Thunder rolls! Over the weekend, these six companies collectively exploded again, and even Ping An Bank also received a warning letter!

Tongfang, Ruyi, and Guosheng were also leaders in their respective fields, but as a result, either there was a problem with financial accounting, or the information disclosure was not in place, and they received warning letters one by one. There is also that ST Haiyue, who was suspected of illegal disclosure and was directly investigated, which is more panicked than the heat wave in Jinan in summer.

Thunder rolls! Over the weekend, these six companies collectively exploded again, and even Ping An Bank also received a warning letter!

I just want to ask, when is the thunder of this stock market a head? We ordinary people, it is not easy to speculate in stocks, and we have to practice the ability to "listen to thunder and distinguish positions", isn't it embarrassing?

No, the stock market over the weekend has given everyone another vivid risk education lesson. The six companies "exploded" in a puff of smoke, causing the stock market to boil, and the hearts of millions of shareholders followed. Ping An Bank, the "big brother" of the financial industry, received a yellow card warning from the regulator for fund sales violations. Although the thunder is not loud, but in the industry has caused a lot of shock, after all, bank stocks are stable, this thing comes out, next week open, Ping An stock price can be "safe", has become a big question mark in the hearts of many people.

Thunder rolls! Over the weekend, these six companies collectively exploded again, and even Ping An Bank also received a warning letter!

The trend of wealth was originally a clear stream in the GEM, and its performance rose steadily, which made people envious. But this time, as soon as the regulatory letter came, the stock price dived first, and the timing coincided with the wave of diving in Oriental Fortune, which made people have to think about it. The company's official hurriedly clarified that there was nothing to do with the two, and this operation made people sound both confused and helpless.

Tongfang Shares, Ruyi Group, Guosheng Technology, these companies, one after another, either had deviations in financial accounting, or information disclosure was not timely, and were "named" by the regulator one by one. And ST Haiyue was directly dragged to "drink tea" because of suspected information disclosure violations. This series of events made shareholders sigh that the water in the stock market is deep!

Thunder rolls! Over the weekend, these six companies collectively exploded again, and even Ping An Bank also received a warning letter!

In the stock market, there are many minefields, and if you are not careful, you may step on the mine. For ordinary investors, this is not only a contest of money, but also a big test of psychological quality. Some people smile bitterly and become "deminers" by speculating in stocks, and they are worried every day, for fear that if they are not careful, their savings for many years will be wasted. The stock market is like rivers and lakes, there are ups and downs and sunny days, the key lies in how we cultivate internal skills and improve our investment wisdom.

The stock market, which is both realistic and full of uncertainties, has taught us a lot. This series of "thunders" is both a lesson and a warning, reminding all parties in the market, whether it is enterprises or regulators, to adhere to the principles of integrity and transparency. As the ancients said: "Those who are honest are the knot of the world." "The cornerstone of the enterprise, in the final analysis, is integrity and standardization, only in this way, in order to gain a firm foothold in the turbulent market.

Thunder rolls! Over the weekend, these six companies collectively exploded again, and even Ping An Bank also received a warning letter!

For us investors, instead of thinking about how to avoid minefields all day long, it is better to calm down and learn how to sift out good companies with real money from thousands of information. The road to the stock market is a long practice, and the mentality must be stable, the vision must be accurate, and the patience can meet the gorgeous rainbow after the wind and rain. Remember, wisdom and experience are our most reliable compasses.

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