
On the twenty-fifth day of May, the old man pays attention to "5 wants and 5 don'ts", and receives the good luck of the family


The word "weekdays" sounds ordinary, but it contains the older generation's yearning for a better life. The twenty-fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar quietly arrives in our daily life, but it occupies a special place in the hearts of the elders. On this day, they have a unique exquisiteness, as if they want to condense the peace of the year in these 24 hours.

The wisdom of the older generation is always amazing. They give extraordinary meaning to ordinary days, and place deep blessings on simple deeds. "5 wants and 5 don'ts" sounds like a set of small guides to life, but in fact, it is the experience that the old people have accumulated for a lifetime.

On the twenty-fifth day of May, the old man pays attention to "5 wants and 5 don'ts", and receives the good luck of the family

"Heian Rice", the name makes people feel warm. It's not a delicacies of the mountains and the sea, but a family sitting around and savoring home-cooked meals. At this moment, all the troubles seem to be left behind, and only a full sense of happiness remains. The old people said that if the meal was well eaten, they would be safe and sound all year round. This reminds me of when I was a child, my grandmother always changed her tricks to make food on this day, and the scene of the whole family enjoying themselves is still unforgettable.

Tidying up the house, a seemingly ordinary housework, has a special meaning on the day of "weekdays". Sweeping the floor, wiping the table, and organizing things, every action seems to dispel bad luck and welcome good luck. Think about it, when we clean our homes, the feeling of being refreshed is not the yearning for a better life?

Worshipping gods and ancestors is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. On this special day, the old people pay special attention to it. Lighting incense, placing offerings, and praying sincerely are not only a memory of the ancestors, but also a hope for the future. This tradition allows us to stop and think about the meaning of life in our busy lives.

On the twenty-fifth day of May, the old man pays attention to "5 wants and 5 don'ts", and receives the good luck of the family

Wearing red and green, what an interesting exquisiteness! Red festive, green hope, wear these two colors on your body, as if you can cheer yourself up. I remember one year, my grandfather bought a red shirt and my grandmother wore a green silk scarf, and the two old people smiled like children, which made me deeply feel the joy brought by this tradition.

Doing good deeds and accumulating virtue is the most admired point of the elderly. They believe that good people are always rewarded with kindness. On this special day, doing more good deeds and helping those in need will not only benefit others, but also satisfy your own soul. This reminds me of my neighbor, Uncle Wang, who goes to the community to volunteer on this day every year, and he says it's his "weekday" habit.

Let's talk about the "5 don'ts". Don't quarrel, that's the most important thing. The old people believe that harmony can make money. Indeed, isn't a harmonious family our greatest asset? Don't break things, it's a treasure of peace. Don't go far away, it's a concern for your family. Don't scold, it's the pursuit of harmony. Don't do dangerous things, it's a respect for life.

These seemingly simple rules actually contain a profound philosophy of life. They remind us to cherish the present moment, to be kind to others, to be cautious, and to pursue harmony. In this fast-paced society, shouldn't we have more such "weekdays" to stop and think about the true meaning of life?

@阳光灿烂123: The wisdom of the elderly is really admirable, and there are deep truths behind these customs, which are worth learning from our young people.

Indeed it is. The wisdom of the elderly often comes from the accumulation and precipitation of life. These seemingly simple customs actually contain a rich philosophy of life. For example, "Ping An Rice" emphasizes family harmony, "tidying up the house" symbolizes clearing negativity and welcoming positive energy, and "doing good deeds and accumulating virtue" embodies the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. These customs are not just a formality, but also a kind of inheritance of life attitude. In today's fast-paced society, it is even more important for us to learn and pass on these wisdoms to make life more meaningful and worthwhile.

@小确幸666: I feel that these customs are a bit superstitious, but is it still necessary to do so in modern society?

This netizen raised a question that is worth thinking about. Indeed, from a scientific point of view, these customs may seem somewhat "superstitious". However, we cannot ignore the cultural values and emotional meanings behind these traditional practices. These customs embody the wisdom of life and the yearning for a better life of the older generation. Even in modern society, they still have a positive meaning: to strengthen family bonds, to pass on culture, to send good wishes, etc. We can understand and pass on these customs with a more open mind, take the best from them, remove the dross, and let tradition and modernity coexist in harmony.

@理性思考者: These customs are interesting, but I think the most important thing is to grasp the essence of the spirit, rather than sticking to the form.

I very much agree with this netizen's point of view. The core of a custom is indeed the spiritual substance behind it, not the superficial form. For example, the essence of "safe rice" is family reunion, "tidying up the house" reflects a positive attitude towards life, and "doing good deeds and accumulating virtue" emphasizes kindness and mutual assistance. We can interpret these traditions in a modern way: perhaps "Ping An Dinner" can be turned into a video dinner, "tidying up the house" can be extended to tidying up your digital life, and "Doing Good and Accumulating Virtue" can be achieved by participating in public welfare activities. It is important that we understand and pass on the values and philosophies behind these practices.

@文化传承者: I hope that more young people can understand and inherit these traditional cultures, so that they can be rejuvenated in the modern society.

This netizen's wish is very meaningful. The inheritance of traditional culture does require the participation and innovation of the younger generation. We can spread these practices in modern ways, such as creating fun short videos and designing interactive online events. At the same time, we can encourage young people to interpret these traditions in their own way and give them new meanings. For example, a "modern version of weekdays" can be organized to allow young people to express their pursuit of peace and harmony in their own way. In this way, we are not only able to pass on traditional culture, but also to give it a new lease of life in modern society.

@生活达人: These customs are actually a sense of ritual in life, which can make our lives more meaningful and regular.

This netizen pointed out another important meaning of the custom - the sense of ceremony. In modern society, our lives are getting faster and faster, and it's easy to lose sight of the details and meanings in life. And these customs can just add a sense of ritual to our lives, so that we can stop in the busyness and feel the beauty of life. For example, the special arrangement of "weekday" can make us re-examine our lifestyle and think about how to make our life more harmonious and satisfying. This sense of ritual can not only make our lives more regular, but also make us feel the meaning and value of life.

In these fast-changing times, traditional customs such as "weekdays" provide us with a rare opportunity to stop and think about the true meaning of life. It reminds us that life is not just about rushing around, but also about cherishing the time we spend with our families, maintaining a positive attitude, and striving to create a harmonious and beautiful living environment.

These seemingly simple customs actually contain profound wisdom of life. They teach us to cherish the people in front of us, to be kind to those around us, and to be cautious and grateful. In an age of material abundance but spiritual scarcity, such traditions are all the more precious.

On the twenty-fifth day of May, the old man pays attention to "5 wants and 5 don'ts", and receives the good luck of the family

However, we should also look at these traditions dialectically. We should not blindly follow them, but understand the spiritual essence of them and give them new meaning in combination with the characteristics of modern life. For example, the essence of "safe rice" is family reunion, so in today's busy work, can we have dinner with distant relatives through video chat?

At the same time, we also need to think about how we can truly achieve inner peace in these uncertain times. Perhaps, the answer lies in these ancient customs: live in harmony with your family, maintain a positive attitude, do more good deeds, and contribute to society.

Finally, let's hope that whether we follow these traditions or not, we will be able to find our own "day" in our lives—the days when we can feel peace and happiness. Let us work together to create a more harmonious and beautiful society, and make every day our "weekday".

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